2020 NCAA Division II Championships Day 2 Prelims Recap (Up-Downs)


The NCAA Division II Championships opened Wednesday from Geneva, Ohio, with both the men and women competing despite no one in the stands because of the coronavirus.

Queens and Drury led the women’s meet with eight and seven, respectively. The McKendree men have seven up, followed by Queens with five.

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Division II Coverage

Women’s Up-Down

• Queens 8-1
• Drury 7-1
• UC-San Diego 4-4
• Indianapolis 4-1
• Lindenwood 3-3
• Carson-Newman 3-2
• West Chester 3-1
• Tampa 2-2
• Wingate 2-1
• Nova Southeasern 1-3
• Grand Valley State 1-1
• IUP 1-1
• Colorado School of Mines 1-1
• Delta State 0-4
• Colorado Mesa 0-2
• West Florida 0-2
• 0-1 teams: McKendree, Wayne State, St. Cloud St., NMU, Florida Tech, Sioux Falls, Bellarmine, Truman St., Lynn

Men’s Up-Downs

• McKendree 7-0
• Queens 5-3
• Nova Southeastern 4-5
• UCSD 4-2
• Drury 3-3
• Wayne State 3-1
• Emmanuel 3-0
• Indianapolis 2-1
• Carson-Newman 2-1
• Delta State 1-3
• Wingate 1-2
• Missouri S&T 1-2
• Tampa 1-1
• Simon Fraser 1-0
• Grand Valley State 1-0
• Findlay 1-0
• Lewis 1-0
• Lindenwood 0-3
• NMU 0-2
• Florida Southern 0-2
• Colorado Mesa 0-2
• 0-1 teams: Fresno Pacific, UMSL, Bloomsburg, Lenoir Rhyne, Gannon, S. Conn

Women’s 200 Free Relay

Queens took the top seed in the 200 free relay as Polina Lapshina, Denielle Melilli, Alexandria Baker and Wanda Dollmayer (1:30.9).

Drury was second in 1:31.68 behind Bailee Nunn, Yasmin Preusee, Katarzyna Rogowska and Mackenzie Wieberg.

Event 10  Women 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
     NCAA DII: N 1:30.05  3/15/2018 Queens (NC)
                          L Marshall, K Dobson, W Dollmayer, M Prayson
         Meet: M 1:30.05  3/15/2018 Queens (NC)
                          L Marshall, K Dobson, W Dollmayer, M Prayson
         Pool: P 1:30.77  2/22/2018 Villanova University
                          A Fabbri, D Goodwin, M Routledge, T Wilson
    School                                 Seed    Prelims        
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
  1 Queens (NC)                         1:31.18    1:30.90  
     1) Lapshina, Polina SR           2) r:0.41 Melilli, Danielle FR  
     3) r:0.29 Baker, Alexandria JR   4) r:0.45 Dollmayer, Wanda JR   
    r:+0.74  11.00        22.59 (22.59)
          33.45 (10.86)       45.17 (22.58)
          56.03 (10.86)     1:08.00 (22.83)
        1:18.76 (10.76)     1:30.90 (22.90)
  2 Drury                               1:31.74    1:31.68  
     1) Nunn, Bailee SR               2) r:0.42 Preusse, Yasmin SO    
     3) r:0.38 Rogowska, Katarzyna FR 4) r:0.44 Wieberg, Mackenzie JR 
    r:+0.75  10.82        22.48 (22.48)
          33.51 (11.03)       45.41 (22.93)
          56.46 (11.05)     1:08.58 (23.17)
        1:19.53 (10.95)     1:31.68 (23.10)
  3 Indy                                1:31.72    1:32.30  
     1) Vaselli, Leticia FR           2) r:0.26 Buys, Johanna SO      
     3) r:0.24 Skoric, Edda SR        4) r:0.21 Caylor, Krystal JR    
    r:+0.67  11.27        23.27 (23.27)
          34.02 (10.75)       46.16 (22.89)
          57.29 (11.13)     1:09.59 (23.43)
        1:20.37 (10.78)     1:32.30 (22.71)
  4 UCSD                                1:30.84    1:32.54  
     1) Hargadon, Alexis SO           2) r:0.34 Murphy, Grace JR      
     3) r:0.37 Reuter, Tina SO        4) r:0.21 Franke, Ciara JR      
    r:+0.66  11.44        23.54 (23.54)
          34.37 (10.83)       46.46 (22.92)
          57.57 (11.11)     1:09.46 (23.00)
        1:20.46 (11.00)     1:32.54 (23.08)
  5 Tampa                               1:33.46    1:32.77  
     1) Van Loock, Hana JR            2) r:0.10 O'Hara, Molly SR      
     3) r:0.33 Moore, Maureen JR      4) r:0.29 Bazarova, Elizaveta SO
    r:+0.73  11.57        23.42 (23.42)
          34.29 (10.87)       46.54 (23.12)
          57.97 (11.43)     1:10.26 (23.72)
        1:21.02 (10.76)     1:32.77 (22.51)
  6 Lindenwood                          1:33.72    1:33.43  
     1) Winnett, Lexie JR             2) r:0.07 de Lau, Marit SO      
     3) r:0.18 Kunka, Kamila SR       4) r:0.15 Marks, Stephanie FR   
    r:+0.74  11.40        23.61 (23.61)
          34.45 (10.84)       46.69 (23.08)
          57.88 (11.19)     1:10.26 (23.57)
        1:21.08 (10.82)     1:33.43 (23.17)
  7 Carson-Newman                       1:33.12    1:33.67  
     1) Compagner, Manon FR           2) r:0.24 Sankowski, Laurel JR  
     3) r:0.24 Ginn, Meredith SO      4) r:0.14 Northcutt, Mary SR    
    r:+0.77  11.55        23.60 (23.60)
          34.81 (11.21)       47.12 (23.52)
          58.51 (11.39)     1:10.86 (23.74)
        1:21.65 (10.79)     1:33.67 (22.81)
  7 Wingate                             1:34.03    1:33.67  
     1) Hoener, Maike JR              2) r:0.24 Aringsmann, Sara JR   
     3) r:0.33 Kosic, Abby SR         4) r:0.23 Mahoney, Corinne SR   
             11.50        23.72 (23.72)
          34.41 (10.69)       46.47 (22.75)
          57.52 (11.05)     1:09.96 (23.49)
        1:21.04 (11.08)     1:33.67 (23.71)

