Study: Zero Incidents of COVID-19 Infections at Indoor Pools (Updated Stats)

Study: Zero Incidents of COVID-19 Infections at Indoor Pools
The New Jersey Swim Safety Alliance put together a study on the number of incidents and possible spread of COVID-19 in indoor pools in the state. New Jersey pools initially re-opened on July 2 and the NJSAA has been keeping track of the numbers since then from the 60 facilities that have responded for the study.
For the study, the NJSSA surveyed owners and/or managers of indoor pools in New Jersey on the incidents of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in their facilities. The results of the initial reporting have been representatives of 60 facilities responding.
- They report 327,316 people through their facilities since they re-opened.
- They report 0 people becoming infected in their facility.
Here is the analysis the NJSAA offered on the high succcess rate:
How might these results be so impressive? NJSSA suggests:
- Strict protocols by swim facilities such as those attached (even beyond those required by the Governors order of NJ Department of Health)
- Including swim coaches and swim instructors wearing face masks or face shields.
- Including strictly limiting occupancy and managing appointed swim times.
- Conducting indoor swimming in an environment of warm, humid air and chlorinated water.
- If C19 is carried in droplets, as we’re told, those might be carried up away from swimmers in the hot air (?)
- If C19 droplets fall into the water, the chlorine “neutralizes/destroys” them (?)
When a swimmer vigorously exhales, it is nearly always, with their face in the water.
The NJSSA was formed for the purpose of unifying all New Jersey aquatic organizations in to one cooperative, collaborative family. The NJSSA serves our state by advocating for viable, safe conduct and enjoyment of the critical life skill of swimming. NJSSA is an all-volunteer organization, currently applying for non-profit corporate status.
Here is a list of some of the facilities that reported to the NJSAA for the study:
Little Dolphins Swim Academy | |||||
Randolph YMCA | |||||
Westfield YMCA | |||||
Brigantine Aquatic Center | |||||
Secaucus Rec Center | |||||
British Swim School Hudson Waterfront | |||||
Clifton Boys and Girls Club | |||||
Goldfish Swim School – Wyckoff NJ | |||||
Goldfish Swim School – Closter, Nj | |||||
Boys & Girls Club of Lodi | |||||
West Essex YMCA | |||||
Lyndhurst HS, Garfield Boys Club, Lodi boys Club | |||||
Breakwater Beach | |||||
Kroc Center | |||||
Madison Area YMCA | |||||
YMCA of Montclair | |||||
Madison Area YMCA working out of Summit YMCA | |||||
Wayne YMCA | |||||
Ridgewood YMCA | |||||
Peddie Aquatics Center | |||||
MCCC | |||||
Red Bank Family YMCA | |||||
Greater Morristown YMCA | |||||
Garfield Y | |||||
Summit Area YMCA | |||||
Louis Perez | |||||
Lakeland Hills YMCA | |||||
Swimquest | |||||
Meadowlands Area YMCA | |||||
Sussex County YMCA | |||||
Goldfish Swim School–Denville | |||||
West Essex YMCA | |||||
Jersey Wahoos | |||||
Envy Sports Club | |||||
NJ Race Club | |||||
Excel Swimming
Share this data with Connecticut swimming
Billy Christopoulos yes! I’m going to share it with our club coach!
Billy Christopoulos it is what it is right now. It is not about being in the pool it is being out of the water. The kids will gather. I had to keep a tight eye on them this summer. It was not easy thank god we were outside.
Billy Christopoulos yes! I’m going to share it with our club coach!
Jenni Kneuertz
Melissa Knuth I know. NAAC has had zero known transmissions from practices but New Albany has cancelled extra curriculars and limited pool time for us to 10 person pods which only allows for very limited practice time for the top groups/ big kids. ? I felt totally safe sending them, but we have to do what New Albany says…
There has been no spread in and club/team in the world. Safest place for our swimmers right now is in the pool!!
Most spread is social gatherings, indoor dining and bars (at least here in OH, per contact tracing data). It’s not spreading at swim practice.
Matt Hanna our club team is doing an incredible job and my kids have been able to continue swimming through all of this. ? Ava swam a 34 50 free at the end of practice yesterday. So hoping she gets JO cuts!!! Still have 1.5 years in 10&U
This data is also taking into account alot of people taking themselves out of the equation. There would be spread of we all acted like 2019. Lots of people are not swimming. Those people are sacrificing basically to allow the few that are less risk adverse to keep swimming.
