University of Arizona Stars Write Letter to NCAA on Lia Thomas, Transgender Debate

2022-wncaas lia thomas
Lia Thomas

University of Arizona Swimmers Write Letter to NCAA on Lia Thomas

Following last week’s NCAA Women’s Championships, when Penn swimmer Lia Thomas captured the NCAA title in the 500 freestyle and swam in two other championship finals, members of the swimming community continue to issue public statements on the controversial presence of Thomas, a transgender female, at the women’s meet. The latest comments come from a group of University of Arizona swimmers that includes longtime head coach and USA Swimming national team director Frank Busch and 2008 Olympian Lacey Nymeyer, plus others from the Wildcats’ 2008 national championship group.

The letter, sent this week to the NCAA Board of Governors, expressed significant questions of the fairness of Thomas participating. The letter says that the collegiate governing body “has successfully failed everyone” by allowing Thomas to compete against cisgender women while trying to “appease everyone.” The letter states that Thomas “catapulted a team to a top-20 program in the country after failing to score a single point last year,” although it’s worth noting that the Ivy League and Penn cancelled all athletics last year and thus had no swimmers in the running to qualify for NCAAs.

The letter goes on to contrast Thomas’ situation with that of Iszac Henig, a transgender male who remains eligible for women’s competition and swam alongside Thomas in the 100 freestyle final last week. The letter concludes with an offer to help the NCAA in discussing “potential steps it can implement to create new solutions for the expanding athletic family.”

Read the full letter from Arizona swimmers below:

March 24, 2022

Dear NCAA Board of Governors,

Do we have a voice?

It’s hard to express the anguish the women’s swim community has experienced this past week watching the 2022 NCAA Swim & Dive Championships. On one hand, we feel we are witnessing irrevocable damage to a sport that has transformed our own identities for the better. On the other, we have reconnected with each other in sisterhood after many busy years living our lives beyond the water’s edge. We are grateful for the many women who have stood up to publicly speak up in protest of your policies including UT’s swim alumni who penned a thoughtful letter to their Athletic Director and inspired us to write from the University of Arizona alumni perspective. We have collected some of our own thoughts on paper to plead to swimming leadership at every level to take immediate action to protect our women athletes.

In 2008, USA Swimming chief Chuck Wielgus was asked to comment on a “culture of fair play” regarding a female swimmer who had tested positive for a banned anabolic agent called Clenbuterol. He claimed at the time “within the culture of swimming, if you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing, we want to catch you and throw you out of the sport. In other sports, it’s about excuses and justifications and being innocent until you’re proven guilty.” According to the USADA website, Clenbuterol is prohibited in sport because it “promotes muscle growth through anabolic properties.” The Mayo Clinic reports “the main anabolic steroid hormone produced by the body is testosterone” and that it “has anabolic effects promoting muscle building.” In a little over a decade, USA Swimming, the leading organization of swimming in the world has surrendered its firm stance on fair play. This has encouraged other organizations such as the NCAA to make accommodations for biological men who have had the benefits of testosterone throughout natural development and beyond.

According to Duke’s Center for Sports Law and Policy, “there is an average 10-12% performance gap between elite males and elite females” in sport. What advantage does testosterone have for natural born men in swimming specifically? This year in the 500 freestyle the men’s A standard qualifying time is 4:11.62. The women’s A standard qualifying time was 4:35.76. That is a difference of 24.14 seconds. To put that into perspective, the male swimmer in the last seed going into the meet would be two full laps ahead of his female counterpart in this event. This one example alone demonstrates the advantages a biologically male swimmer has over a female. Physiological advantages exist.

Looking back on another moment in swim history, in 2010 FINA banned the use of high tech performance swim suits as the “shiny suit era” saw “records falling at an alarming rate” due to a competitive advantage given to swimmers who had the suits available to them. This year at the fastest short course swim meet in the world, the body inside the suit is what raises cause for concern.

The decisions of the NCAA this year hoped to appease everyone by allowing Lia Thomas to compete directly with women. Instead, the NCAA has successfully failed everyone. A target was placed on the back of a trans athlete subjecting this person to devastating national outcry and humiliation. This swimmer’s lone points for Penn this March catapulted a team to a top-20 program in the country after failing to score a single point last year. Additionally, women athletes competing in the meet were forced to swim in unfair direct competition therefore eliminating all integrity of the entire championship meet.

We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Title IX this year. From the birth of the NCAA in 1906 until 1972, women had to fight to earn the law that provided equal opportunities for women in sports. It took a male to female transgender person one year to take the women’s swimming national championship title. This is not equality. Women’s standings, titles, records, and scholarships are suddenly at risk again. Opening the door to allowing natural born men to acquire precious, life altering financial aid packages often split up between multiple women per team defeats the very essence of the flagship legislation we are ironically celebrating this very year.

Female to male transgender athletes do not have the same opportunities as their male to female counterparts. They are heavily disadvantaged when it comes to earning a spot on the team they identify due to strength and speed differences between gender categories. This was represented this year in the 100 freestyle by Yale’s Iszac Henig, a transgender male competing at the women’s championship. This swimmer placed fifth in the event. Henig’s time of 47.52 earned the swimmer an All-American award and added 13.5 points to Yale’s team score. Had Henig chosen to swim at the men’s competition however, the same time would have failed to even reach the men’s A qualifying time of 41.71 by almost six seconds dashing the whisper of a chance this swimmer would even step up to the block.

There were many options the NCAA could have implemented to create a fair environment for women competitors. A trans athlete could compete in the meet that aligns with birth gender such as Henig did. At the championship level, there are 10 lanes available in the pool while only 8 swimmers compete per heat. Therefore, a trans athlete could have been added to any finals heat in addition to the 16 women who qualified without pushing any of the deserving women out of the finals such as VT’s Reka Gyorgy , who personally spoke out about the inequality she was subjected to being shut out of the finals. Trans specific heats with separate awards categories and scoring was another alternative. The NCAA could have implemented the more stringent USA Swimming guidelines at the very least. Moving forward, trans swim meets could be organized and built into a new category of athletic competition similar to the Paralympic or Special Olympic platforms to continue to widen the umbrella of inclusion in athletics.

We are writing this letter to the NCAA who has a President at the helm responsible for cutting both the University of Washington’s swimming programs in 2009. Mr. Emmert stood firmly by his decisions as “the right ones for us.” The NCAA Board of Governors is predominantly men. Of the 65 Athletic Directors in the Power 5, only 5 are women. At the University of Arizona, our Athletics Director, Associate AD for Diversity, and Senior Women’s Advocate have remained silent on this issue unfolding over the course of this entire season. These revelations and disparities alarm us when it seems there was no urgency in skillfully and educationally addressing how the scientific and biologic differences may impact women’s competitions. Do we have a voice? The people responsible for protecting women’s swimming should swiftly rectify the guidelines. The women from the University of Arizona will not quietly stand down while our victories and accomplishments float away.

We are eager and willing to discuss directly with the NCAA potential steps it can implement to create new solutions for the expanding athletic family. Please contact us with your next steps towards a fairer future.

The Women of Arizona Swimming & Diving

Marshi Smith (02-06) NCAA Champion

Frank Busch 6-Time NCAA Coach of the Year for the University of Arizona
(11-17) USA Swimming National Team Director

2008 National Championship Team Members:
Lacey Nymeyer-John (04-08) NCAA Woman of the Year, NCAA Champion, Olympic Medalist
Brandy Collins Maben (04-08) Team Captain
Lindsey Kelly (05-09) NCAA All-American
Taylor Baughman (05-09) NCAA All-American, Team Captain
Caroline Rollins (05-09) Team Manager
Lara Jackson (06-09) NCAA Champion, American Record Holder
Annie Chandler (06-10) NCAA Woman of the Year Finalist
Caitlin Iversen (06-10) NCAA All-American
Carley Beaudreau (06-10) NCAA All-American
Dana Christ (07-11) NCAA All-American
Susana Starbuck (07-11) Team Captain

Trina Jackson Falca (96-00) Olympic Gold Medalist, NCAA Champion
Lindsey Farella (97-02) NCAA Champion, Team Captain
Julie Manitt Andrew (99-03) NCAA All-American
Jenna Gresdal Davis (02-06) Olympian, NCAA Champion
Lisa Pursley Ebeling (02-06) NCAA All-American, Current Head Coach UNC
Katie Willis (02-06) NCAA All-American
Ryann Hackett (02-06) NCAA All-American Honorable Mention
Danielle Erickson (05-06) Big-12 Conference Finalist (Nebraska)
Emily Strouse (03-07) Olympic Trial Qualifier, Pac-10 Team Champion
Kathryn Elofson (03-07) Pac-10 Champion
Whitney Myers (03-07) NCAA Woman of the Year, 5x NCAA Champion
Julie Stupp (08-09) NCAA Runner up, 2x Team Champion (Auburn)
Grace Kittle (07-12) NCAA All-American
Andrea Smith (08-13) Team Manager
Monica Refsnyder (09-13) NCAA All-American, American Record Holder
Ellyn Baumgardner (09-13) NCAA All-American, Team Captain
Aubrey Peacock (10-12) NCAA All-American
Megan Lafferty (12-13) American Record Holder, Pac-12 Champion
Alana Pazevic (12-14) NCAA All-American, Pac-12 Champion
Elizabeth Pepper (13-15) NCAA All-American
Bonnie Brandon (12-16) NCAA All-American
Emma Schoettmer (12-16) NCAA All-American
Alexandra Martelle (14-18) Pac-12 Finalist
Mackenzie Rumrill (15-19) NCAA Woman of the Year Nominee, NCAA All-American
Mallory Korenwinder (16-20) NCAA All-American

Dennis Pursley (89-03) USA Swimming Team Director
5x Olympic Coach, ASCA Hall of Fame Inductee

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2 years ago

Well done! I hope we women, athletes and non-athletes receive an answer from NCAA

2 years ago
Reply to  Selma

Keep these freaks out of sports

James Kitch
James Kitch
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

“Keep these freaks out of sports,” wow…. You should be ashamed of yourself.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

The real shame belongs on those who allow a male to not only compete against females, but allowed that male to parade around naked in the ladies locker room and made it obvious he is attracted to women. Thomas is no hero. Quite the opposite actually

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

You are 100% correct . It is even more sick than being a sexual deviant that we permit the government to punish us who know better than to support this in any way …and this is not at all a hateful statement to or about these conflicted individuals but if they have a conscience it should be directed toward God’s will. We are all sinners without exception….but we should never be required to embrace or support this deviant behavior….never ….hate the sin not the sinner .

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff


2 years ago
Reply to  ANDY

This is nothing but a slap in women’s faces… you ever think about what women go through when giving birth… we are not the same…. It’s no place for a man to allowed in any sports women play… that’s why it’s 2 bodies one for us men and one for women… whoever is pushing this agenda need to stop it..:

2 years ago
Reply to  Brndon

Anger and demand for fairness will not work. Try again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Will

The alternative?

Stephen boghossian
Stephen boghossian
2 years ago
Reply to  G.Baines

Simple. Separate category for transgender athletes

Phyllis Hall
Phyllis Hall
2 years ago

In my opinion this is the only fair solution to this problem. Allowing a man to compete against women in a woman’s sport it’s not fair in the least. They may as well not have had them swim meet at all and just handed him the trophy and title, without humiliating all the females who have trained for so long and so hard for this meet.

concerned citizen
concerned citizen
2 years ago
Reply to  Brndon

Yes!! Please stop pushing this agenda…and stop persecuting ppl who are not ok with this….this is not what “fairness” looks like

2 years ago
Reply to  Brndon

I definitely agree. I feel like it’s a kind of “blackface” to say a man is a woman, but they don’t have the same set-up as a woman. They need their own category. I respect that they “feel” like a woman inside, but the fact is they are not women. No overies, fallopian tubes, no uterus, none of that stuff that complicates and enhances the life of a woman.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

they don’t have the same set-up as a woman. They need their own category. I respect that they “feel” like a woman inside, but the fact is they are not women. No overies, fallopian tubes, no uterus, none of that stuff that complicates and enhances the life of a woman.

Shirley Sullivan
Shirley Sullivan
2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

Do your research. However, it would be fair I believe to have “Gender Olympics”.

2 years ago

No, I am not ok with this movement renaming everything and providing a litmus test for what is “fair” because every subsequent group adds on to it. When will the catering to the militant side of these groups stop? Ever wonder why there isn’t more talk about Lia’s girlfriend and what she does for trans advocacy? This was a 100 political. It is not their right to do so. Mens and women’s Olympics has to remain. I’d suggest a trans Olympics separate if they want but there shouldn’t be a different category for every group that comes after…

Feed up of stupid people like you
Feed up of stupid people like you
2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

So to be a woman you have to have all those things? Wow you fail at science and just said all born females without those due to birth defects or people that have had those parts removed to survive are not women. Many women are born without uterus’s and tubes every year. You suck at biological science and all types of science

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

no where near blackface you f…g idiot

2 years ago
Reply to  damien

Of course it is. It’s exactly the same dismissal.

You need science in your life now
You need science in your life now
2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

Race and gender are different things. This is nothing like blackface, thanks for showing you are racist, sexist and homophobic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brndon

So women who can’t have children aren’t women?

2 years ago
Reply to  ANDY

Confused, has God ruled on this issue or is he still taking, “everyone’s imput”? How do I get his cell phone number?

2 years ago
Reply to  Will

Yes he did Adam then Eve it’s in the Bible no cellphone needed direct words

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Carol

And the Bible was written by man. It’s no different than if 300 years from now we all get wiped out and somebody finds a Stephen King book and decides that’s their Bible and his word is law. In other words it’s freaking ridiculous to quote the Bible on anything

California Girl
California Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Wow Bill Busby! You should do some more research of the Bible against historical facts. I pray you figure it out before you die.

