17 Reasons Why Katie Ledecky Is Your Idol and Mine

By Kelly Lennon, Swimming World College Intern
Swimmer, non swimmer, boy, girl, distancer, sprinter– no matter who you are, you know who Katie Ledecky is. And if you don’t, you will. The 18-year-old phenom is making herself a household name across the country, winning nothing but gold since her world debut at the London Olympic Games in 2012. Ledecky’s sheer athleticism is paralleled by only her laid back demeanor and modesty.
It’s hard to argue that she is undoubtedly currently the world’s greatest swimmer, and if for some reason you need more convincing, here are but a few reasons you should hop on the Ledecky bandwagon and pay attention now that we’re one year out from Rio:
1. In one of the most exciting years in Olympic swimming history, in her first international competition ever, in the only event she was qualified to swim in, 15-year-old Katie Ledecky easily won gold in the 800 freestyle, breaking Janet Evans’ 23-year-old American record, breezing past the rest of the competition by 4 seconds, and narrowly missing a world record by .53 in 2012.
2. When interviewed about aforementioned breakout swim, Ledecky merely said “I knew if I put my mind to it, I could do it.” My 16-year-old self, watching from the comfort of my couch, contemplated quitting the sport on the spot because of how unimpressive I was in comparison.
3. ONE YEAR later, Ledecky comes back at World Championships and wins the 400, 800 and 1500, setting an American record in the 400 and world record in the 800 and 1500.
4. Fast forward to 2014, Ledecky breaks her own world records IN SEASON in the 800 and 1500 at the Woodlands Swim Team Senior Invite. Ill be honest. I’ve never heard of this meet, and chances are, you haven’t either. IN. SEASON.
5. Later in 2014, Ledecky wins the 200, 400 and 800 at the U.S. National Championships setting her THIRD world record of the year in the 400 free.
6. The world record in the 400 free made Ledecky the first woman since Janet Evans to simultaneously hold world records in the 400, 800 and 1500. Meanwhile at practice, I was whining about doing a set called “Janet Evans” that probably pales to what she did to prepare for these meets.
7. 2014 Pan Pacific Championships. Complete domination. Five gold medals, two world records. First woman ever to win four golds at a Pan Pacific Championships. Casual.
8. And now we’re here. 2015 World Championships. Katie Ledecky ACCIDENTALLY breaks her own WORLD RECORD in PRELIMS.
9. ACCIDENTALLY. Don’t you hate when that happens?
10. To make matters worse, she lowered the record again (more or less on purpose this time) in finals the next day. I texted my coach and told him my new strategy was to no longer try. Apparently it only works for Olympians? Sure, coach, sure.
11. In case the 1500 wasn’t enough, Ledecky also set a world record on the LAST DAY of Worlds in the 800 and won gold in those two events as well as the 200, 400 and 4×200 free relay.
12. The day Ledecky was supposed to rest at Worlds, she contacted the USA Swimming Director of Communications, Scott Leightman, and asked if he needed her for any appearances because she was coming to the stadium to cheer for her teammates. Who needs sleep when you’re the greatest of all time, right?
13. She’s already faster than Mark Spitz ever was in distances over the 400. His old world record of 4:07.7 is bested by Ledecky’s mark of 3:58.37.
14. Ledecky matched Michael Phelps’ 400 freestyle time in a preliminary race in April and her 1500 time is only slower than 80 male swimmers in the world.
15. If Katie Ledecky existed in 1961, she would be the fastest human being in water in the entire history of the Earth. WHAT.
16. Her Instagram caption after the meet was over? “That was fun.”
A photo posted by Katie Ledecky (@kledecky) on
17. She’s getting her wisdom teeth out this week. Just your average teenage girl doing teenage girl things. That is the extent of what we have in common.
My personal favorites are (6) and (11). The 400 free world record she set in Irvine last year was my favorite for several reasons: 1) It broke Pellegrini’s very-suit-aided 400 free, which, before Ledecky won in Barcelona, I figured would last for a very long time. 2) It was the first (and to this point, only) world record I’ve ever seen in person, which was really, really cool.
As for (11), I was sitting in the media room at Nationals with other media and USA Swimming PR people watching the race. We just laughed as she switched gears on the last lap. Was really quite something.
There’s also that 4.0 GPA, which ranks her as the highest All-American Scholar possible, since she broke a few world records! Crazy!
18. She’s just an all around sweet girl??
She is great!
Shane Ryan
I actually watched this…it was amazing… Thought about you and your families.
She has just shown the world how strong a girl could be …..extraordinary! !!
She would be SO marketable if she weren’t so hard to look at
I think Katie is beautiful. Have you ever seen her without her cap and goggles? Cap and goggles do no one any favors and she is even cute in those. She is stunning when in normal “street clothes”.
No doubt she will be marketable, big time. She is All-American in every way. And her energy is bright and attractive.
Shine on Katie!
I find Katie pretty. Ashamed that women athletes are judge more on their looks. No way anyone would ever say Tiger Woods is less marketable because he is not easy to look at….but he is not. Never stopped his success.
Lots of women find Tiger Woods attractive actually. It has been a significant part of his success.
I have seen Ledecky in street clothes… unfortunately she appears to have a receding hairline. I dont say that to be mean but from a marketing perspective it is what it is. And the third picture down on this page is an example of her not being physically striking. Obviously at her age it isnt that big a deal but once she is older she would make so much more money with her talent if she were attractive.
I am very offended by this comment. Katie Ledecky’s success lies in her determination and immense hard work. Looks are irrelevant (even though I think she is very attractive). She is brave and tough, and that makes her the amazing athlete she is. Please keep your misogyny to yourself.
Grace Rodger
She is good, but Katinka !
My favorite is her race in London. It maybe not perfect from the coach point of view, but she swam first 200 there faster than at her unbelievable 8:07 race three years later. That determination to win regardless any difficulties and pain makes her so outstanding.
Can someone explain to a formerly casual fan why it’s more impressive to break a record “in season”. Isn’t that when a competitor would really be in her rhythm and performing well?
No, actually its pretty rare to see a world record “in season”. Swimmers work very hard day in and out during the season and they generally swim much much slower during that period. Especially in the distance events. What Katie has done is absolutely astounding. When someone does something like this it’s obvious that they are far from reaching their potential. I predict even bigger things from Katie.