Men’s 200 Free Relay

McKendree’s Matija Pucarevic, Gregg Lichinsky, Caleb Law and Alexander Skinner took the top seed in 1:18.32 in the 200 free relay, breaking the pool record.

Queens got the second seed with Skyler Cook-Weeks, Alexander Kunert, Dmytro Sydorchenko and Marcus Rogers in 1:19.12.

Event 11  Men 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
     NCAA DII: N 1:17.27  3/10/2016 Tampa
                          Hammer, Augier, Borgen, Parker
         Meet: M 1:17.27  3/10/2016 Tampa
                          Hammer, Augier, Borgen, Parker
         Pool: P 1:18.48  2/20/2014 St. Bonaventure University
                          M Pilyugin, V Shchukin, D Paccapaniccia, J Martin
    School                                 Seed    Prelims        
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
  1 McKendree                           1:18.94    1:18.32P 
     1) Pucarevic, Matija SR          2) r:0.19 Lichinsky, Gregg SO   
     3) r:0.12 Law, Caleb FR          4) r:0.21 Skinner, Alexander JR 
     r:+0.67  9.78        20.13 (20.13)
           29.36 (9.23)       39.60 (19.47)
           48.60 (9.00)       58.87 (19.27)
         1:08.15 (9.28)     1:18.32 (19.45)
  2 Queens (NC)                         1:19.58    1:19.12  
     1) Cook-Weeks, Skyler SO         2) r:0.38 Kunert, Alexander SO  
     3) r:0.22 Sydorchenko, Dmytro SR 4) r:0.21 Rogers, Marcus FR     
     r:+0.65  9.67        19.99 (19.99)
           29.52 (9.53)       39.77 (19.78)
           48.86 (9.09)       59.18 (19.41)
         1:08.49 (9.31)     1:19.12 (19.94)
  3 Wayne State                         1:20.50    1:19.45  
     1) Katulski, Ryan SR             2) r:0.23 Cvetko, Luka FR       
     3) r:0.14 Nowinski, Stewart SO   4) r:0.24 Mueller, Franz JR     
     r:+0.66  9.82        20.33 (20.33)
           29.59 (9.26)       39.89 (19.56)
           49.26 (9.37)       59.82 (19.93)
         1:09.15 (9.33)     1:19.45 (19.63)
  4 UCSD                                1:19.36    1:19.80  
     1) James, Tyler JR               2) r:0.22 Stoddard, Mitchell SO 
     3) r:0.22 Morsch, Justin FR      4) r:0.14 Daily, Spencer SO     
              9.87        20.17 (20.17)
           29.85 (9.68)       40.51 (20.34)
           50.09 (9.58)     1:00.55 (20.04)
         1:09.65 (9.10)     1:19.80 (19.25)
  5 Emmanuel                            1:19.81    1:19.87  
     1) Rosa, Thiago JR               2) r:0.39 Santos, Joao JR       
     3) r:0.37 Dantas, Igor Bretas JR 4) r:0.28 Sobers, Alex SR       
              9.87        20.33 (20.33)
           30.06 (9.73)       40.45 (20.12)
           50.11 (9.66)     1:00.48 (20.03)
         1:09.76 (9.28)     1:19.87 (19.39)
  6 Carson-Newman                       1:19.85    1:19.94  
     1) Zemturis, Roberts FR          2) r:0.31 Ungur, Andrei SO      
     3) r:0.21 de Paiva, Raphael FR   4) r:0.20 Andoljsek, Chad JR    
              9.86        20.48 (20.48)
           29.94 (9.46)       40.41 (19.93)
           49.89 (9.48)     1:00.41 (20.00)
         1:09.45 (9.04)     1:19.94 (19.53)
  7 Drury                               1:20.13    1:20.09  
     1) Carlson, Caleb SO             2) r:0.34 Glynn, Aidan SR       
     3) r:0.29 Nowodworski, Dawid JR  4) r:0.36 Khnykin, Oleksii JR   
    r:+0.79  10.10        20.51 (20.51)
           29.85 (9.34)       40.40 (19.89)
           49.76 (9.36)     1:00.24 (19.84)
         1:09.61 (9.37)     1:20.09 (19.85)
  8 Indy                                1:19.32    1:20.32  
     1) Antonon Rodriguez, Victor JR  2) r:0.35 Zuchowicz, Jan JR     
     3) r:0.17 Mas, Diego FR          4) r:0.35 Lucev, Ante SR        
              9.86        20.21 (20.21)
           29.91 (9.70)       40.47 (20.26)
           49.88 (9.41)     1:00.00 (19.53)
         1:09.63 (9.63)     1:20.32 (20.32)