Jeanie Afewell
Jeanie Afewell
2 years ago

California Girl, I couldn’t
agree more! Thank you!!

Dan Smith
Dan Smith
2 years ago

You do realize that what allegedly happened in the Bible also happened in at least half a dozen other holy books, right? They’re mostly fairy tales.

John Airey
John Airey
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Smith

And how much of the Bible have you read? Not one part of the Bible has been found to be historically incorrect. Try reading it before you share the opinions of others.

Mac Dee
Mac Dee
2 years ago
Reply to  John Airey

So, what you are saying is that the story about Easter and Jesus being dead and all, then Hello! Alive! is all…. historically accurate?

“Hello, my name is Bernie… I mean Jesus… I was dead, now I’m alive but I’m only hanging around for the weekend…”

2 years ago
Reply to  John Airey

This is untrue. There are parts of the Bible that were on e believed to be fact that have since been proven to be fable or misunderstood. The flooding of the entire earth and the age of the planet are just some examples. Flooding leaves behind geological evidence, of which there is none that support a global flooding, not to mention two of each species of animal can’t fit on an ark, also there are things in existence today that can be scientifically dated to be older than the proposed biblical age of the planet.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Airey

You are willfully wrong and that means you have violated a commandment about truth. Is God gonna get you?

Shirley Sullivan
Shirley Sullivan
2 years ago
Reply to  John Airey


Sergio R Santana
Sergio R Santana
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Smith

You must have been really busy reading at least six other holy texts to make such a claim. If so, the concurrence should not be dismissed and categorized as “fairy tales”.

Graham Strouse
Graham Strouse
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Smith

The Bible we know was put together by a committee at the Council of Nicaea in the 4th century AD. Perfectly good Good Book but the left a lot out there on the cutting room table, too…?

Rain snow
Rain snow
2 years ago

California girl, did you know Jesus was a brown man?

2 years ago
Reply to  Rain snow

And that is relevant to exactly what in this conversation?

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  Rain snow

But in all them pictures he’s white!

2 years ago

You are afraid of your God. Think about it.

2 years ago

the Bible is utter trash. used to conquer men

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago

I thought you Californians were godless hippies

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Spoken like a true clown!

2 years ago
Reply to  Darth

Calling someone a clown means you had no real argument nor ideas and so resorted to cowardly behavior. Shame.

David Huberman
David Huberman
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

I agree with you on the Bible but common sense should be looked at here…If a tran woman wanted to be president, if they had the intelligence and the right politics I would support her..Some tran women have the soul of a woman and the brains of a woman but in this case…this is a swimming competition….this athlete still and will always have the body of man…. Unfortunate but you can’t go around this fact….

2 years ago
Reply to  David Huberman

What is sad, that you do NOT hear about regarding any trans gender, male or female, is the damage they are doing to their bodies pumping hormones into a body not chemically set up to handle those hormones. Doctors even want women on the lowest strength birth control pills & then only till the age of 35. There are cardiac issues, BIG cancer issues, equally as large psychiatric issues, skeletal issues. I could go on for a long time (yes, I AM a doctor) but if you want to learn about it you won’t find much about these issues if you research transgender treatments. Go pick up a book on endocrinology. The number of wrestlers, male & female who died young from cardiac issues is quite high. Women who take large doses of androgens lose their hair, and have some pretty noticeable personality issues. Gender is on the level of DNA and we do not have the medical ability to change a man to a woman or vise versa. I see photos of this man who has been allowed to compete against women and it just immediately makes you feel this is so WRONG! Lea should renounce the win, she didn’t win! Didn’t they say that when he completed as a man he never won anything?

2 years ago
Reply to  Margie

Wow, you must be a terrible doctor. I can’t imagine the damage you might do to a trans patient by denying their existence and their right to appropriate medical treatment like gender-affirming HRT.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rowan

The doctor said the drugs are not healthy. You then made a pivot because he may be right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rowan

Your feelings about this don’t outweigh the science and years of data regarding use of these drugs. Gender affirming? Hrt is a bandaid for more deeply rooted issues.

2 years ago
Reply to  Margie

God I hope I’d never have someone with those beliefs as my doctor, scary really.

2 years ago
Reply to  David Huberman

I agree with you, ethical, legal even emotional and psychological equality doesn’t mean physical equality. We may, as men and women be equal in many ways, but physically we differ.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Bill, everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you believe in as little as 300 years, humanity will sink so low as to believe Stephen King has something worthwhile to offer then the outlook for humanity is bleak.

2 years ago
Reply to  Margie

People are winning elections quoting Q conspiracies Men are allowed to claim they feel like a woman and are awarded with titles like woman of year and allowed to compete with women. You bare witness to all this in real time yet you think it’s not possible for humanity to sink to the depths of believing a Stephen King Novel as their Bible? At the rate we’re sinking I doubt it will take 300 years to get to that point.

2 years ago
Reply to  Margie

Stephen King has written an incredible amount of amazing books. All of which are alot more than “worthwhile”

2 years ago
Reply to  Margie

The bar is already touching the ground.

David Harris
David Harris
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Apparently you’re not familiar with the Dead Sea Scrolls. It’s ok, facts, and a complete disregard of truth and reality is the banner of this age. The ignorance of this generation, while not a surprise, still boggles the mind of my generation.

Kim Weaver
Kim Weaver
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

This is off topic, but I encourage you to read The Case for Christianity by CS Lewis and The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. For the unbeliever, these books point to intellectual empirical evidence for the faith. It’s too important a topic not to explore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim Weaver

Kim, you do not need faith when you have empirical evidence. That you cannot see this quite obvious fact is sad.

Ormond Otvos
Ormond Otvos
2 years ago
Reply to  Will

You have no idea what empirical means.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim Weaver

Also, The Case For The Resurrection.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim Weaver

Christianity IS false… and yet is of immense importance: it is part of our culture, our history, its adherence try to sell us their myths, they vote, they are nearly all of our lawmakers and every president. Christian myths limit our ability to do science, and make our society prone to controlling the bodies of women and gay men. The profound damaged caused by iron-age mythology is horribly destructive and quite important, Mr. Lewis.

Ormond Otvos
Ormond Otvos
2 years ago
Reply to  John

Lawmakers lie about religion all the time.

Ormond Otvos
Ormond Otvos
2 years ago
Reply to  Kim Weaver

Always refer a book if you have no argument. Strobel and Lewis are not reliable sources of intellectual argument.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carol


2 years ago
Reply to  Carol

Ever met someone who is intersex?

are they not God’s children? It’s really weird that you act like people aren’t born with both/unclear genetalia every day.

it’s more complicated than “Adam and Eve.” Why some Christians need to shrink God down small enough to fit him into Exodus, is something I’ll never understand.

the Bible is stories meant to help us understand how to live. Now some folks have to tell themselves stories to believe the Bible is exact. It was never ever meant to be.

2 years ago
Reply to  Neil

Good question about intersex.

2 years ago
Reply to  Neil

Intersex people are a small percentage of the population. Like 0.01% don’t use a genetic or developmental mistake to justify trans people. Its not the same. There is nothing wrong with trans people they were not born with developmental issues. And often Intersex people identify with the sex they are more closely aligned to

2 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

Your percentage is wrong intersex is about 1 to 2 people out of one hundred. 1.7% If they compete they have to take testosterone reducing therapy as well.

Last edited 2 years ago by UDgirl
2 years ago
Reply to  UDgirl

It’s still a very small percentage and still doesn’t equate to trans, but the additional information is appreciated.

Graham Strouse
Graham Strouse
2 years ago
Reply to  UDgirl

It’s a lot lower than that. People with intersex characteristics are quite rare. About 1 in 1000. Maybe 1 in 500.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

So trans is ok with you but not intersex? And your reasoning is number of people is not significant enough? Ouch!

2 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

If there is “nothing wrong” with trans people why do they demand such drastic medical treatment (such as risky surgery and drugs with severe side effects)?

2 years ago
Reply to  Neil

This isn’t about intersexual people. This is about transgenders. Spacifecally, a natural born male who decides to live out the rest of his life as a female. This is about hormone levels and our own bodies natural ability to produce testosterone. Why is it ok for Caster Semenya, a natural born woman (I don’t like the term ‘sis’, as it implies that natural born women have some kind of ‘condition’), to be banned from competition due to high levels of hormones, but a BIOLOGICALLY born man can compete with BIOLOGICALLY born females? This is not ok.

2 years ago
Reply to  Neil

I agree with your points about the bible would like to comment on your intersex position. It reads as if u are attempting to normalize anomaly. The default for humans and indeed all mammals is to have one sexual organ per male or female requiring one of each to reproduce. We don’t debate the fact that humans have ten fingers and ten toes, or two ears and two eyes, even though, occasionally humans are born with differing numbers of sensory organs, or sexual organs, or other organs. It doesn’t change the standard. These genetic differences serve no purpose for survival, they’re just scientific happenstance. We today are mixing our societal and cultural standards, which are not scientific, with what we know to be scientifically true and raising ethical questions we aren’t sure how to answer because we are trying to mix two things that don’t belong together. It’s really causing quite the stir isn’t it? ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Creg

A repeating anomaly is normal. Duh.

Ormond Otvos
Ormond Otvos
2 years ago
Reply to  Creg

The controversy gets lots of clicks and employs lots of “doctors”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carol

Unless God spoke directly to you, you are unable to tell faith from reality. I also have better books than Bible fairy tales.

Shirley Sullivan
Shirley Sullivan
2 years ago
Reply to  Carol

Did He specify parts of the to
body? Amazing how we use the Bible ONLY when it fits our needs. Did the Bible tell us it is ok to hate each other, based on the color of our skin.
I believe when there are changes to the human body, we can come up with other categories to compete.
Keep in mind, girls can no longer play football. Etc. There can be a girl football league like basketball. The pay, should be equal in all sports.

2 years ago
Reply to  Will

Read your Bible. His numbers in there

2 years ago
Reply to  Tony

It’s 666

2 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Tony, your sarcasm is noted. However, 6 is man’s number. 666 is Satan’s number, imitating the Trinity of God. FYI, God’s number is 777.

Ormond Otvos
Ormond Otvos
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Is God a He/Him?
How do you know?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tony

Another lie. Your God has punishments for liars. Good luck.

2 years ago
Reply to  Will

Read Romans Chapter 1 then come back and we will talk.

2 years ago
Reply to  Margie

Read about the scientific method and anything that explains the difference between faith and empirical. You keep wanting to prove faith in the physical world and are doomed until your God shows up on meet the press. Faith is fine but exists only in your mind.

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  Margie

No, read it to me

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  ANDY

Mmmm sky daddy, anoint me with the holy fluids of your magic scepter! I want to taste the father, the son AND the holy the same time!

2 years ago
Reply to  J skid kid

If their god hates gay people so much, why did he make Jesus so hot??

2 years ago
Reply to  Doug

“Skid” is a completely accurate name for you, you disgusting piece of trash.

Chris johns
Chris johns
2 years ago
Reply to  G.Baines

The Bible is a fiction.

2 years ago
Reply to  G.Baines

Where is your Christianity?

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  G.Baines

That’s Johnny Skidmarks to you, thank you very much

2 years ago
Reply to  Doug

There is nothing in the Bible that says that he hates the gays or anyone. It does say that is a sinful way of life. Also it is not believed that Jesus was attractive, Jesus did not come to earth riding a big white horse with a gleaming sword he came as a man. You can look it up and see Bible verses describing him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Luke

Where does it say it’s a sinful way to live?

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

Genesis 9:20-27
Genesis 19:1-11
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1:26-27
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
1 Timothy 1:10

Ormond Otvos
Ormond Otvos
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean

Seven reasons for rejection of the Bible.

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  Luke

I will polish his gleaming sword for him

2 years ago
Reply to  Doug

God didn’t make Jesus hot the European that imagined how he think he should look made him that way. Blonde hair with blue eyes born in the Middle East of Africa GTFOH.

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  Winston

But I seen them pictures with mah own eyes?

2 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Actually the original translation made no mention of homosexuality, nor did the second or third translation, it wasn’t until a specific translation from German to English in the 1900s that “molesters of boys” was changed to homosexuals, probably because the church doing the translating we’re molesting boys and didn’t want to pen their own condemnation. You can obtain a version of the German martin Luther Bible translated from the Greek and Latin. Homosexual is nowhere in it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Creg

I understand. I made that comment simply to rile the a$$hats using their religion to condemn a person for being different than them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Creg

God, I love intelligent people.

2 years ago
Reply to  J skid kid

You guys are way of topic. This isn’t about god. Everyone has their own beliefs this isn’t what this discussion is about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cole

It kind of is though. Many of the comments made right after this article was released brought religion into it as a way to condemn Ms. Thomas. No atheist would bring religion into a conversation about….well, anything.

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  Cole

But there are many on here quoting their religious views, are they off topic?

2 years ago
Reply to  ANDY

Stop with the cap locks, it doesn’t make your point any better and it makes you look like a Douchebag that can’t stop yelling about stuff he clearly doesn’t have a firm grasp on mentally speaking.

2 years ago
Reply to  ANDY

God is imaginary, my dude. Might as well discuss what Papa Smurf’s plan is for the world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

Trans is imaginary. Gay is a choice. As is all the other made up crap. I identify as a the government and my community and all institutions should play along and make it happen.

2 years ago
Reply to  SHAY


Made up?… Imaginary?
WTF are you talking about?
No one chooses to destroy their life, lose friends, family, jobs and loved ones by choice. It’s definitely not for attention, because the majority treat Transgender as a outcast and freaks…No one wants that. No one asks for that. The suicide rate in those individuals are 40% higher than the rest of the population. Alcohol and drug abuse run wild, just to cope. I agree that there needs to be an equal playing field amongst transgender individuals, and it’s not equal at the moment. Until there is an acceptable solution, MtF athletes should not be allowed to participate in women’s athletic programs. Imaginary is the made up crap, you believe and spew about things you have no clue about.