Not at the club level. These kids need to be in the pool to excel. Not one swimmer at my daughters club isn’t swimming.
Debra Stanavage Neeb
Ian Lee
Sarah Basile
Common sense…duh
JT Tiernan
Brenda Jepperson-Vervlied
Oregon too! But we still had to “pause”. Ugg! #oregongovbrown
Sonja Skinner Michigan is “pausing” too. Ugh
Then why are we canceling events
Diana Terry Bolding due to fear and ignorance, a bad combination.
Andy Gallion yep it’s sad for these swimmers ??
Diana Terry Bolding hard to motivate to suffer when you can’t swim a meet.
Andy Gallion yes my son gets up every day at 4:15 am and swims 2 hours before going to in person school for 8 hours and can’t even compete except against his teammates. These poor kids have dedication to the sport and USA swimming doesn’t have their back.
Diana Terry Bolding my college swimmer has limited pool time due to PA regulations and was locked down for 14 days including exams due to contact tracing. Brutal
Diana Terry Bolding the travel
Andy Gallion that’s terrible So sorry
Diana Terry Bolding at least he gets to do both…my kids school is remote only and sports got cancelled…nothing like a double whammy.
Governor Jared Polis
I’m in CO too. Just sent a message to CDPHE today with this link. Sent something to Jeffco Health yesterday. The pool is not a gym!
Big surprise…..!
Hey Illinois Swimming! Hey JB Pritzker! How about you read this article instead of shutting down the pools and ruining the lives of children?? Let them swim!
Eric Householder
#IHSA #ipdh
Debra Stanavage Neeb
Devin Thomas worth a read.
IUPUI had case the meet last week
Not exactly. They had a swimmer test positive on a Tuesday afternoon following a meet on Saturday and Sunday. I believe they found that the swimmer was not exposed at the pool, but rather another outside source.
Lyle he tested positive on Wednesday after the meet ended Saturday. He didn’t test positive at the meet.
Lauren Ann
Jamie McElroy ❤️❤️
And yet they just shut down the Olympic pool by us in Toronto for all training except for those already on the national Team Canada… crazy unfair…
Good to know. Just some information for perspective. There was a group infection in a South Korea indoor swimming pool recently in Ansan. They are organized enough to test the 600 people who had contact with the index patient and users of the pool. Don’t know how they do social distancing there though.
Kelly Brown
Olivier Dudas
Sebastiaan Rottier?
Francesco Barantani are we sure??
Nicolò Russo good point! ?
It would be awesome if the safety protocols and limitations of numbers were followed in other situations like these pools are doing in NJ
Rebecca Ford
Debra Stanavage Neeb
Wish we could tag gov. Lamont
Debra Stanavage Neeb right????
Post it on his page
In Oregon our pools have been shut down again. This, after getting the kids back into the water (at only one of our 3 pools) for just two weeks. USA Swimming…help our governor get it right.
Article should have included the impressive Covid 19 compliance plans needed to operate pools in NJ :
is it the chlorine contact with the nostrils?
JT Tiernan
Closing the swimming pools was a big mistake … because they contain chlorine, which is a sterile substance that kills all viruses and germs ?
No need to close pools! They are safe
A pool is the only athletic environment that is in a constant state of disinfection.
Yet governors are shutting down pools…..but science….
Obvio ?
Helen Mulligan
Bethan Laker Swim Ireland
Covid gave these governor’s power and now they are drunk with it.. It’s their drug. They can’t give it up.
Swimming World references Romano Spica Vincenzo University of Rome [Bio here — ] (Feb/March-ish). Basically sitting on Committee (last time listed 2017)… I would like to see ANY/ALL current testing of Athletes/Chlorinated pools correlations FOR/AGAINST why this decision necessary… All U.S Aquatic Facilities should have SOME results!!! I find it completely ridiculous the no major aquatic facilities (or any for that matter – so far) have used any/all resources around them (I.E – Major University, Sci, Bio, Chems, teams/groups, etc) to HELP with day-to-day testing of Pool Chemicals & pos/neg affects on Athletes.. Most (if not all Major facilities (even smaller ones) have a College/Testing facility close at hand… #TimeToOpenUp&MoveForwardWithTesting-InTheU.S.A
Then why did they cancel YMCA Nationals?
Diana Terry Bolding very good question.
Diana Terry Bolding tyranny
Diana Terry Bolding kids always get sick at big meets. May be ok to swim local but to have people travel etc. Might be too much sadly.
Cindy Hardy Rimmer
Melissa Knuth ???? they just need to open back up!