NCAA Division II Championships: Women’s 400 IM

Drury sophomore Rebecca Cross took the top seed in the 400 IM, touching the wall in 4:17.96.

Queens junior Francesca Bains took the second seed in 4:18.58 and Indy’s Marize Van Jaarsveld was third in 4:19.20.

UC-San Diego’s Tina Reuter took the fourth seed in 4:19.30, followed by Lindenwood’s Jana Hellenschmidt (4:20.67), Grand Valley State’s Melina Goebel (4:20.96), Drury’s Tori Sopp (4:21.81) and West Chester’s George Wright (4:21.97).

Event 12  Women 400 Yard IM
     NCAA DII: N 4:08.56  3/10/2016 Patri Castro Ortega, Queens (NC)
         Meet: M 4:08.56  3/10/2016 Patri Castro Ortega, Queens (NC)
         Pool: P 4:13.68  2/22/2019 Emma Brinton, Duquesne
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Cross, Rebecca         SO Drury             4:16.85    4:17.96  
    r:+0.80  27.49        58.68 (31.19)
        1:31.98 (33.30)     2:03.39 (31.41)
        2:41.52 (38.13)     3:18.46 (36.94)
        3:48.88 (30.42)     4:17.96 (29.08)
  2 Bains, Francesca       JR Queens (NC)       4:19.11    4:18.58  
    r:+0.77  27.51        57.65 (30.14)
        1:30.04 (32.39)     2:02.47 (32.43)
        2:41.05 (38.58)     3:20.31 (39.26)
        3:49.76 (29.45)     4:18.58 (28.82)
  3 Van Jaarsveld, Marize  FR Indy              4:15.77    4:19.20  
    r:+0.67  26.81        58.10 (31.29)
        1:31.49 (33.39)     2:05.67 (34.18)
        2:42.05 (36.38)     3:18.31 (36.26)
        3:49.93 (31.62)     4:19.20 (29.27)
  4 Reuter, Tina           SO UCSD              4:21.40    4:19.30  
    r:+0.77  27.54        59.08 (31.54)
        1:31.64 (32.56)     2:03.72 (32.08)
        2:41.57 (37.85)     3:19.98 (38.41)
        3:49.91 (29.93)     4:19.30 (29.39)
  5 Hellenschmidt, Jana    SO Lindenwood        4:22.06    4:20.67  
    r:+0.82  29.06      1:00.92 (31.86)
        1:33.54 (32.62)     2:05.75 (32.21)
        2:44.64 (38.89)     3:22.14 (37.50)
        3:51.69 (29.55)     4:20.67 (28.98)
  6 Goebel, Melina         SR Grand Valley      4:24.44    4:20.96  
    r:+0.74  27.65        59.13 (31.48)
        1:33.56 (34.43)     2:07.27 (33.71)
        2:44.16 (36.89)     3:21.90 (37.74)
        3:52.26 (30.36)     4:20.96 (28.70)
  7 Sopp, Tori             SO Drury             4:21.88    4:21.81  
    r:+0.79  27.10        58.01 (30.91)
        1:31.33 (33.32)     2:04.31 (32.98)
        2:43.21 (38.90)     3:21.88 (38.67)
        3:52.31 (30.43)     4:21.81 (29.50)
  8 Wright, Georgia        SR West Chester      4:22.45    4:21.97  
    r:+0.77  28.11        59.26 (31.15)
        1:31.39 (32.13)     2:03.17 (31.78)
        2:41.65 (38.48)     3:20.53 (38.88)
        3:51.61 (31.08)     4:21.97 (30.36)