Ormond Otvos
Ormond Otvos
2 years ago
Reply to  JusticeforAll

YouTube “desistance”
“detransition” Many many personal statements.
It’s madness of the crowds, brought about by “affirming” ghouls.

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  JusticeforAll

Bruce’s big dingy is imaginary, because it’s a small dingy.

Graham Strouse
Graham Strouse
2 years ago
Reply to  JusticeforAll

I’m starting to think that Jesus freaks and radical gender activists kinda deserve each other. All y’all innumerate, ignorant of science & mostly interested in proselytizing and/or being whiny little cry-bullies. This article is about the fundamental unfairness of a trans woman who had been entirely biologically male up through age 20 or 21 (?) & had only been on hormones for a year or so competing against women because the NCAA chickened out on adapting FINA standards. It wasn’t otherwise an indictment of Lia’s life choices.

2 years ago
Reply to  SHAY

SOMETIMES, gay is a choice. I definitely know some people who decided later on life as to live an alternative lifestyle. I also know some who knew right from the start. Either way, It’s not about who you choose to bed down with, as long as they are consenting adults. It is about biological fairness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

Fairness, yes. But choice? No. You do what you do.

2 years ago
Reply to  SHAY

When did you make your choice of sexual orientation? Was the choice difficult for you? Conflicting attractions of men and women make the choice difficult for you? Are you still angry about your choice?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

I like tater tots

2 years ago
Reply to  Joesappy


Peggy Johnston
Peggy Johnston
2 years ago
Reply to  ANDY

Transgenders should compete against transgender. Seriously, that is the only fair solution.

2 years ago
Reply to  Peggy Johnston

Total agree

concerned citizen
concerned citizen
2 years ago
Reply to  Peggy Johnston

thank you!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Peggy Johnston

Absolutely! I agree ? It’s like Michael Phelps deciding to be transgender and competing against women. or Usain Bolt in Track- Women sports is in real jeopardy!

Sergio R Santana
Sergio R Santana
2 years ago
Reply to  Peggy Johnston

A simple and obvious solution that should put an end to this whole manufactured controversy. The only glitch is whether there are enough transgenders to participate and justify setting up swimming competition events. Then, you would have to account for separate categories i.e. male-to-female and female-to-male.

2 years ago
Reply to  Peggy Johnston

Actually you could have an open to all groups as the best and a only born female group for best female.

Michelle Mickle
Michelle Mickle
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

I stopped taking you seriously when you mentioned god. Whose god? Yours? You know there are thousands right? Don’t use the bible to justify your hate…it’s not cute..

Ron Morrison
Ron Morrison
2 years ago

I believe in one God and his son Jesus Christ. I read the Holy Bible so take it or leave it. Personally? There is only ONE God that I worship. The definition of ignorance is speaking on a subject you have little or no knowledge about. Nice try rube.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Morrison

I will happily contrast MY mythical sky father against yours! Zeus would take your wimpy sky father in minutes!

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Best comment ever!! ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

That’s enough. Can we leave religion out if it and just stick to the conversation of how and who draws the line between men and women sports. Is it going to get to the point that we don’t even bother having competitive sports anymore because the lines will be so blurred that we just give everyone and award like childrens T-Ball so no one has hurt feelings and no one is offended. I have no answers but I do wonder what will happen in years to come when women just say forget it because the majority of the team is transgender. Will we have to divide into male and female transgender teams and biological male and female teams? Where does it start, where does it stop?

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

People can’t stop talking about God
Because with these rednecks that’s all they know and that’s all their ignorance will ever know. It’s easier to hide you’re head in the sand when you’re that ignorant

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Hmmm so because I believe in God, that makes me a Redneck?? I thought the discussion, was in regards to transgender athletes competing in sports? As a former competitive swimmer, I agree that it is biologically wrong. Hopefully the NCAA, will see that allowing those athletes need to compete against each other. It’s wrong and unfair in everyway. So glad I love college football, Roll Tide!! Thanks, your local female wildland firefighter. God Bless??

concerned citizen
concerned citizen
2 years ago
Reply to  Francis


J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  Francis

How dare you judge a trans person, you brother humper

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Why so many ugly words in your post? Sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I see the anti God troll brigade is in eesid nice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

SMH …… old are you? Two? It’s amazing how we can start out on one topic and in mere minutes we’re on to another which doesn’t have any connection at all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Eric, the god eating penguin gobbles them all up. Any argument used to disprove Eric’s existence also applies to any god invented.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Morrison

Yeah, that G-d with a Jewish son, yet you’re ignorant enough not to follow his own religion!! ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

The Jewish son who created CHRISTianity.. Jewish belief was he was a prophet, not the son of God. Learn something new everyday, don’t ya.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Kathy

Since you believe in God obviously you don’t learn anything new ever

2 years ago
Reply to  Kathy

We’re not talking about Jewish beliefs or Christianity. Its about a man competing against a women. Its ridiculous and disturbing. You clowns are so far gone in your self dilutions you don’t even know the difference between a woman and a man. Even this new SCOTUS pick by Papa Jim-Joe Crow doesn’t even know what a woman is by her own admission. This world is lost and gone. It needs to burn and restart without the brainless ones defending and man destroying women.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Get off the religion, people, this is not about about religion.
This is about fairness, and this issue is completely unfair to all women!

David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Morrison

God doesn’t exist.surely your grown enough to not believe in Santa claus and other make believe things.

2 years ago
Reply to  David salinas

Hey Salinas, you need help. It’s not too late.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Jihn

Why? Because he doesn’t believe in a mythical being with a beard sitting on a cloud judging us? I love when people show their ignorance and stupidity so thank you for that

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Ignorance??? Look who’s talking here? You are so smart you are the supreme ding the know all that we should believe you and not the Bible? It’s called faith you gimp! You obviously know nothing. Someday you will call out for God. I wonder if he will answer?

2 years ago
Reply to  David salinas

Hmmm hopefully you don’t believe in Juan Diego. You still have time, before you perish. God is at your door nocking.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jose

On the contrary – why when someone mentions God in a comment do you non believers crawl out of the woodwork hurling insults? Can’t live in a world where some people believe differently than you without insulting them? You people can’t handle people having a different view than you without going off on them and their beliefs in a nasty, derogatory manner. Grow up and be able to handle someone not being just like you. Sheesh, the world is full of people like you with such delicate sensibilities that they can’t handle their feathers being ruffled without coming unglued.

2 years ago
Reply to  G.Baines

Ummm, wow. Did you read your comment before posting? You are one ignorant piece of work!!

2 years ago
Reply to  David salinas

Surely you’re grown enough to stay on topic right? I guess not. Try and follow along like most of us, okay? But then again, I’m sure you think it’s okay to have men compete against the ladies. You can’t stay on topic so maybe you like these kinds of things.

2 years ago
Reply to  David salinas

God does exist. It’s too bad you probably won’t be seeing him. And how grown do you have to be? Being grown is different from being smart.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Morrison

Why are Christians such angry jerks all the time! Jesus wasn’t!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

It is interesting that you put all these Christian people in the same box? I would say that Christ felt angry, he flipped tables over didn’t he? Back on topic though. I do not believe it is fair for trans genetic males who are now females to compete against females. I believe they should probably compete against males because there may not be enough trans gender athletes to compete against one another?? I am glad this team wrote a letter to the NCAA. Frankly, this is about fairness and it is not right now.

TERF Guillotine
TERF Guillotine
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Morrison

imagine being so weak that you don’t have a pantheon. we literally have an aspect devoted to destruction. Shiva will destroy your puny “Christ”.

2 years ago

I thought about getting a pantheon but i just couldn’t wrap my head around paying $1500+ for a bike that remains stationary.

2 years ago

Puny Christ? You’re a puny man. There is only one God and you will see him soon. Jesus is coming and this time he comes to punish people just like you! Your “Shiva” is a joke. You will see I promise you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bigtone505

I feel like if god was real he would hate you. Incredibly annoying and rude. I thought god or whatever was supposed to preach love and acceptance, but you bible thumpers pick and choose whatever you want. I didn’t know jesus keyboard warriors existed, but here we are. Have a good night.

Johnny skidmarks
Johnny skidmarks
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Morrison

Jesus is such a trans

2 years ago

That’s as untrue as saying you’re intelligent.

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  G.Baines

So I see we are in agreement BANE

2 years ago


Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Morrison

Obviously you have little or no knowledge about religion and are ignorant to all of the other gods and the people who worship them falsely, like you do your deity

2 years ago

Just another snowflake who can’t handle anyone who disagrees with her. If you had an ounce of intelligence you would understand that the biblical worldview helps us make sense of this situation because it defines gender so that we can draw fair lines in life. Without this guide we are left to the absurd definitions of gender that lead to this ridiculous situation of placing men alongside women in competition. Everyone sees the obvious lack of fair play. But when we bring the clarity of the Bible into the discussion you simply close your mind and walk away mumbling some stupidity like “Whose god? Yours? “ Yes, Mine! My book explains life better than your secular stupidity. So until you can bring a better solution to the game stop putting down that which you cannot understand. Oh, and please stop calling the ideas of those who disagree with you “hate”. It’s so immature. Maybe you can come up with something intelligent to say instead of throwing a tantrum….or may you are just a permanent third grader.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Very well said. I completely agree, even with the harsh judgements. There is clarity in extremely old concepts, such as Christianity. It reaches the climax of human thought and requires faith, it is absolutely beautiful. Anyone who easily dismisses, not just Christianity, but any complex concept, so easily is definitely worth your response.

I amgod
I amgod
2 years ago
Reply to  MacLean

Christianity is not complex. It only requires the abandonment of science, logic and reason. This has been proven to be a very simple task for white Christian nationalists in the United States.

J skid kid
J skid kid
2 years ago
Reply to  I amgod

No, but Christians have a complex

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  I amgod

Quote of the day here

California Girl
California Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  I amgod

I’m black and I’m a Christian.

TERF Guillotine
TERF Guillotine
2 years ago
Reply to  MacLean

reminder to all that worship the false abrahamic gods; all your religions were created in the Kali Yuga, the age of strife, falsehood and despair. no religion created in the era of Kali Yuga can be true; all those prophets are rakshasa sent by evil powers to lead man astray.

your salvation and and end to being perpetually broken on the wheel of karma will only come through good deeds, not belief in any God.

2 years ago

How many?

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

How many “good deeds” does one have to do for salvation?

2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

That’s part of the problem people only think that by doing something good they will receive something in return. It’s not about doing good deeds to receive something in return, its about helping those who are unable to help themselves, the strong protecting the weak. If people only do a favor or kindness to others only on the premise that they will be paid back in the after life it is not the same thing as doing a good deed solely because it’s the right thing to do. Back on topic, I definitely agree with the post earlier that points out a male who’s hit puberty and developed a males body, then decides to switch to trans and wants to compete in a women’s sport will be at a clear advantage, just as the trans powerlifter. When it comes down to it you can’t change DNA. It’s absurd they let this happen.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago

And you know this how? Did you read a book? Cuz I’ve read some books too does that mean I’ll be saved?

Lester perry
Lester perry
2 years ago
Reply to  James


2 years ago
Reply to  James

Oh, come now. The survival guide of a nomadic sheep herding tribe, as modified by an itenerant preacher, and further cherry picked by a medieval council to strengthen the control of the populace makes for a comprehensive world view?

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Well at least we are able to keep men men and woman……woman. You know, like Mother Nature intended since you are anti religion you hateful lib. Two can play your silly game!!

2 years ago
Reply to  A V

There is no Mother Nature in Judeo-Christian religions you pagan sinner

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

My goodness. Such evil words. I don’t think Christ talked this way to the people.

2 years ago
Reply to  A V

I agree with you but there are plenty of libs that do not support this travesty. And we are religious people that believe in Jesus Christ. You will not see our views on TV or in the news.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gayle


Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Gayle

Are you kidding me? Every single Republican politician tries to ram God down people’s throats. Same with Fox News. You really can’t be that ignorant are you?

A j
A j
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill Busby

Oh my goodness. Bless your heart.

I amgod
I amgod
2 years ago
Reply to  A V

Does being non-religious and educated mean you are liberal? Because I am a Republican.

2 years ago
Reply to  I amgod

I don’t know, can a man be a woman?

2 years ago
Reply to  A V

Is your mother nature a God too? Careful you don’t trip over a commandment.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  A V

Wow aTrump supporter getting all riled up. And if you are a religious person, you are honesty the most easily duped moron here. Trump doesn’t give a damn about your religion he is the most soulless awful human being

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Tell me exactly where I’m the Bible that it defines gender! Oh wait, it doesn’t! So keep worshiping that false idol that you do, breaking a commandment! Even if you believe Jesus was the messiah, he wasn’t g-d. So by worshiping his graven image on a cross, or the graven image of the cross alone you are sinning ????

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Gen2:21-23 you should read is in the bible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ralph
Dawn Garvin
Dawn Garvin
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark


2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Jesus Christ is part of the Thrinity. 3 in 1. God , Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit talks to your soul. God makes judgement on you. Jesus Christ covers your sins with his blood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

And you are right because……….?

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Republicans truly are the snowflakes, how disappointing to realize 5 years late.

