Based on the TikTok Trend: We Listen and We Don’t Judge … Swimmer Edition!

Based on the TikTok Trend: We Listen and We Don’t Judge … Swimmer Edition!
What are some common swimmer habits that may or may not be slightly judge worthy? I am sure many of us have seen the recent TikTok trend called, “we listen, and we don’t judge.” This trend usually includes two or more people admitting things to each other one at a time. While one person is admitting their habits, the other person, or people, respectfully listen and provide no judgement or critical feedback. This trend encourages people to open up in a judge free environment. What might some swimmers have to say about this trend? Read on to see my spin on this trend.
Breathing into/off the turn during a breathing pattern
We all hate a 1-9 breathing pattern ratio, especially when you have to carry it through your turn. A common bad habit that many swimmers take part in is disrupting the breathing pattern to take a breath when they aren’t supposed to.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Hiding in the bathroom before the main set
Every team has that one swimmer who uses the bathroom at the most inconvenient time … or do they hide in the bathroom at the most inconvenient time? Some swimmers will find any way to get out of a really tough set.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Peeing in the pool
When you dive in the water, it’s hard to resist the urge. It may sound gross, but so many swimmers pee in the pool on the regular. No wonder swimmers struggle with the air quality so much.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Kicking during pull sets
Some swimmers feel like they need that extra push to go just a little bit faster during pull sets… even though the point of pulling is to not kick. Swimmers who kick during pull sets are usually at the top of the list when it comes to swim pet peeves, but remember…
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Pulling on the lane line during backstroke
One of the laziest hacks that swimmers love to do is pull on the lane line so that they can go faster during backstroke. This is such a simple, yet bad habit to get into as a swimmer.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Double breathing
Some swimmers feel like they have to load up on oxygen before flipping into their turn, so much that they take a double breath. Double breathing definitely isn’t the best habit to get into, but as always…
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Coming up for air on underwater sets
Underwater sets can be difficult, especially when you aren’t the best at holding your breath. Some swimmers need to sneak a breath in hopes that nobody catches them.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
No underwaters off the walls for distance swimmers
Distance swimmers are notoriously known for their lack in dolphin kicks off their walls. For some distance swimmers, one kick is too much.
“We listen and we don’t judge”
I hope you enjoyed reading this lighthearted TikTok inspired article! Some swimmers have tendencies that may seem frustrating or annoying, but it is important to stay in your lane and maintain a judge free environment.