NCAA Division II Championships: Men’s 400 IM

Wayne State senior Joao Ribeiro took the top spot in the men’s 400 IM, finishing in 3:49.62.

Simon Fraser’s Collyn Gagne took the second seed in 3:50.34, following Grand Valley’s Keegan Hawkins (3:50.41), Nova Southeastern’s Samuel Brettmann (3:50.55), McKendree’s Fabio Dalu (3:50.66), Queens’ Jan Dekleskamp (3:51.36), Tampa’s Brett Saunders (3:51.47) and Missouri S&T’s Thomas Huffman (3:52.19).

Event 13  Men 400 Yard IM
     NCAA DII: N 3:43.84  3/12/2015 Nick Arakelian, Queens (NC)
         Meet: M 3:43.84  3/12/2015 Nick Arakelian, Queens (NC)
         Pool: P 3:46.00  3/6/2015  Uvis Kalnins, Missouri State
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Ribeiro, Joao          SR Wayne State       3:49.74    3:49.62  
    r:+0.78  24.81        53.13 (28.32)
        1:23.15 (30.02)     1:52.51 (29.36)
        2:23.93 (31.42)     2:55.64 (31.71)
        3:22.88 (27.24)     3:49.62 (26.74)
  2 Gagne, Collyn          SO Simon Fraser      3:47.36    3:50.34  
    r:+0.67  24.97        53.20 (28.23)
        1:23.07 (29.87)     1:51.44 (28.37)
        2:24.64 (33.20)     2:57.45 (32.81)
        3:25.01 (27.56)     3:50.34 (25.33)
  3 Hawkins, Keegan        SO Grand Valley      3:51.70    3:50.41  
    r:+0.69  24.12        52.00 (27.88)
        1:22.75 (30.75)     1:52.89 (30.14)
        2:24.55 (31.66)     2:56.57 (32.02)
        3:23.89 (27.32)     3:50.41 (26.52)
  4 Brettmann, Samuel      JR Nova S'eastern    3:48.81    3:50.55  
    r:+0.73  24.19        52.44 (28.25)
        1:22.31 (29.87)     1:51.87 (29.56)
        2:23.11 (31.24)     2:55.57 (32.46)
        3:23.18 (27.61)     3:50.55 (27.37)
  5 Dalu, Fabio            FR McKendree         3:48.81    3:50.66  
    r:+0.69  24.99        53.21 (28.22)
        1:22.44 (29.23)     1:50.97 (28.53)
        2:24.68 (33.71)     2:58.22 (33.54)
        3:25.09 (26.87)     3:50.66 (25.57)
  6 Delkeskamp, Jan        SO Queens (NC)       3:49.18    3:51.36  
    r:+0.68  24.61        53.01 (28.40)
        1:22.91 (29.90)     1:52.45 (29.54)
        2:24.20 (31.75)     2:56.75 (32.55)
        3:25.03 (28.28)     3:51.36 (26.33)
  7 Saunders, Brett        SR Tampa             3:46.40    3:51.47  
    r:+0.66  23.95        52.56 (28.61)
        1:21.53 (28.97)     1:49.79 (28.26)
        2:22.43 (32.64)     2:55.81 (33.38)
        3:24.03 (28.22)     3:51.47 (27.44)
  8 Huffman, Thomas        SO Missouri S & T    3:51.98    3:52.19  
    r:+0.69  25.06        53.21 (28.15)
        1:24.30 (31.09)     1:54.85 (30.55)
        2:26.21 (31.36)     2:58.69 (32.48)
        3:25.86 (27.17)     3:52.19 (26.33)

NCAA Division II Championships: Women’s 100 Butterfly

Queens senior Polina Lapshina set a pool record to take the top seed in the 100 butterfly, touching the wall in 52.66.

Carson-Newman’s Manon Compagner took the second seed in 53.27, followed by Drury’s Bailee Nunn (53.56), West Chester’s Ann Carozza (53.75), IUP’s Paige Mikesell (54.09), then the Queens trio of Georgia DaCruz (53.08), Yuliia Standnyk (54.36) and Kayla Tennant (55.38).