Dawn Garvin
Dawn Garvin
2 years ago
Reply to  James

Thank you, James, for speaking truth when all she wants is for us to spew hate. If these people believed in THE truth, there wouldn’t be these issues. Thankfully, our God wins, has already won

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Garvin

Your God won? Great, declare victory and go away.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Garvin

This is a vague and ignorant statement. “God is good” is not a point when talking about the atrocities/challenges of life by rules setup by man.
Stop being a sheep. The truth may sometimes be ugly – but it’s better to understand and try to improve things than hide behind ‘the cloak of god’

I amgod
I amgod
2 years ago
Reply to  James

The Bible is mostly anecdotal and fictional, stealing much from other historical writings. It only provides context and clarity to you because you want it to. It is not based in fact, historical or otherwise. It is purely your opinion and interpretation of a manipulated text, this fact has obviously eluded you in your adult life. The convenient justification and explanation for things you don’t have the intellect to understand that the Bible provides you satisfies your psychological deficits, you can conveniently pull out the Bible and justify your simpleton point of view based on writings that you don’t even know where they came from from ???. Talk about ignorant. Grow up.
And no, trans athletes shouldn’t be allowed to participate in this manner. It is contrary to the reasons there are divisions in sports. It’s called logic, weirdo.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  I amgod

Couldn’t have said it better myself

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Or, they can make a separate league for combined sports – but blurring the lines for current sporting rules is unfair for sure.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

I don’t speak for a religion, I speak for the absolute biological difference in men and women. It’s science not religion. Yes there are women as strong as men and men as strong as women but, in general, there always has and always will be a difference between men and women. If we didn’t have generalities either the differences with age and sex then there would be no baby books about general information/ expectations for parents to read, or what you might expect your five or 15 year to be doing at that age. Men and women, for the most part, have physical differences.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  James

This is easily the stupidest thing I’ve read on this thread. And holy moly is that saying a lot. Keep believing you’re one book written by man is the true word lol

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Religion doesn’t belong in this conversation at all. Religion is not how we make laws or policy. Not one person on here has done any actual research because if they had they would see that there is no biological, inherent advantage to being “biologically male” it’s all rhetoric to promote hate. The reason I don’t believe in your god is because I can think for myself and the Bible is trash.

2 years ago

WRONG you are, Christians all over the World only Recognize ONE GOD, if you choose to believe there is a plethora of God’s, that’s on you

2 years ago
Reply to  DR. TY HOOPER

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost? Perhaps some basic math skills would help.

Hope Lives
Hope Lives
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Three parts – one God.
Humans are created in God’s image. We are also 3 parts in one – body, soul, and spirit. It’s not a difficult concept, is it? I’m not trying to sound snarky. It just always baffles me when someone thinks the Bible teaches that Jesus is a separate God. John 1 clearly teaches that “in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God”….”The Word became flesh and dwelt among men”. In him was all the fullness of God.

There is only one God in Christianity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hope Lives
David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

well tell him to find me and teach me about his word.cause you or i have never seen him.

2 years ago
Reply to  David salinas

It’s called “Faith”!

California Girl
California Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  David salinas

God has showed up in my life and I’ve seen Him perform miracles in the lives of others as well. He will never show up in your life unless you invite him in as He gives us all free will. However, I will continue to pray that someone or a circumstance will cross your path that will bring you to know without a doubt that God is real.

Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

Help me out here. What’s the difference between “soul” and “spirit”? Religion can be so confusing!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

Bet you cannot explain the difference between soul and spirt.

David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago
Reply to  DR. TY HOOPER

please tell me which god that is and how many times you e met him…

I amgod
I amgod
2 years ago
Reply to  DR. TY HOOPER

Actually, Leviticus quotes God as saying there are other gods but you will only follow him, because he is a jealous god. Undereducated christians are just cult members in the U.S.

2 years ago
Reply to  DR. TY HOOPER

So the commandment about no other gods before me was unnecessary? God just threw it in? Not likely.

California Girl
California Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  Will

I really don’t have time to educate you on the Word of God and Christianity, but a god can be anything that you put before God, such as the love of money, and make that your idol that you worship.

2 years ago

I stopped listening to your nonsense when you dismiss those that believe in god, yet people like you believe it’s totally ok for a human being to change their gender via surgery, etc…….who’s the naive person! Oh and it has NOTHING to do with hate but simple common sense. These people need psychological help, not to chop off their make genitalia!
Unreal how damn stupid and gullible people are these days!

Moderately moderate
Moderately moderate
2 years ago
Reply to  A V

You do not speak like a woman of god at all in any way. Your speak beings shame to your faith.

David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago
Reply to  A V

does that mean because we can change and create ourselves that we are gods?

2 years ago
Reply to  A V

You claim to stop listening but you reply; a miracle!

Tom C
Tom C
2 years ago

You’ve got to be kidding! Thousands of gods – really? Using the Bible to justify your “hate”? There’s no hate involved here. Most reasonable people know there are only two genders and they shouldn’t mix in what is supposed to be female only athletic competition. Besides that are you perfect in your morality and ethics such that you can judge those who believe that the Bible says what it means and means what it says. Is your life free from hate?

Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom C

Thousands is probably an underestimate. God is unlimited in power and knowledge, but he’s only allowed to be what you say he is? God is merciful, but made Abraham murder his own son? Jesus was born from a virgin and turned water to wine? It is not a literal document, despite your sincerely held belief. Thank god we don’t allow some schmuck to declare who our National god is like our National bird…

2 years ago
Reply to  Bing Bong

God did not make Abraham murder Isaac. God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to test his faith. Because Abraham was faithful and he trusted God, he went where God called him, but before he killed Isaac, God stopped him and provided a ram for him to sacrifice instead. This can be interpreted as a foreshadowing of God providing the ultimate sacrifice, His son Jesus, to cover our sins. This can be found in Genesis 22.
Ronald Reagan said, “If we ever forget that we’re a nation under God, then we’ll be a nation gone under.”
The pilgrims came to America to seek religious freedom as they did not agree with the Church of England, they were protestants which is a branch of christianity. The Founding Fathers founded the United States with God at the center. Read basically any of our Nation’s articles such as our constitution, The Declaration of Independence, etc. and you will see the emphasis of God. So, there is no need for someone to declare our national god because it is already known that it is God, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. Now this does not take away from our freedom, as the Founding Fathers also emphasized freedom of religion. I am so very thankful for this freedom and I recognize everyone’s freedom of religion. I pray for all those who do not recognize God as God, that they may turn their hearts to God and repent of their sins and ask for God’s forgiveness. I would like to let all nonbelievers reading this know that you are loved and that God created you on purpose for a purpose and He desires to have a relationship with you if you would receive him.
“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ~ Romans 10:9
“if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

2 years ago
Reply to  Sequoia

Thank you Sequoia! Beautifully stated.

Former competitive swimmer who wants women to compete against women in all sports.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sequoia

Wrong, this nation was NOT founded on Christianity and god is never mentioned in the constitution. Although I must say the idea that people were fleeing religious persecution just to persecute others for their religion is ironic as hell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom C

But you just judged. What punishment will your God dish?

2 years ago

Exactly Michelle!

Dawn Garvin
Dawn Garvin
2 years ago

BUT you support this young man taking over a female sport when the female TRANSGENDER has no way of competing against a true male in the same sport? This is God’s world and you have just found a venue to share your anger against something…or should I say, against the creator of all? Your anger and comment are misplaced here. If you strongly don’t believe, you should be happy I instead of angry.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Garvin

I do not believe your God exists AND I am not in favor of the current NCAA answer.

2 years ago

Michelle, you’re sick. God in heaven don’t take to kindly to comments like yours. Remember, your life is on His Hands. Good day

2 years ago
Reply to  Jihn

You are wrong and God will not like you making threats in his name. Think about your words of threat and then good day? Sad.

2 years ago

There is only one true God. Heathen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Like there are only two true genders.
Sorry. Not sorry.

2 years ago

There is one God
Fools praise idols

2 years ago

The Bible is justification. The God that inspired the writers is clear. He detests the lifestyle and the act. He has destroyed those that indulge and will again. Nor did he create in you something that he detests just to destroy you , so no, you’re not born that way!

Lester perry
Lester perry
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff


2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

True. Let deviant compete with their own kind. Fair and square.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

God should have nothing to do with it you bigoted fool, since, you know, there is no such thing

Me and me
Me and me
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

You know honey, I love how you Christians go around screaming about your religious freedom until it comes to the one you’re trying to force down everyone’s throat. Leave your religious beliefs at the door and then attempt your intellectual arguments.

concerned citizen
concerned citizen
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff


2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Keep your bigotry and hate-filled version of Christianity to yourself. You so-called Christians would be the ones rebuked Jesus , were he here. There’s nothing worse than a group of people who hate everyone and use Christianity as the excuse.

Jasmine frichtl
Jasmine frichtl
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I shared a locker room with a transgender woman and she never parade around naked and she never hit on or a ask any women out on dates in the locker room of she was quite shy actually and behaved better than some of the biological born women you’re just making stuff up you’re not even in those locker rooms you don’t know what goes on

2 years ago

What does that have to do with competitive fairness? Absolutely nothing, that’s what.

Richard Blinkhorn
Richard Blinkhorn
2 years ago
Reply to  Zachary

Are you serious, please I have nothing against transgenders, but they should not compete against women! Plain and simple.
Start a forum for transgenders to compete against each other!
This shouldn’t be hard to understand.

2 years ago

That’s your experience. If even one woman is made uncomfortable by a male body in the locker room, shouldn’t her rights be prioritized?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kristin


2 years ago

Its the fact that a *male body* is in that locker room with other females.
This one may have been “shy”, most of them are not and quite happy to be showing themselves off to all and sundry which is done *without consent*.
Were you first *asked* specifically if you were happy to be in a changing room with a male?
The question is pertinent – if you were NOT asked previously, you cannot give consent.
The Room is marked as for FEMALES only. The expectation is only FEMALES are in that room.
A male going into that room, regardless how he “identifies”, breaches the expectation that the FEMALE sign on the day states that no Males are in that room.
You cannot not give consent to all females after the fact or for the future.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

Why is it wrong for a male to be in a female locker room but it violates women’s rights to not be allowed in a male locker room (professional sports). And why is it discrimination to allow girls to be in Boy Scours bur boys are not allowed in Girl Guides? Seems we have a double standard here.
I do however, agree that women’s sports should be open to women only.

Dawn Garvin
Dawn Garvin
2 years ago
Reply to  Luke

And there should not be girls in boy scouts and vice versa. There should not be a double standard. And I agree that men’s sports should be for men only. Why can’t we be happy and PROUD to be women and men,, THE WAY WE WERE BORN?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Garvin

Why keep them separated? That seems pervi to me.

Laurie Howard
Laurie Howard
2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

I agree , real women should not have to share a locker room bathroom with someone who is not a real women. We are open a door to all kind of sick individuals, who pray on young women or man. So basically we are giving free access to our children !

2 years ago
Reply to  Laurie Howard

And you will hang out by public restrooms to keep things straight…

2 years ago
Reply to  Laurie Howard

OMG, transgender people are not pedophiles. Do your research. That title belongs to straight/cisgender, white, men

2 years ago
Reply to  Ellie

The color of someone’s skin has nothing to do with it, there’s bad people in all races, nationalities.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

Grow up and realize we all have bodies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

So, you know most transgender women?

2 years ago

Because you’re one of them ?

2 years ago

There’s no such a thing as a transgender woman!! Try again!!

I mean how stupid have we become to just accept because you chop off your dick and change some hormones levels that it makes you a woman!!??

All it makes you is a very sad I individual with major psychological problems, hence why over 40% of trans end up committing suicide!!
Shame on the doctors that pray on these individuals ??

Moderately moderate
Moderately moderate
2 years ago
Reply to  A V

Those suicide rates are largely attributed to individual such as yourself who shower them with your hatred.

2 years ago
Reply to  A V

So you Bully people you claim are sick? Sad.

2 years ago


Mike R.
Mike R.
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Liam was obviously a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike R.

No he isn’t. He’s a male who is heterosexual. He is attracted to females (apparently he has a girlfriend).
No one is “trapped” in body.
No one can “identify” out of their physical body.
William is a cheat. He is as much to blame for this as he has *chosen* to compete when he could have continued in the male sex category. He chose to cheat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

So if lia finished 4th in every race/meet, would there still be an uproar?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ken-nyc

If he did come in 4th, it would be to gaslight the public into proving it is actually a “fair” competition, so no big deal and let the biologically born males in to women’s sports. THAT’S what that would be about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ken-nyc

Yes, the place doesn’t matter. She is a bio male who is taking away a spot that should go to a bio female.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

He or she is not a cheat. They are playing by the current rules. You are the cheat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Will

Current rules are wrong. Lia should realize that and compete with other bio males.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

You’re projecting, honey…

Mary D.
Mary D.
2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

Thomas isn’t even taking female hormones. He’s taking testosterone suppressing drugs. As soon as he quits taking those, he’s a fully functional male again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mary D.

So if he’s not taking female hormones, then how can he say he’s trans. Simply saying something doesn’t make it true. A suppressant doesn’t stop, it only hinders or slows the production. So I bet there’s still traces of test in his system.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

He doesn’t even look like a woman. He is a head taller and twice as wide as any woman out there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeremy
Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Lot a women out there don’t look like women, and it’s not because they’re transgender.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bing Bong

Unnecessary and cruel comment.

Lester perry
Lester perry
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Walked around naked. This can’t be true. Surely you’re not saying that he was also noticeably aroused. This cannot be. Someone is losing their minds if this is true. Please say it aint so.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

As Dave Chappelle said it takes alot of courage to cut your private part off but honestly I think it isn’t fair

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

what is wrong with you ? good grief, is your masculinity that threatened by someone choosing to follow their gender identity ? how fragile you must be…

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Agree, they will set records and reap rewards that a born woman does not have the capability of achieving without using testosterone to build her muscles. Would think most girls do not want man muscles, besides it’s illegal to take. Just ruins womens sports. And also the locker room is a discomfort the girls should not be subjected to.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

He’s or it’s a loser can’t beat the men in swimming so why not swim against women. These trans things are going to destroy sports

Last edited 2 years ago by Zur
Alan R.
Alan R.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zur


TERF Guillotine
TERF Guillotine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

oh honey, put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger till it goes click.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

The same for the “woman” who won the most wins for a “woman” on Jeopardy recent. Amy  Schneider is not a “woman” and should not hold the title . Also the Olympic weightlifters who claim womans trophys. So tired of this being shoved down our throats!

