10 Reasons Why You Should Date A Swimmer

1. We’re always clean (or at least heavily chlorinated).

Photo Courtesy: Erich Schlegel/USA Today Sports Images
Who says chlorine should only act as a perfume? Chlorine is an all-inclusive antibacterial, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. What a bargain.
2. Eating a lot…together.

Photo Courtesy: Sabrina Groves
If you want to pig-out and feel good about it, try eating with a swimmer. Carbo-loading is the perfect opportunity to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fact that the person you’re sitting across the table from can eat twice as much as you (and probably more if given the chance). There is no judgement.
3. Who doesn’t love watching swim meets?

Photo Courtesy: Rebecca Hoffman
Why not go on a watch-my-partner-dominate-the-pool date? Swim meets are the perfect occasion for you to support the team and yell about how much you absolutely adore your partner. Later, take time to watch, talk, and maybe even play other sports. Just stay a safe distance away from us because despite our natural prowess in the water, we’re usually clumsy on land.
4. That swimmer’s body.
Muscles, abs, shoulders, and a tight suit…need I say more?
5. The transformation from sweats to clothes.
Unfortunately swimming, like so many other sports, forces us to choose between convenient comfortable attire and what’s “in.” We generally prefer the former, but for those special someones who request monkey suits and skimpy dresses, we’re willing to do a temporary costume change.
6. Clocks are our frenemies.

Photo Courtesy: Huffington Post
Swimming takes time, so do relationships, eating, sleeping, and studying. Don’t worry, we’ll squeeze you in.
7. We typically have less body hair (at least during taper).

Photo Courtesy: Richard Masoner, Flickr
Have you heard of No-Shave-November? That’s okay, keep enjoying our smooth naked mole rat skin and we’ll fill you in later.
8. Netflix party anyone?
Before practice, after practice, between practices: Swimmers need lounge time. Stop by, meet a teammate (or ten) and relish in the non-productivity.
9. We’re dedicated.

Photo Courtesy: Shannon Edelbrock
We’re dedicated to going back and forth across the pool hundreds of times for hours, days, years all the while staring at the same black line and pondering what our time will be when we touch the wall. Chances are, you’re worthy of dedication.
10. We like to be prepared.

Photo Courtesy: Jack Hiniker
Wait, showing up to a meet with five pairs of goggles in a swim bag is weird? What about swimming five hours a day to finish a race after 20 some seconds? Swimmers are prepared mentally, intellectually, materialistically, physiologically…Amorously? Probably.
Never date a team mate. A dad has spoken.
Glen Silvers you definitely should not date your kid’s team mates. I agree.
Big nono.
Emma Scruggs
Gus Bennett FYI
Not if it’s a teammate… In the immortal words of my father: don’t take a c**p in your own backyard.
This article is a few years old. Does this mag recycle stories? I swear I sent this to my boyfriend now husband years ago
Grant Kelton especially #4