Event 14  Women 100 Yard Butterfly
     NCAA DII: N 52.16  3/14/2019 Polina Lapshina, Queens (NC)
         Meet: M 52.16  3/14/2019 Polina Lapshina, Queens (NC)
         Pool: P 53.03  2/21/2020 Mia Bullock, Fordham
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Lapshina, Polina       SR Queens (NC)         52.55      52.66P 
    r:+0.75  24.58        52.66 (28.08)
  2 Compagner, Manon       FR Carson-Newman       54.02      53.27  
             24.96        53.27 (28.31)
  3 Nunn, Bailee           SR Drury               53.14      53.56  
    r:+0.71  25.26        53.56 (28.30)
  4 Carozza, Ann           SO West Chester        53.82      53.75  
    r:+0.83  25.63        53.75 (28.12)
  5 Mikesell, Paige        SO IUP                 54.09      53.88  
    r:+0.68  25.42        53.88 (28.46)
  6 DaCruz, Georgia        SR Queens (NC)         53.08      54.04  
    r:+0.69  25.13        54.04 (28.91)
  7 Stadnyk, Yuliia        FR Queens (NC)         54.36      54.07  
    r:+0.79  25.47        54.07 (28.60)
  8 Tennant, Kayla         SO Queens (NC)         55.38      54.61  
    r:+0.70  25.52        54.61 (29.09)

NCAA Division II Championships: Men’s 100 Butterfly

Drury senior Pavel Semochkin took the top seed in the 100 fly in 46.37, followed by Delta State’s Giulio Brugnoni (46.87).

UCSD’s Spencer Daily took the third seed in 46.93, followed by McKendree’s Matija Pucarevic (47.08) and Gregg Lichinsky (47.12).

Nova Southeastern’s Aleksei Averchenko took the sixth seed in 47.26, followed by Findlay’s Timothy Stollings (47.37), Nova’s Magnus Poulsen (47.43) and Wingate’s Iran Almeida (47.43), who tied for eighth.

Event 15  Men 100 Yard Butterfly
     NCAA DII: N 44.32  3/14/2019 Marius Kusch, Queens (NC)
         Meet: M 44.32  3/14/2019 Marius Kusch, Queens (NC)
         Pool: P 45.45  3/13/2014 Matthew Josa, Queens (NC)
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Semochkin, Pavel       SR Drury               46.54      46.37  
    r:+0.74  21.63        46.37 (24.74)
  2 Brugnoni, Giulio       JR Delta State         47.34      46.87  
    r:+0.64  21.54        46.87 (25.33)
  3 Daily, Spencer         SO UCSD                46.75      46.93  
    r:+0.64  21.76        46.93 (25.17)
  4 Pucarevic, Matija      SR McKendree           47.43      47.08  
    r:+0.66  21.90        47.08 (25.18)
  5 Lichinsky, Gregg       SO McKendree           46.86      47.12  
    r:+0.66  22.03        47.12 (25.09)
  6 Averchenko, Aleksei    SR Nova S'eastern      47.30      47.26  
    r:+0.67  22.12        47.26 (25.14)
  7 Stollings, Timothy     FR Findlay             46.53      47.37  
    r:+0.67  21.76        47.37 (25.61)
  8 Poulsen, Magnus        SR Nova S'eastern      47.33      47.43  
    r:+0.67  21.87        47.43 (25.56)
  8 Almeida, Iran          JR Wingate             47.28      47.43  
    r:+0.72  22.16        47.43 (25.27)

NCAA Division II Championships: Women’s 200 Free

Mines senior Mia Wood took the top seed in the 200 free, clocking a 1:48.37 to hold off the field.

Queens junior Alexandria Baker took the second seed in 1:48.68, just ahead of Drury’s Tori Sopp (1:48.86) and Erica Dahlgren (1:49.00).

UCSD’s Ciara Franke took the fifth seed in 1:49.15, ahead of Indy’s Krystal Caylor (1:49.35), Lindenwood’s Kamila Kunka (1:49.44) and UCSD’s Sophia Francis (1:40.54).