TERF Guillotine
TERF Guillotine
2 years ago
Reply to  Pat

I’ve got something else you can shove down your throat.

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

And how do you know he’s attracted to women and made it obvious?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I’m not necessarily in agreement with the NCAA, but you really show your ignorance/intolerance or disconnect with reality if you’re advocating a rule is that no athlete can compete on a womens team and use the team locker room if they’re attracted to women!! Ever hear of bisexual and lesbian athletes??

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Wow are you gonna be mad when you discover lesbians exist

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I, personally, have been approached by a gay man in full drag, for a date. It was very confusing. Not saying that this has a bearing on the decision to allow the transgenders to swim with women, but the locker room situation had to be super uncomfortable for some of the women.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lin
T Bennett
T Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

He obviously has no shame or intelligence

Pete mooe
Pete mooe
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Why!!!! this America freedom of speech,

Adam Lister
Adam Lister
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Welcome to doddling Joe Biden’s corrupt world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adam Lister

How does the POTUS have anything to do with this conversation?

Lester perry
Lester perry
2 years ago
Reply to  Adam Lister

He (Biden) had nothing to do with this. Stop trolling so you can introduce your political views. Do you ever get tired if singing the same Ole’ song???

2 years ago
Reply to  Lester perry

Wrong , excuse me you’re wrong Hillary .

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

There sick worse then pedos

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Wait … What ? ???

Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

But not as sick as ignorance. Brush up on your language skills, Rob. Try the contraction of ‘they are’ next time, trust me. Look it up!

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

If your chromosomes are XY You are a man not a woman. I drive a Honda can I tell everybody is a Mercedes?and if they don’t agree they are discriminating against.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Why? That’s exactly what they are….freaks! They need MENTAL and psychological help, not to change their gender!!
It is absolutely ridiculous to think it’s ok for any person to want to chop their dicks off or viceversa!!


Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  A V

You are correct. They do need mental and psychological help. Imagine trying to deal with a disconnect between what you see in the mirror, and what you think in your mind. Then throw in all the haters who would literally kill you if they had the chance, and tell me the decision is easy. Especially if the solution is your solution. Try to understand that gender does not equal sex. It can coincide as it has in your case, but it doesn’t always. Besides, god made these “freaks” too, and all the others you disagree with. Does that mean god makes mistakes, like Hitler or Jeffrey Dalmer? Maybe it means god doesn’t give a crap.

Mr Me
Mr Me
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

You’re right it should have been out of women’s sports.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

She’s rite, keep the freaks out of their sport. Boys/men who can’t compete against their own gender, grow some hair and call themselves women. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. What about women and the equality of them? Is it fair that males go into their sport? No it’s not. They ought to be ashamed of what they’re doing and the message they’re trying to send.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andres
Bruce crr
Bruce crr
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

They aren’t freaks, they are more like a science project or a circus act

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

I would say “freak” is a sugar coated term for those freaks.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Agreed. With one comment it went from a letter/discussion trying to find equitable solutions to an ugly display of people proudly showing off their ignorance and hatered.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

No they shouldn’t. GOD didn’t create a man to go have a set change. Disgusting

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

‘They’ should be ashamed of ‘Them’selves.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

I predict that it will never cut off its ding dong and will still date women. IT IS A MAN!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

You should be ashamed of YOURself. I hope you have a daughter who gets robbed of an opportunity because some mentally ill MAN is allowed to destroy her.

Vicente Troy Hunt
Vicente Troy Hunt
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

To Mike I agree with your comments because you have the right to your opinion.

Maria cantu
Maria cantu
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Add another new gender to teams. Another gender? Well what can I say, but it’s only fair.
It’s just too much change. We need to pray on this and very much. Many many prayers I would say.
.Female teams.
.Male teams
.Transgender teams
That will be the fair thing to do. Then let Female teams compite againt female teams.
Man teams compite against man teams.
Trangender teams compite against transgenders teams.

In 1949 there were only 2 genders and that was when I was born. Yes. There is just 2 genders, man and woman. Now a new category, we have transgenders. So a woman transgender should compete against a woman transgender.
Man Transgender should compete against a transgender man.

Just like weddings a man and a woman. Man can’t have kids. Male, female is what we are. I guess I am not very educated buy I know there are only 2 genders, male and female. Will pray for transgenders, actually I will pray for all. Only God can help on this. It’s just weird to have to explain to A YOUNG CHILD about “Gender” Male, Female and Transgender. Help us God!

Joe Weber
Joe Weber
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Your on total retard level

Peggy Johnston
Peggy Johnston
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

She’s entitled to her opinion. There is no shame in her comment. Transgenders should compete against transgenders! It’s not fair for women when a man competes with them! To quote your POTUS: C’mon man!

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Actually Lia and those who back him should be ashamed of themselves. He’s no winner. Idc how many trophies he gets!

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

There’s no cure for stupidity you’re screwed.

J perera
J perera
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Hope you dont play any sports.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

i agree with Mike

George Verdugo
George Verdugo
2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

He’s a male, it’s a female meet. This guy sucked as a swimmer going against men.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

Oh…nice response. that fixes everything….Dismiss someone with an opinion that differs from yours. YOU are the problem.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Kitch

No, they are not freaks, but they don’t need to swim in women’s swimming or take part in any other women’s sports. The whole concept is grossly unfair. I thought liberals were in favor of women’s rights. Well, I was wrong: They love transgender rights over the rights of biological women.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I agree with the lack of fairness in allowing Ms. Thomas to swim against biological women. But everyone still deserves respect and dignity. Remember not to judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. These swimmers deserve equity, and Thomas deserves to be treated like a human being.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Equity in a third category. Male, female, trans….so simple. It didn’t demean womenn to start their own category. It won’t demean trans to have their own category.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Well said, Steve. I am hopeful that this is just a “first-generation” problem and that we, as rational beings, will conclude this debate as you have directed. We as a society are very ill-equipped at the moment when dealing with such a novel social phenomenon. Unfortunately, like many first-generation problems, those involved often face the harshest penalties. In this case, the biological women who have trained so hard to succeed in their chosen sport are the test dummies for future regulations.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Except if you believe there needs to be a third category to achieve equity, that could potentially destroy all of college athletics, forcing more non-revenue categories into offering the same number of trans scholarships as they do men scholarships (as they are required to do for Title IX equity). I don’t think the third-category advocates have realized that it would bankrupt college athletics.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Pretty sure the big five are ok

2 years ago
Reply to  LJSims

But there are a lot more than that which WOULD be at risk. That person makes an excellent point about it impacting scholarship funding.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

So you think we should continue mocking God for the sake of college scholarships ? No this is not a hateful comment …just want you to know that all of our actions are accountable to our creator Almighty God .

Jasmine frichtl
Jasmine frichtl
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

So this is a discriminatory thing not a equal fairness thing the statement right here should disqualify you guys from winning this is the land of freedom of religion so your religion does not get to override the state laws cuz other people have religions that are not against transgenders like Native Americans who are actually first here before Christians were also Hinduism and Buddhism is not against transgenders in fact and Hinduism transmitters are considered to be more like they’re gone because they’re God is a male and a female the their God is a transgender

2 years ago

NO such thing as “Native American”, EVERYONE came from somewhere else! “First American” maybe, but that is disputed too. And which tribe was here first, they can’t ALL be native…

Moderately moderate
Moderately moderate
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Are you kidding?

2 years ago

So the Hindus are freaks too ?

Hope Lives
Hope Lives
2 years ago

That is your opinion that Native Americans’ religion was here first. Most biblical scholars would disagree with you. The Bible is a compilation from many people from the very beginning of time. Genesis promised a Savior to redeem us from sin one day, a Messiah. Christians believe that Messiah is Jesus. In that way Christianity is newer, but also the fulfillment of the oldest religion.
The Book of Enoch predates the Bible even, but totally confirms it from Genesis to Revelation. It also teaches that one day a Messiah would come to redeem us from the law of sin and death if we accept his redemption. I do t know of any teaching older than that, but of course people will always debate.
The fact is there is only one truth, one actual reality and it is of utmost importance for us to seek and to find it. Truth is available if we can put down our own lofty notions of ourself to see it. “Seek with your whole heart and you will find Me,” says our Creator.

Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

Sounds more like a dictator than a creator… Life must be the film adaptation of the book.

poetry witch
poetry witch
2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

You may be interested to read this book: When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

The fact that swimming world is allowing the open mocking and hate speech towards the trans community is disgusting. It is also negligent to allow hate speech to thrive. Those of you claiming you’re Christian couldn’t be further from it.

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

So when were you appointed to decide who is a Christian or NOT. Gain some common sense and get back to us

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

Spoken like a freak .

Hope Lives
Hope Lives
2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

I don’t understand why it is hate speech to disagree with someone. We women have had to fight for the right to be allowed to compete and earn scholarships in sports. Fifty years ago we couldn’t compete in many of the same sports as men and we certainly couldn’t get scholarships for our efforts as they are not as impressive as men’s performance in many sports.
Now, that protection is being ripped away from us. If we follow the science then we cannot ignore the fact that men are different from women. The highest performing male will always outperform the highest performing female in sports where strength is the main component as most sports are. It’s scientific fact. It’s the entire reason why we have separate men and woman’s sports competitions to begin with. How in the world does it help any of us to pretend that a male is a female? How does that protect women’s rights to have fair competition if we now have to compete against men? And why in the world is it called hate speech if we are calling out the obvious scientific facts and trying to protect the fair treatment of women? It’s now hate speech to defend women against transgender opponents that obviously have the male advantage??

Last edited 2 years ago by Hope Lives
poetry witch
poetry witch
2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

Not long ago Christians ruled that women should not be educated or compete in any sports.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

It’s sad this current cancel culture deems any opinion that’s different as hate speech. Just because someone disagrees and is using fair and intelligent points doesn’t mean they hate you. It means that that person is so insecure that any opinion automatically triggers them. It’s sad no one can contain any emotion when a conversation isn’t going their way and they lash out like a special needs kid who gets confused and overwhelmed with something that might be difficult, or different.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

It’s hate speech because it’s defaming the character of trans people. Your opinion is not backed up by science. Do some actual research

Moderately moderate
Moderately moderate
2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

You are absolutely right. I am horrified at the things I am reading others post in this thread. I think their Christian god is likely also horrified that these things are said in his name.

2 years ago

Horrified? I bet that you sleep with the lights on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Vote republican them n no worries no wokeness

Dick Hertz
Dick Hertz
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Absolutely!!! Biden’s got plans to cater to the left and anything they want, he’ll give them! He’s cuckoo for Coco Puffs, for sure!! #SAVEWOMENSSPORTSNOWANDVOTEOUTALLDEMS

Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Rob. Wake up and learn about ‘spell check’. Your scribes sound like they originate in some dark universe devoid of light.

Danny Bailey
Danny Bailey
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

College athletics was never meant to be profitable. That is an entirely recent phenomena created by blood sucking media trying to take advantage of amateur athletes without compensation.

T Bennett
T Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Not going to happen. Now that you’ve suggested that, you are officially transphobic. How dare you suggest something so simple. Using common sense is not allowed where Trans people are concerned

2 years ago
Reply to  T Bennett

Common sense is based in the Law of God . He has made provision and desires that we repent of our sins….to be a trans gender is to say that God made a mistake ….can’t happen . God is sinphobic to use your language. No sin will enter heaven for eternity ..quite the opposite …eternal hell ….repent and be saved …accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ the son of the living God our creator who makes no mistakes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

You good? God makes not mistakes? Then why does medicine exist? If I have the gene for cancer should I just accept my fate because god made me this way? Keep religion out of athletics

Hope Lives
Hope Lives
2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

The gene for cancer is a divergence from how God created humanity and this world. Sin brings in corruption from the perfect state that God created.
Ironically to your point, God made all of the herbs and plants with their healing properties that our medicines are made from. So, God made the healing qualities that heal the effects that destroy His creation. He’s very thorough and thoughtful in that way.

David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

but if God is perfect like you claim there wouldn’t be cancer.

2 years ago
Reply to  David salinas

I’m perfect and you suck!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

Sure god exists cuss an ancient book says so xD it’s like ghosts tbh, if I see 100% solid proof of em I’ll believe it untill then “god” is nothing but a name in a very old book to me. There is no such thing as transgender jus stupid people trying to become a niche for they own gains.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

Yeah but … Can he make a rock so heavy even he can’t lift it?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

The constitution guarantees freedom of religion so save it with your nonsense. Your Jesus would be ashamed of you.

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

The US Constitution was made for a religious and moral people only.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

Jesus here: in fact, my son: I am most ashamed of you. Remember, love one another, as I have always loved you

Hope Lives
Hope Lives
2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

You do understand that the constitution does not say anything about freedom of religion, right? That was from the famed Thomas Jefferson letter regarding how religion should be protected from the state. Not the other way around. Please learn the history around this. You’ve been taught wrong somewhere along the way. Freedom to believe and worship God is actually protected in the constitution. Our constitution even defends and purports the belief that our rights come from God in the first place.

Moderately moderate
Moderately moderate
2 years ago
Reply to  Hope Lives

The constitution absolutely does cover freedom of religion “…no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof..” and it is pretty explicit in saying that there will be no law respecting an establishment of religion. Meaning it clearly is not specifically protecting just your religion. The founding fathers weren’t even Christian.

Last edited 2 years ago by Moderately moderate
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

All this talk about “my God believes this or that” and “he’s going to judge a trans and put them in hell.”

Your mind is far too feeble to completely or even in the tiniest fraction discern God’s plan. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. Do you not understand what that means? You, sitting on this speck of an earth with little hope of traveling to the nearest planet, let alone the nearest star…what are your chances of traveling to the most distant star in the most distant galaxy? Doesn’t God coexist there and here simultaneously? You can’t bend steel that is merely a 1/8 inch thick. God has the power to bring all of the universe together to the size of a needle tip. You can’t even forgive your neighbor for being trans and try to understand him and try to lighten his burden. God is all love.

Leave the judging to God. None of us are qualified. All we can do is love and do our best to help wherever we can. Life is too short to squabble about how someone’s going to get it and we’re not. It seems to me, you, my friend, are lost. But I am sure you are wonderful in many ways.

David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

i love how people on here talk about God like they’ve ever seen him.or talked to him.and also if we are just sitting on this little speck and we are nothing compared to god.what makes you think he gives a damn about you.

David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

are you joking?what about people born with male and female organs?that’s not a mistake??

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

So just asking an imaginary figure for forgiveness is all it takes. No wonder everything is all messed up. Everyone’s imaginary friends are forgiving their horrible deeds, and not changing their behavior. When someone repeatedly makes the same horrifying choices, and all they have to do is ask that imaginary figure without any thought or consideration of their own actions it creates like a selfish child syndrome, that all they have to do is cry and say a few words without any intention of changing is completely psychotic.

Dave Noble
Dave Noble
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

A 3rd set of records is the only reasonable way to proceed from the mess that NCAA created for themselves

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Noble

No it’s not actually the fair but right thing to do is to have them play on their genders team not their feelings team you can not become a woman if you are a man you can pretend but in fact you’ll never be .

Jasmine frichtl
Jasmine frichtl
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Speak for yourself I’m eyeball logical born woman and I felt very upset when I was told I couldn’t join the men’s High School football team simply cuz I’m a woman and I did try out for the wrestling team cuz there’s men and women and the coach wasn’t sexes and actually won against guys and I have asthma on top of it so it’s all in your mind whether you can win against someone there’s lots of people in sports that didn’t exactly fit the athletic profile that they still w o n when I found out there was women being able to play in high school football in fact one of them was invited to the NFL Seahawks cuz they were so impressed by her that really helped me heal inside when I got turned down that things are changing and getting better last sexist and demeaning Sports has never been Fair I played against girls twice my size and I’ve played against guys twice my size and it’s all in your head if you win or not same thing in karate of seeing elderly lady breakstone’s while men when younger than them lost the battle against them in karate fights I know a lot of stuff in movies aren’t real but when The Karate Kid movie mr. Miyagi won against all those younger guys you can actually do that for real in karate you can break stones in half with your hand Mind Over Matter women are taught to think they can’t win against guys and that’s why a lot of them don’t there were actually quite a few women that did win again Lea Thompson so you guys are acting like it’s not possible for any of the women to win against her cuz she’s transgender you guys can also disagree with me but you need to be respectful towards transgenders not be rude comments cuz then you’re just making your case look bad when you make it sound like it’s a discriminatory thing rather than a fair case I wish you all the peace and enlightenment

2 years ago

Freak die u r a abomination

Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Try it again, Rob. This is America. We speak English, not whatever it is you attempt communicating in.

2 years ago

Is there a sentence in here?

2 years ago

Learn proper grammar and spelling.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

In apologize for my horrible spelling and late late night grammar!

David salinas
David salinas
2 years ago

Jasmine that is a great comment.and i would love for a women to beat lia but so far that ain’t happened.

2 years ago

You’re missing the point. The entire reason women’s athletics was established was for women to be able to compete in an equitable playing field. A woman/girl competing with men/boys in a “male” sport is no threat to the men/boys. A transgender female-to-male is never going to strip national championships and records away from biological males.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Male, Female and Other/Unknown/Can’t Decide/Prefer Not To Say”… He/She/It

Jayce Campbell
Jayce Campbell
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Exactly. Separate categories is the only way to promote fair competition. Two new categories could be created: one for trans males and one for trans females. It seems like the most logical and fair solution for everyone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jayce Campbell

But we already have that , two sides a male and a female because there is NOTHING else there are only men or women in this world play on the team of the gender you are the real one

Lester perry
Lester perry
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

So true.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

(1) Not enough of them.
(2) That is not validating enough. The whole point of men “identifying” as female is to gain *access* to female only spaces on the basis of the magic words “I am a woman”.

Its the same argument made for those claiming they need access to Refuges. Yes some men *are* victims of domestic abuse (mostly from other males, though in the rarest of occasion from women – though its very different).

There should (and are) refuges for *men*.

Male-trans demand that WOMEN’S refuges are available for them because they are “women” (which is a lie). They don’t understand that a MALE BODY (whether with surgery or without) is still a MALE body and as such WOMEN in those refuges will be triggered by the presence of a male there.

They refuse the concept of a refuge for men or for “trans”. It is not validating to them as their “womanly essence” isn’t being recognised.

The point is the *power trip* of gaining access to Female only spaces.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

Wow. You’ve really got this figured out. But…

Gender and sex are not the same, unless you prefer to ignore what is known and supported by science. The opposite of faith is certainty, as in substantiated by empirical evidence. Sex is biological (physical) and typically easy to identify by observation of reproductive organs and secondary characteristics. Gender is a social construct which can be readily discerned through self-report and, for the incredulous, via neural imaging of the brain; trans women have female brains.

Without appealing to religion, ad hominem attacks, or conspiracy theories it should be clear that the issue here is simple: the biological advantage is too great for a trans female to compete in women’s sports. I hope the conclusion will be reached that swimming competitions should be based on sex, locker rooms on gender.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Why allow the category of Trans to even exist in the first place?? This is madness, step back and actually think for a second how utterly unnatural it is for a man to want to change their gender and sexuality to begin with!!

We are being conditioned by Hollywood (the perverts of all perverts) along with the MSM to accept the travesty that is transgenders!! This is madness!!
They need mental and physiological help, not a surgery!! Shame on those doctors willing to take advantage of these poor confused people!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

No HE doesn’t! Don’t wanna be a man FINE! but don’t take the advantages of being born a man and pick on people BORN a woman! Screw HIM! You sucked as a male athlete you don’t get to put makeup and try as a female!

2 years ago
Reply to  Rage

Everyone does, and anger doesn’t change that. Maintaining dignity for you and others doesn’t make you a lesser person-it is a testament to your personal constitution. I’m afraid I have to disagree with Lia Thomas as a swimmer, but I am proud to respect Lia Thomas as a person, as I respect you as a person. I am sure you have probably done things that others would view with contempt, yet, you deserve to maintain your dignity without question. It is ok to disagree. It is not ok to hate.

T Bennett
T Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Thomas self serving. Self absorbed, selfish. And a horrible person. No sense or CONCERN to fair play. Which makes a horrible human being. No hate, just facts

2 years ago
Reply to  T Bennett


2 years ago
Reply to  T Bennett

And you can prove this how? She seems pretty chill to me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella


2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

She?? You mean HE!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Well said

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

But that’s not the issue Id say that i respect HIM as a person but it’s hard to respect someone who takes advantage of people weaker than him just so he can finally win for the first time in his life

2 years ago
Reply to  Lonnie

Or….how can we “respect” him when he doesn’t even respect himself?? ??‍♂️

2 years ago
Reply to  Rage

For you to call Lia Thomas a man and use incorrect pronouns repeatedly is the definition of hate speech towards transgender community. Disgusting behavior by you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Mr Thomas is a biologic male, so stating a clear fact cannot be construed as “hate speech”

2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbie

Amen but only honest intelligent people with a knowledge of God can see that . God hates the sin ….not the sinner…continuing in sin jus mock God and that doesn’t end well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bobbie

Yes she is a biological male but pronouns do not equal sex and whether you support her inclusion in sports should not mean you don’t respect her. You are clearly saying Mr just to spite her and it’s clear it’s about more than biology to you

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

A statement of facts is neither disrespectful or spiteful. You can pretend to be whatever you want to be, but that doesn’t mean I should be required to pretend along with you by calling a male person a “she”.
What is truly disrespectful is the unfair advantage of a man competing against women. It is just plain shameful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

WE are saying He,Him,His and Mr. Because it is proper. Male is He, female is She. XY is Male XX is female. Need I go on? I can.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Forcing people to respect others is tyrannical.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

3rd person pronouns ARE sexed.
Thats the point of them in *most* languages. English is pretty much “sex neutral” as nouns are not “sexed” as they are in many other languages.

I note that those who deny they are either male or female never use the existing purely “sexed neutral” terms of “it, its, itself”.

In addition, the SPEAKER *of a person* is the only one who chooses the correct third person pronoun for someone they speak about. This should usually be done in the subject’s absence as its abominably rude to speak of a person in the presence in the 3rd person.
Thus why should a person be *compelled* to use terms “chosen” (dictated?) by others when they are not present?

Names can be chosen. 3rd person pronouns cannot.

It is not respectful to demand everyone lies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Pronouns??? ???

I see we are dealing with a feeble person here who is probably not older than 25.

Anybody that uses “pronouns” next to their name should be ridiculed and run out of the room!! That has to be one of the DUMBEST things that’s come out of the PC world you lefties live in!! ??

For fhuck sake, wake up and realize the stupidity and ridiculousness that this made up trend amongst the “woke” is!!

T Bennett
T Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I respectfully disagree, Thomas has his JUNK just like ANY OTHER MAN. If you want to what the panties lose the JUNK. Jennet didn’t PLAY AT being Trans, she went ALL IN, and NEVER COMPETED AGAINST FEMALES . THAT I can respect. Thomas, NEVER

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

God hates the sin …not the sinner but you appear to have little or knowledge or relationship with God …definitely a humanist I think.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Well, he is actually a man who think is a woman. No amount of surgery or treatment can change what gender he was born as. No hate here!

Elizabeth Ware
Elizabeth Ware
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Liar Thomas is a HE as long as HE sports his JUNK in the women’s locker room. Willy Boy couldn’t be #1in the men’s NCAA so he CHEATS so he can become #1. Give it up Willy, you’re pathetic to be a female just to win, win, win, win. Why don’t you just crawl in a hole so that we can forget about you. You are nauseating and totally repulsive. Get off the stage

2 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth Ware

Even if he had it cut off he is still male and a man. He still has all the biological advantages of his maleness that will never leave him.

Those men who have lost their junk due to injury or disease are still male and its insulting to imply that “losing” those organs makes a person NOT male.

Just as its insulting to women who have had a mastectomy due to *breast cancer* or lost their sexual organs due to disease are now “not women”.

Losing any body part does not change a person’s sex. Ever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Let me correct him she is a freak not a man or women a abomination sick shim

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Well Joe in the REAL WORLD, HE is Male, NOT Female, HE was born Male n will Die Male !

2 years ago
Reply to  DR. TY HOOPER

XY Male
XX Female

2 years ago
Reply to  DR. TY HOOPER

Might this REAL WORLD you speak of be a place with only one book, inhabitated by the blindly faithful?

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

No, it’s not hate speech just because you disagree with what’s being said.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

HE is being correctly sexed.

I do not collude with or believe in anything to do with “gender” which is an ideology that seeks to *create* ever more rigid boxes of “rules” on how to be.

*Adults* who want to cosmetically change their body can do so or live in a particular way – providing it does not harm anyone else, can do so. That does not mean they have the right to demand everyone else collude in their self perception, when this is the opposite to biological reality.

You or anyone demanding people change their thoughts, language and understanding of tried and tested reality *and demanding* this is compelled in law are no different to that person in the East telling their people not to say there is a war being waged on pain of imprisonment.
That is authoritarian. Don’t do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Calling the trans community “freaks” exemplifies the disgusting hate speech spewed from the mouths of these so-called “Christians.” They seem to forget that the world is evolving and not revolving around them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rage

This is disgusting, horrible hate speech towards the trans community, and shame on Swimming World for refusing to police hate speech against trans athletes in their forums.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

If you think this letter was hate speech, you are the one who should be shamed. It is time to stop being nice, or accommodating. There is NO place for men who want to become a woman to compete in sports designated for females only. The cowards at the NCAA should be removed and replaced with ANYONE with common sense

2 years ago
Reply to  Nunsuch

The letter isn’t hate speech, the comments are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Die tranny lover

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

That is offensive. Don’t do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

How are facts hate speech? I don’t like trans because they are all like you. If someone disagrees its hate speech. Guess what, it’s a free country and we can disagree.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe

That’s ALL you got?? I can picture you running around with your hair on fire yelling at the top of your voice….”it’s hate speech, it’s hate speech” ?

Facts are not hateful sweetie! Now run along and crawl into your safe zone so you don’t get your feelings hurt!!
Sure wish bulling was still a thing these days, it would keep morons like you in check!

Jeff J
Jeff J
2 years ago
Reply to  Rage

Thomas sucked as man? She had the sixth fastest time in the country in the 1000 as a freshman man. If you think anyone becomes transgender to do better at sports, you’re an idiot. Nobody wants that hard a life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff J

HE is a head taller and twice as wide as any of the women in the pool.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff J

He was 462 in the male rankings. That is not “6th fastest time”.
He has catapulted himself from 462 to 1st just by announcing he is a “woman” which is a lie.
He should not be competing against women as he is male and a man.

Note: his fellow male competitors were quite happy for him to continue to compete with them. He *chose* not too knowing full well he would never win because his ability was not good enough. So he *chose* to compete against the females. NCAA may have *allowed* this but he actively *chose* to.