Event 16  Women 200 Yard Freestyle
     NCAA DII: N 1:44.44  2/10/2016 Patri Castro Ortega, Queens (NC)
         Meet: M 1:45.27  3/12/2015 Patri Castro Ortega, Queens (NC)
         Pool: P 1:45.14  2/17/2017 Elise Lankiewicz, Davidson
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Wood, Mia              SR Mines             1:48.19    1:48.37  
    r:+0.74  24.97        52.19 (27.22)
        1:20.25 (28.06)     1:48.37 (28.12)
  2 Baker, Alexandria      JR Queens (NC)       1:49.91    1:48.68  
    r:+0.67  25.78        53.54 (27.76)
        1:21.03 (27.49)     1:48.68 (27.65)
  3 Sopp, Tori             SO Drury             1:49.34    1:48.86  
    r:+0.80  25.53        53.19 (27.66)
        1:21.41 (28.22)     1:48.86 (27.45)
  4 Dahlgren, Erica        SR Drury             1:49.52    1:49.00  
    r:+0.79  25.85        53.30 (27.45)
        1:20.91 (27.61)     1:49.00 (28.09)
  5 Franke, Ciara          JR UCSD              1:49.59    1:49.15  
    r:+0.84  25.68        53.32 (27.64)
        1:21.10 (27.78)     1:49.15 (28.05)
  6 Caylor, Krystal        JR Indy              1:49.43    1:49.35  
    r:+0.68  25.31        52.57 (27.26)
        1:20.57 (28.00)     1:49.35 (28.78)
  7 Kunka, Kamila          SR Lindenwood        1:50.00    1:49.44  
    r:+0.68  25.52        52.99 (27.47)
        1:21.09 (28.10)     1:49.44 (28.35)
  8 Francis, Sophia        FR UCSD              1:50.84    1:49.54  
    r:+0.75  25.54        53.48 (27.94)
        1:21.68 (28.20)     1:49.54 (27.86)

NCAA Division II Championships: Men’s 200 Free

Queens sophomore Alexander Kunert took the top seed in the 200 free in 1:34.86, a full second ahead of the field.

Emmanuel’s Alex Sobers took the second seed in 1:35.88, followed by Lewis’ Ruben Van Leeuwen (1:36.84), and McKendree’s Alexander Skinner (1:36.91).

UCSD’s Ivan Kurskin took the fifth seed in 1:36.92, followed by McKendree’s Luca Simonetti (1:37.01), Queens’ Czarek Butkiewicz 91:37.05) and Wayne State’s Ahmed Ahmed (1:37.48).

Event 17  Men 200 Yard Freestyle
     NCAA DII: N 1:32.46  3/10/2016 Dion Dreesens, Queens (NC)
         Meet: M 1:32.46  3/10/2016 Dion Dreesens, Queens (NC)
         Pool: P 1:34.21  3/13/2014 Matthew Josa, Queens (NC)
    Name                 Year School               Seed    Prelims        
                      === Preliminaries ===                       
  1 Kunert, Alexander      SO Queens (NC)       1:34.92    1:34.86  
    r:+0.68  22.06        45.98 (23.92)
        1:10.50 (24.52)     1:34.86 (24.36)
  2 Sobers, Alex           SR Emmanuel          1:34.91    1:35.88  
    r:+0.70  22.55        46.94 (24.39)
        1:11.40 (24.46)     1:35.88 (24.48)
  3 Van Leeuwen, Ruben     JR Lewis             1:38.27    1:36.84  
    r:+0.72  22.50        47.23 (24.73)
        1:12.36 (25.13)     1:36.84 (24.48)
  4 Skinner, Alexander     JR McKendree         1:36.35    1:36.91  
    r:+0.67  22.85        47.73 (24.88)
        1:12.59 (24.86)     1:36.91 (24.32)
  5 Kurakin, Ivan          SO UCSD              1:37.26    1:36.92  
    r:+0.67  22.59        46.85 (24.26)
        1:11.78 (24.93)     1:36.92 (25.14)
  6 Simonetti, Luca        SR McKendree         1:37.25    1:37.01  
    r:+0.70  22.93        47.58 (24.65)
        1:12.68 (25.10)     1:37.01 (24.33)
  7 Butkiewicz, Czarek     FR Queens (NC)       1:38.30    1:37.05  
    r:+0.71  22.88        47.11 (24.23)
        1:11.90 (24.79)     1:37.05 (25.15)
  8 Ahmed, Ahmed           SR Wayne State       1:37.61    1:37.48  
    r:+0.73  23.18        47.73 (24.55)
        1:12.76 (25.03)     1:37.48 (24.72)

NCAA Division II Championships: Women’s 400 Medley Relay

Queens’ Rachel Massaro, Mikaela Fullerton, Georgia DaCruz and Polina Lapshina took the top seed in the 400 medley relay, breaking the pool record in 3:37.35.

Nova Southeastern’s Cassandra Wright, Caily Friel, Aleksandra Maslova and Jenna Johns also broke the previous pool record to take the second seed in 3:38.74.