He is a cheat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rage

I can’t be mad at him. We are really taking care of this now. There was a runner 10 years ago ran as a woman crushed it. Ran as a male got crushed. Simple math

T Bennett
T Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  LJSims

You’re in trouble!!! HATE SPEECH!!! 100% factual, but since it’s not favorable to Trans people it’s “hate speech”. How absurd

T Bennett
T Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Rage

Harsh, but 100% ACCURATE

Lester perry
Lester perry
2 years ago
Reply to  Rage


2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

I don’t think I could walk a mile in high heels

2 years ago
Reply to  Jchata


T Bennett
T Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

ALL OF US MEN have in fact walked many miles in Thomas’s shoes. And I think we can agree that DON’T want to compete against women. Yes he is a human being, a selfish, inconsiderate one.

2 years ago
Reply to  T Bennett

Amen …and that is not hate of the person…but justified hate of his character and behavior. God himself hates the sin …not the sinner.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Correct they morph into humanists at some point . Humanist according to Webster is someone that thinks they have all the answers to solve things but void of the knowledge of God and theology… Basically it is the left of which I was for sometime aligned in error. God help them brace the light and surrender to Him and His ways after all He will judge us in the end . Accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

You’re brainwashed

Julie LaPlant
Julie LaPlant
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Well-stated. I agree.

Andrea McHugh
Andrea McHugh
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Where is the respect when he is prancing around the women’s locker room NAKED, bragging about how he faster then them now?

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrea McHugh

That’s called you projecting, love. Says a lot more about you than anyone else that this is your view of the world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Yes he does deserve respect ..he just needs to respect the person that God almighty our creator has made him…the beginning of wisdom is fearing (respecting )God. I wish this for all who have sinned (all of us)and come short of the glory of God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Wisdom begins when you develop the ability to alter your perception when faced with empirical evidence that contradicts what you believe based on your culture, religion, and political beliefs. Wisdom is not something you find in a book. Preaching to others that don’t share your religious beliefs, especially in a forum such as this, is myopic. Your religion isn’t a tool to build a tower that looks down on everyone else. It only drives people further away by making you appear sanctimonious. Piousness doesn’t make you a better person, or even a good person for that matter. Jeff, if you are genuinely trying to bring people to God because you care about them, I applaud you, even if your approach seems like folly. But this debate has real-world implications that have very little to do with religion. It does very little in the way of rendering any tangible outcome.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

The beginning of wisdom is acknowledging all points of view, and being respectful enough to continue a dialogue. To be able to consider something outside the box, and create a dialogue to include all those who have an opinion. To be open to new ideas and a way of thinking, its not being brainwashed into thinking what the majority or the popular opinion is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

He is being treated like a human being. NCAA ruled in his favor to compete against other women swimmers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jojostar

Just because it had those rules, doesn’t mean they are right. Once upon a time there were rules that slavery was ok. They were not right.

This rules that say a male can compete against women because he has announced he is a “woman” are wrong, unfair and in some sports down right dangerous (Fallon Fox beating a WOMAN so her skull was fractured is an example of such “rules” effectively being state sanctioned violence against women by a male).

A just rule/law balances the needs of as many as possible. They are fair and protect.

NCAA are not fair.

Thomas is also culpable as he had a *choice* to continue to compete with his fellow males. There is NO rule that states a man, when they announce they are a woman, MUST compete against women or CANNOT compete against men.

He CHOSE to cheat.

More like Leo Thomas
More like Leo Thomas
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Don’t judge a man until you’ve swam a lap in his bikini.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Would you say the same thing about the murderous 83 yr old recently found wandering around in a mobile with a woman’s leg that had been cut off from the woman?
Should we be not judging that 83 yr old?
Lets have a look at what that 83 yr old was:
Harvey Marcelin – who had murdered and dismembered two women, one in the 60s and then another in the 80s not long after being released on parole for the first one.

Then released and recently “identified” as a woman and has then MURDERED AND DISMEMBERED a third woman.
His MALE strength despite is 83 yrs is still being used to harm WOMEN.

All the media references refer to HIM as a “she”. Its doubly offensive & insulting to women. His crime is then on statistics as a WOMEN’S crime. He has destroyed the lives of 3 women and their loved ones who miss those women. His actions are being placed at the door of WOMEN.

Should we not judge him?

We most certainly CAN and SHOULD judge a person’s actions and behaviour.
Marcelin – a male, is a murderer.

Thomas – a male is a cheat. His actions are not in the same sphere as Marcelin’s, but if you say that a cheat should not be judged as we should “walk a mile in his shoes” than its the same with Marcelin.

Dick Hertz
Dick Hertz
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

You misspelled that, it’s MR!! I wonder how’d you’d feel if your daughter or granddaughter got bumped off the team because a DUDE PLACED 462nd SWIMMING WITH HIS PEERS!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

You walk a mile in their shoes , tell us how that goes for you cause I’m not going to pretend to be something that I could never be no matter how hard I cry about my twisted feelings . I’m not a freak .

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

And don’t let the freak lovers be in charge of anything. Thomas is a male and has no business competing against females. Only the over educated can be confused by something so simple

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

This is gross.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Anything natural that has forever been changed my mankind will always remain un-natural. Physical competition has always been dominated by men because of the male physique and that is one thing a operation can not change.
THE NCAA has NEVER BEFORE allowed anything unnatural that would give it’s athletes any kind of a distinct advantage.

Jeffrey Kustelski
Jeffrey Kustelski
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

He’s a very confused individual who needs mental help on a large scale what’s not fair to real women in sports is he still has man shoulders man hands man feet man lungs he looks like a man he talks like a man so there for he is a man just because he mutated his man parts and takes women’s one a day vitamins does not make him a woman and should definitely not be competing in women’s sports how can anybody in there right mind think that’s ok to do he is totally ruining women’s sports

2 years ago

He didn’t mutate his male parts,he still has them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janice

He still has his male parts? Do you know that for a fact? If that’s the case, how can he compete as a female?

2 years ago
Reply to  Heather

Yes he does. Just ask any of the women that had to share their locker room with him over the season! Very uncomfortable! Common knowledge she still has all her male parts and doesn’t really completely cover them up either in the locker room.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

HE !

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

It’s NOT a SHE it a HE,
however freaky HE is, however and whatever many chemicals HE injests. A freaking HE whose egotistic, freaking psyche he lives by.
Ok, he wants to be a female, fine, I want to be a little girl, my rntire life, that doesn’t mean I can compete against children, no matter what locker room I shower in.
What a freak, if I were a female swimmer, I hope I would have the courage to kick him out of my locker room.

2 years ago
Reply to  Heather

Irrelevant. And its very obvious from photos also there are accounts from his team mates who are very uncomfortable with him in their locker room. Or do you doubt them?

Even if he had removed his junk, its does not remove his biological advantage of being male.

A man who has unfortunately lost his junk due to ill health or injury, is still a male. Its insulting to imply his is not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janice

Irrelevant if he had had them removed. Still male/man and still has same biological advantages.

John Copeland
John Copeland
2 years ago

If a male dog is neutered,does that make him a girl dog or is he just a male neutered dog. Wil-Lia-m hasn’t been neutered. Still has his junk. Still has his DNA. Still has his Adams apple. Can’t become a woman just because you feel like you should be. That’s not how it works.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Copeland

This just in, Adam’s apples give you a competitive advantage and the junk reduces water drag!

2 years ago

You clearly don’t know how transitioning works and you should do research on the subject from collages and national health organizations before commenting 🙂

Jeffrey Kustelski
Jeffrey Kustelski
2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

It dosen’t matter he is a freak and should be put down enough is enough and you stupid bleeding heart liberals should be put down as well you are ruining the world

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Many have. The evidence is very clear. 10 – 12% ADVANTAGE between the elite men over the elite women.

The fastest woman in swimming would not meet the lowest standard possible for the Men’s competitive swimming.

Biological advantages of being male start in the womb and continue through puberty. Men’s very muscle fibre is *different* to women’s muscle fibre.

A male who has been swimming (or other sport/exercise) through teens (which is when elite sportsperson start) will hold that advantage through their lives.

“Suppressing” testosterone does not negate or remove those advantages of greater speed, strength, stamina and sheer power.

Magically announcing one is now a “woman” is not going to remove those advantages and neither is surgery or drugs.

A woman athlete who announces she is a male, has to make an active choice:

1) go on testosterone and lose all opportunities to compete as this would be deemed to breach rules on doping. (note: women on T can NEVER get to the male levels due to the adverse health consequences).

2) not go on testosterone so they can continue to compete but only in the FEMALE category (which is fine). This is what Izsac Henig did.

See, the whole situation is inherently unfair. Males are permitted to compete against females but females cannot on two counts: Breach rules on doping and *biology* is against them. They would NEVER reach the levels needed to compete against men anyway.

Very interesting the *men* are always mentioned and centred but not the Women.

Gender ideology is Sexist. Its specifically misogynistic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rhian

I wish I could like this twenty times. Thank you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Heather

Same here! The problem is the conversion always gets derailed into politics and/or religion. But the above comment was perfect. Correct, concise, and factual without and loaded verbiage.

Julie LaPlant
Julie LaPlant
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Everyone deserves to be happy in their body. I cringe hearing the word “freak.” As a female swimmer, I understand the concerns of the females competing against Lea. However, we should not call them freaks.

Dale White
Dale White
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike


Jasmine frichtl
Jasmine frichtl
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I knew this was about descriminatiion not fairness when you degrading language lkke that to transgenders

2 years ago

U mean freaks

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

We weren’t talking about you, no.

2 years ago

IF you are a Real Female , you should feel highly Insulted that a Male is encroaching in your Space . Instead of advocating for Abnormality, WHY don’t you advocate for these Mentally ILL CHARACTERS to get help to treat their Mental illness

Last edited 2 years ago by DR. TY HOOPER
Lee Eyerman
Lee Eyerman
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’s all mind control by the left,they dont care about transgenders.They use groups of nonsense to see how much we as a society will accept.Wait long enough,there will be more ungodly nonsense.Title IX is over.Now equal scholarships to transgender females.Women need to be outraged but
most have sold out to the leftist kool-aid.Sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Amen Sir

Jman Mac
Jman Mac
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Wow!! We’re all gonna get cancelled like a stamp! Very sensitive topic. The ncaa should have a “league of their own”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You are right.

Roxanne Richards
Roxanne Richards
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

While I agree with your sentiment I strongly take issue with the word “freak”. I take great pride in my community and volunteer to help make it better. My east Texas friends and neighbors show nothing but love and support and for sure have my back. You could have made your point without being ugly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Freak is a title of pride. I’ll stand with them every day.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’s people like you that’s cause the end result of this situation… you’re the freak!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You could try to be adult about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

just stop.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Very Harsh

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You’re a monster, guaranteed a right winger. Freedom for me, but not for thee. Fake individualism. No real conservative values. Typical republican, some if you should realize you’re conservative democrats policy-wise.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Dude get a grip

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I agree if I’m watching sports with my children I don’t need them asking me what that is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Or at least have categories for Trans….libs love categories anyway.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

We hope the NCAA will keep freaks like you out of sports too! But you are not and never were competitive, just noisy.

Richard Blinkhorn
Richard Blinkhorn
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Calling them freaks is just as bad as allowing them to compete against women!
Your just a hater!
I do however believe they should have there own forum. And compete against like athletes!!

Bill Busby
Bill Busby
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You’re the freak loser Trump wannabe

S. MacLean
S. MacLean
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

That wasn’t very constructive. Fortunately, the women of U of A are taking a well reasoned and constructive approach to a difficult topic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You’re such a moron.

David tobie
David tobie
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

U should drink a gallon of bleach

J perera
J perera
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hope you dont get involved in sports.

James pronouns (men/talY/ill)
James pronouns (men/talY/ill)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Facts keep them out

Daniel Cabrera
Daniel Cabrera
2 years ago
Reply to  Selma

Well done!! The transgender category could have been established by the NCAA and Lia would have had a chance to freely shine!! Instead, all female-born athletes are being threatened because the NCAA has opened the door for eventually hurting and afflicting, EVERYONE.
I hope YOU women (all) receive the only correct answer: Women only where fairness is required, and at the same time, no need to attack transgenders and no desire to scorn anyone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Cabrera

Lia would have been all on his own.

Jim OS
Jim OS
2 years ago
Reply to  Selma

Don’t bet on it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Selma


2 years ago
Reply to  Selma

I hope so too, this is outrageous! For crying out loud! I knew that most of the members that head the NCAA had to be males; for this to even happen! They better have a damn goid reason for allowing this and instructing the fellow team mates of LT to be silent! And to allow LT who is all MALE to be allowed in female private areas, now that is a crime in most states!!!stated!!!! This LT should be arrested for indecent exposure as his fellow swimmers have mentioned, he exposes his privates when in with them. I hope he his shunned and ignored. But the females should just protest and not even swim when he is competing! They would be the most effective because there would be no meet!

2 years ago

Well done! Women have to stand for women’s sports!!! She/he should not be allowed to compete in women’s sport at the stage of transition she/ he is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Inga

What stage is that? She’s been transitioning since 2019. All that’s required is a year of testosterone suppression

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

He’s a dude no matter what.

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

Yet all his biological advantages as a male still exist and do not change.

Testosterone is the fuel to the male body. It does not *define* the male body. Its *part of it*.

2 years ago

I am under the firm belief that a woman is a woman and a man is a man under the definition given to us by God, the Creator, in the Holy Bible. Even if you do not share my belief system you can not dismiss the facts. Not only is everyone born either male or female, there are certain genetic markers that distinguish this. DNA, an x and y chromosome, makes you a male. You can also distinguish if a person is a male or female by their bone structure. Male skeletons have narrow pelvic cavity, broader shoulders and long rib cage. No amount of hormone replacement therapy can change that, no matter how hard you try to be a woman you were MADE a man. That means you should have to compete as a male. It is not fair to the women who worked hard for years to then have someone, who is not a true woman, come in and take their place. It is kind of funny how as a male, Lia, placed in the 400’s and now as a supposed female is breaking records and placing 1st. That should explain a lot right there.
The best thing I can do is pray. Pray for Lia to find guidance back to where he belongs. Pray for the schools and officials to make the right choices. Pray for other people involved to see the trueth and for people to grow.