Event 19  Women 400 Yard Medley Relay
     NCAA DII: N 3:35.70  3/14/2019 Queens (NC)
                          P Lapshina, M Prayson, G DaCruz, K Dobson
         Meet: M 3:35.70  3/14/2019 Queens (NC)
                          P Lapshina, M Prayson, G DaCruz, K Dobson
         Pool: P 3:39.17  2/23/2018 Villanova University
                          D Goodwin, H Farley, M Niness, T Wilson
    School                                 Seed    Prelims        
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
  1 Queens (NC)                         3:37.04    3:37.35P 
     1) Massaro, Rachel JR            2) r:0.32 Fullerton, Mikaela FR 
     3) r:0.25 DaCruz, Georgia SR     4) r:0.03 Lapshina, Polina SR   
    r:+0.56  25.89        53.76 (53.76)
        1:21.98 (28.22)   1:55.15 (1:01.39)
        2:19.78 (24.63)     2:48.58 (53.43)
        3:11.42 (22.84)     3:37.35 (48.77)
  2 Nova S'eastern                      3:39.58    3:38.74P 
     1) Wright, Cassandra JR          2) r:0.19 Friel, Caily SR       
     3) r:0.37 Maslova, Aleksandra SO 4) r:0.25 Johns, Jenna JR       
    r:+0.63  25.91        52.94 (52.94)
        1:20.99 (28.05)   1:53.85 (1:00.91)
        2:18.79 (24.94)     2:48.02 (54.17)
        3:12.13 (24.11)     3:38.74 (50.72)
  3 Carson-Newman                       3:45.02    3:41.41  
     1) Hullette, Ruth SO             2) r:0.22 Morgan, Kailee FR     
     3) r:0.21 Compagner, Manon FR    4) r:0.19 Northcutt, Mary SR    
    r:+0.66  27.11        56.08 (56.08)
        1:25.16 (29.08)   1:57.77 (1:01.69)
        2:22.06 (24.29)     2:51.22 (53.45)
        3:14.68 (23.46)     3:41.41 (50.19)
  4 Wingate                             3:43.16    3:41.68  
     1) Miram, Anna SO                2) r:0.10 Nissen, Anne-Sofie JR 
     3) r:0.36 Hoener, Maike JR       4) r:0.19 Aringsmann, Sara JR   
    r:+0.73  26.70        54.82 (54.82)
        1:23.61 (28.79)   1:57.02 (1:02.20)
        2:22.20 (25.18)     2:51.79 (54.77)
        3:15.48 (23.69)     3:41.68 (49.89)
  5 Indy                                3:41.16    3:41.90  
     1) Skoric, Edda SR               2) r:0.34 Rezhilo, Maria FR     
     3) r:0.27 Murray, Darian SR      4) r:0.41 Vaselli, Leticia FR   
    r:+0.61  26.92        55.66 (55.66)
        1:24.26 (28.60)   1:56.89 (1:01.23)
        2:21.97 (25.08)     2:51.17 (54.28)
        3:15.02 (23.85)     3:41.90 (50.73)
  6 Drury                               3:39.07    3:41.91  
     1) Pareja, Laura SO              2) r:0.38 Nunn, Bailee SR       
     3) r:0.56 Sopp, Tori SO          4) r:0.43 Preusse, Yasmin SO    
    r:+0.64  26.17        54.05 (54.05)
        1:22.24 (28.19)   1:54.70 (1:00.65)
        2:20.88 (26.18)     2:50.98 (56.28)
        3:15.31 (24.33)     3:41.91 (50.93)
  7 Tampa                               3:43.46    3:42.85  
     1) Sherwood, Courtney SO         2) r:0.05 Augustsson, Julia FR  
     3) r:0.23 O'Hara, Molly SR       4) r:0.66 Van Loock, Hana JR    
             26.78        55.39 (55.39)
        1:24.79 (29.40)   1:57.67 (1:02.28)
        2:22.83 (25.16)     2:52.19 (54.52)
        3:16.64 (24.45)     3:42.85 (50.66)
  8 West Chester                        3:43.92    3:44.78  
     1) Eichelberger, Alyce-faye JR   2) r:0.12 Grenoble, Madison SO  
     3) r:0.34 Carozza, Ann SO        4) r:0.36 Lantz, Mikaela SR     
    r:+0.57  27.41        57.04 (57.04)
        1:26.02 (28.98)   1:58.98 (1:01.94)
        2:24.21 (25.23)     2:54.28 (55.30)
        3:18.03 (23.75)     3:44.78 (50.50)

NCAA Division II Championships: Men’s 400 Medley Relay

Drury’s Nathan Bighetti, Pavel Semochin, Oleksii Khnykin and Aidan Glynn broke the pool record in the men’s 400 medley relay, touching in 3:10.55.

Emmanuel’s Thiago Rosa, Joao Santos, Igor Dantas and Alex Sobers took the second seed in 3:11.81.

McKendree’s DaVante Carey, John Heaphy, Matija Pucarevic and Gregg Lichinsky took the third spot in 3:12.07.

Event 20  Men 400 Yard Medley Relay
     NCAA DII: N 3:07.38  3/9/2017  Queens (NC)
                          Pijulet, Fedyna, Kusch, Dreesens
         Meet: M 3:07.38  3/9/2017  Queens (NC)
                          Pijulet, Fedyna, Kusch, Dreesens
         Pool: P 3:10.55  3/12/2020 Drury
                          N Bighetti, P Semochkin, O Khnykin, A Glynn
    School                                 Seed    Prelims        
                       === Preliminaries ===                        
  1 Drury                               3:12.37    3:10.55P 
     1) Bighetti, Nathan SO           2) r:0.31 Semochkin, Pavel SR   
     3) r:0.40 Khnykin, Oleksii JR    4) r:0.20 Glynn, Aidan SR       
    r:+0.63  23.09        47.22 (47.22)
        1:11.34 (24.12)     1:39.94 (52.72)
        2:01.20 (21.26)     2:26.39 (46.45)
        2:47.06 (20.67)     3:10.55 (44.16)
  2 Emmanuel                            3:12.89    3:11.81  
     1) Rosa, Thiago JR               2) r:0.36 Santos, Joao JR       
     3) r:0.33 Dantas, Igor Bretas JR 4) r:0.18 Sobers, Alex SR       
    r:+0.62  23.43        48.31 (48.31)
        1:12.29 (23.98)     1:40.52 (52.21)
        2:02.49 (21.97)     2:28.72 (48.20)
        2:49.23 (20.51)     3:11.81 (43.09)
  3 McKendree                           3:12.06    3:12.07  
     1) Carey, DaVante FR             2) r:0.16 Heaphy, John FR       
     3) r:0.44 Pucarevic, Matija SR   4) r:0.22 Lichinsky, Gregg SO   
    r:+0.54  23.42        49.02 (49.02)
        1:13.68 (24.66)     1:42.45 (53.43)
        2:04.30 (21.85)     2:29.62 (47.17)
        2:49.51 (19.89)     3:12.07 (42.45)
  4 Carson-Newman                       3:14.48    3:12.50  
     1) Ungur, Andrei SO              2) r:0.35 Howell, Caleb SR      
     3) r:0.25 Kunzle, Ivo SR         4) r:0.11 Andoljsek, Chad JR    
    r:+0.59  22.20        46.57 (46.57)
        1:11.79 (25.22)     1:40.47 (53.90)
        2:02.37 (21.90)     2:28.81 (48.34)
        2:49.16 (20.35)     3:12.50 (43.69)
  5 Nova S'eastern                      3:12.08    3:13.36  
     1) Averchenko, Aleksei SR        2) r:0.19 Brettmann, Samuel JR  
     3) r:0.35 Masiero, Matteo JR     4) r:0.11 Hemminghyth, Ross SO  
    r:+0.68  23.22        47.78 (47.78)
        1:12.33 (24.55)     1:41.67 (53.89)
        2:03.23 (21.56)     2:28.86 (47.19)
        2:50.13 (21.27)     3:13.36 (44.50)
  6 UCSD                                3:14.03    3:13.63  
     1) James, Tyler JR               2) r:0.10 Chin, Edgar SR        
     3) r:0.25 Freiman, Lance FR      4) r:0.24 Morsch, Justin FR     
    r:+0.64  23.28        48.38 (48.38)
        1:13.01 (24.63)     1:41.09 (52.71)
        2:03.00 (21.91)     2:29.17 (48.08)
        2:50.29 (21.12)     3:13.63 (44.46)
  7 Queens (NC)                         3:12.49    3:13.69  
     1) Howard, Finn FR               2) r:0.29 Delkeskamp, Jan SO    
     3) r:0.20 Stam, Ruben SO         4) r:0.32 Sydorchenko, Dmytro SR
    r:+0.63  23.28        48.39 (48.39)
        1:13.35 (24.96)     1:42.39 (54.00)
        2:04.20 (21.81)     2:29.91 (47.52)
        2:50.12 (20.21)     3:13.69 (43.78)
  8 Indy                                3:13.44    3:14.18  
     1) Lucev, Ante SR                2) r:+0.0 Zuchowicz, Jan JR     
     3) r:0.14 Yorke, Kael SO         4) r:0.30 Antonon Rodriguctor JR
    r:+0.70  23.45        49.10 (49.10)
        1:13.43 (24.33)     1:42.70 (53.60)
        2:04.74 (22.04)     2:30.30 (47.60)
        2:51.07 (20.77)     3:14.18 (43.88)
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