Don Cable
Don Cable
2 years ago
Reply to  Tina

Biology matters. DNA, testosterone matter. Ridiculous stuff going on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tina

You lost us with that creator bs bud

bsrry mckown
bsrry mckown
2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

flash…did’nt loose me! AND I’M SURE A “LOT” OF OTHERS

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Only you maybe

Bing Bong
Bing Bong
2 years ago
Reply to  Tina

And I will pray for you. Who do I send it to? You sure that’s the right one? Lots of choices out there. But I’m guessing the one who made the world in six days 6,000 years ago. Spent a lot of blood and treasure convincing his creatures to believe he was the one, then sent his virgin-born son, or, himself actually, (right?) to die to redeem them all from their past and future sins so that when they die they can ascend to heaven and sit on his right? And all the unbelievers burn in hell, right? All you gotta do is believe. That the one to send my prayers to?

Terry Garvin
Terry Garvin
2 years ago

It’s time to abolish the ncca. They have proven themselves incapable of protecting women in sports and should be replaced by a new organization capable of keeping up with the times

2 years ago

I think the fix is simple. Boys born boys compete against boys. Girls born Girls compete against girls. Everything not that compete against Everything not that.

Not Sure
Not Sure
2 years ago

Hahaha, suck on some equality. I say we just get rid of all categories. Open competition for all. May the best “thing” win.

2 years ago
Reply to  Not Sure

U got 1 part right they r things

2 years ago

He is a man period. A man that could not make it swimming as a man

2 years ago

Next race, when the starting buzzer goes off. Let the dude swim alone

2 years ago


2 years ago

Seriously. What if all woman boycott the races. He can’t win if he swims alone

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

But then everyone loses, primarily the biological women. You don’t spend years developing your skills to give up when adversity strikes. That’s what makes great competitors. There is more strength in finishing the race, especially when the odds are stacked against you. Sometimes success is better served through perseverance than through first-place trophies. These women represent a new kind of hero’s journey, and that journey begins and ends in the pool.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

It’s ‘women’. Not ‘biological women’. There is no need for using qualifiers.

R Davis
R Davis
2 years ago

It is unfair for a biological male to compete against biological females. Period.

Kent Mueller
Kent Mueller
2 years ago

Title IX recognized the difference between the born male body and the born female body. Otherwise, Title IX would have resulted in more individuals competing in “sports”. But, by recognizing the difference, Title IX created “Women’s” sports for the new participants in sport. It was never about what anyone thought. It was about the fundamental, undeniable differences between XX and XY. Sadly, this is how the heads of sports organizations are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Title IX. There is nothing to celebrate now. What so many painstakingly built over 49 years has been shaken at the very foundation in only one year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kent Mueller

Just a reminder as has been proven by science over and over again. Not everyone is born neatly with either XY or XX chromosomes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lindsey


2 years ago
Reply to  Lindsey

XXY or XYY are still Males. Intersex or Mosaic Sex are considered Genetic anomalies and can have both or one.
The Anomaly is 1.7% and as they get older the Dominant sex trait usually becomes obvious if they are allowed to naturally develop.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lorrie

The anomaly is less that 1.7%. There are conditions included that aren’t strictly speaking DSDs (correct term for what was originally “intersex”).

2 years ago
Reply to  Lindsey

And that very minute minority, that smallest fraction of people are the true transgendered. Your not trans just because you feel like you are. It’s in the DNA, not the mind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Those with DSDs are not “trans”. Their specific DSD is a medical condition. They are still male or female.

It is much easier to confirm what their sex is than it used to be solely by observance. Therefore it should be easier to care for those who have a congenital medical condition through life rather than it being “discovered” at puberty.

There should now not be any reason to bring a child up as one sex when they are actually the other sex with all that confusion and distress that would cause.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lindsey

When speaking of the extremely rare occurrence of a genetic defect, which does happen, it does not mitigate the overwhelmingly vast number of the population which is either XX or XY.

Sally MacMullan
Sally MacMullan
2 years ago

Harmone levels per se do not make a female. 0varies & .menstruation do. Lia will never get pregnant or have to “Choose”

2 years ago

So a woman who’s had a hysterectomy isn’t a woman? ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicole

That is not what she said. Even if you’ve had a hysterectomy there has been a significant amount of time in your life where you had periods and probably been pregnant. Her point was Lia will never have either.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicole

Did Lia have a hysterectomy? No, but only a real woman can have babies. Because, a real woman can have a baby before their hysterectomy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicole

Where was that stated?

A woman is an Adult Human Female.
She is this *because* of the sexual development path that starts *at conception*. That’s it. It does not dictate what she does, thinks or likes or how she presents. Her femaleness/womanhood is *due* to her biology which cannot be changed.

Whether there are physical abnormalities causing congenital health conditions that *interrupt* that process (DSDs) or gynaecological health conditions that occur *later* in life which may require removal of the sexual organs/breasts, does not negate the fact the individual is *still female and a woman*.

Tell me, does having breasts removed from a girl barely starting puberty or her uterus removed, because she *thinks* she is male, make her male?

If you think it does *make her male*, then its YOU are are saying that a woman having a hysterectomy is now not a woman.

2 years ago

Ovaries make you swim faster I swear

L. Marshall
L. Marshall
2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by L. Marshall
2 years ago

Not every time someone opposes a transgender issue are they transphobic. Part of being accepted is the ability to receive criticism. If Thomas wanted to compete in the Mens Division; which could change it’s name to Open Division (anybody can compete including cisgender woman) I don’t think people would have an issue, and keep the Womans Division what it used to be for Cisgender Woman only. I keep seeing an Adidas commercial mentioning Trans woman participation in sports. Why not mention Trans man competing? The reason is Trans man, except for a very few, are totally not competitive in Men’s sports.

2 years ago
Reply to  bosstone

Please name the very few trans men that you speak of that have been successful at the elite level.

2 years ago
Reply to  bosstone

Why say CIS-Women? Just say women or real women. What does ‘CIS’ even mean?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

CIS is an artificial construct introduced in an academic paper in the 1990s and gained ground in a book published in 2008 by transgender theorist Julia Serano.

L. Marshall
L. Marshall
2 years ago

I’m frustrated with all this discussion about testosterone levels. Who decided that a person’s testosterone levels is what determines whether they are biologically male or female? Whether their testosterone level has been low for one year versus 3 years should make no difference. If they were born with it XY chromosome they are a biological male and should compete only against biological males. Outside the realm of competition, they are free and should be fully supported to live the gender they are most comfortable with.

2 years ago
Reply to  L. Marshall

I’m glad to see the support to live as a gender they identify as but just a reminder that, testosterone levels are the main thing that people born male stinger than people born female. I will accept arguments about bone density but XY has never implicitly made anyone a better swimmer

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Going through puberty as a male gives stronger bones larger hands,feet and lungs and quicker response times.

Donna Reynolds
Donna Reynolds
2 years ago

Brava, good women of Arizona Swimming and Diving!
It will take many many voices and actions to get male bodies out of our competitions and locker rooms. Trannies need to get their own divisions, the way we fought for Title IX to finally achieve fairness for women’s and girls’ sports.
I admire you! I am a 76 year old sports competitor, from my Tomboy days thru HS and college and beyond. This invasion by males is crazy, dangerous and absolutely unfair!

2 years ago
Reply to  Donna Reynolds

Tr*nny is a slur, just say trans 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by Stella
2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Or freak

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

That is hate speech and I feel you are trying to take away my rights. Starting with freedom of speech. Your a hetero-phobe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Donna Reynolds


2 years ago

Yet not one of the current swimmers signed…

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Because the “Current Swimmers” are being threatened with loss of scholarships, careers etc., the real women from the University who wrote the letter are No Longer competing so they don’t have anything to lose…

david richard rowlands
david richard rowlands
2 years ago

Lia is not a “transgender female” as the article states, but a man who identifies as a woman.

2 years ago

Except, they are, that’s the entire NCAA rule smh

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Slavery was allowed in law. Do you think it was wrong that it was repealed to stop slavery?

Was it a “good law/rule” because it was a law/rule?

The NCAA CHANGED the rules to actively *allow* males into the Women’s category on the basis of announcing they are males and a slight lowering of testosterone (which has not real impact on their ability.
There is NO rule that at the same time BANS males-trans from continuing to compete in the male category.

There *IS* rules on women who identify as males NOT being able to continue to compete in the female category if they go on testosterone because that breaches DRUG rules. Those rules would have her kicked out of competing *at all*. She can’t compete with men (unlikely she would even make the grade even if she was allowed).

If she still wants to compete she has to remain female and NOT go on testosterone and compete with her fellow women as Iszac Henig has done.

2 years ago

Freak abomination

Joani Tarsitano
Joani Tarsitano
2 years ago

I agree 100% with you

2 years ago

Transphobic females in AZ.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Nothing TransPhobic about it. Never once did they speak out against Thomas’s right to transition, there were no names called. Everything was fact based and a call for fairness.
The problem is when the 99% have an issue with something (finally) we must be “Phobic” or any other label, instead of tired of bending to the 1%

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Freak she is none is transphobic no one wants a freak like that around

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

That is hate speech and I feel you are trying to take away my rights. Starting with freedom of speech. Your a hetero-phobe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Misogynistic male called Matt.

2 years ago

NCAA needs to step up. Agree with very well written letter from University of Arizona.
Title IX finally achieve fairness for women’s and girls’ sports…let’s not ruin it for all girls and women.

Jim stu
Jim stu
2 years ago

Transgender men should compete against transgender men. Same for transgender women. PERIOD!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim stu

Lol they don’t have periods haahaaa freaks

2 years ago

The colleges should ban together and tell the NCAA they will not compete untill they fix the problem. Let’s see what the NCAA does when it starts losing all that money.

Drew Crow
Drew Crow
2 years ago

Laser clarity in this letter. Never too late for the NCAA to do the right thing and revoke its extremely faulty and destructive decision.

Jeffrey Kustelski
Jeffrey Kustelski
2 years ago

He is a man and will be forever he has man shoulders he has man hands he has man feet he has man lungs he looks like a man he talks like a man and there for he is a man just because he mutilated his man parts and is taking womens one a day vitamins does not make him a woman why would anybody in there right mind think that it is ok for him to compete in any women’s sports it is totally unfair to real women

Pat Kashtock
Pat Kashtock
2 years ago

Thomas did not mutilate their man parts. They are there, and and they are sexually attracted to females, have a girl friend. The female swimmers have said that Thomas walking around their locker room, nude, full man parts expressing attraction to them has made the female swimmers highly uncomfortable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pat Kashtock

Do you people always lie like this?

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

Do you usually misbelieve people?

2 years ago
Reply to  KJb

I bet you like sucking fat tranny cock.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pat Kashtock

Cause he not man enough lol he a bitch

Elizabeth Ware
Elizabeth Ware
2 years ago

I am so glad these brave women and their coaches have spoken up for biological women. I am so tired of seeing Cheater Liar Thomas in the news. NBC and Sports Illustrated have made a case for Liar Thomas to cheat and validate his bogus claim that he’s a woman but look the other way that he still has his male organs that his teammates have to endure in the locker room. NCAA has turned back the clocks 50 years on women’s participation in sports, they have created a hostile environment for cisgender women at Penn by silencing them with threats of taking away their scholarships and sabotaging their careers, to accommodate a CHEATER. Lia was an average male swimmer in the men’s and far from being a top seed but suddenly moves up to #1. That’s demeaning to all biological women. Female athletes need to rally and file lawsuits all the way to the Supreme Court to protect Title IX and create a Transgender Division within the NCAA for fairness. What’s next for Liar Thomas, the Special Olympics where he can claim having a disability?

2 years ago

This letter is perfect. It says it all. The NCAA needs to undo the harm that had been done

2 years ago

More women need to speak up. What is unconscionable is some women and supposed women’s organizations and companies supporting men competing against women.

2 years ago

I’ll be all for Lia when Lia has surgery that renders her with a vulva. Right now, just taking hormones, that can be reversed after college. Because I have a feeling Lia will “change her mind” and continue as her biological gender after college. I’m absolutely positive that a surgeon in that field would do this at low or no cost. So, if she wants to be female, go whole hog. People will probably be more accepting if she did.

Pat Kashtock
Pat Kashtock
2 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

Yes, I get that. But the meter fact of XY vs XX chromosomes would remain. One cannot change a male body with longer arms and legs, bigger hands and feet, broader chest, narrower hips, larger heart and lungs with greater capacity into a female body which is smaller, plus has narrower shoulders and a wider pelvis which displaces the hip joints parts, causing the legs to have a less efficient stride.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

I agree but also, her junk doesn’t make her better

2 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

This comment is absolutely disgusting and you are only making it because you can hide behind anonymity. Karma will have fun with you

2 years ago

More women need to speak up. What is unconscionable is some women and supposed women’s organizations and companies supporting men competing against women.

2 years ago

I believe that trans women should not join in womens sports unless they didn’t go into puberty, after puberty they have too much male hormones, they have bigger lungs for more capacity and endurance, bigger hands, more muscles. After only two years of female hormones trans women are still men. They have a much better advantage over women born female at birth. I believe that a trans woman is a woman but not in competing in woman’s sports it’s not fair.

2 years ago
Reply to  Smurfie

Bigger lungs? HRT lower hemoglobins, so the same endurance as a cis female

2 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Doesn’t reduce lung capacity, muscle fibre or the inherent strength, power and speed that males have due to their being *male*.

There is no such thing as “cis”. You are imposing a label on Females for ideological and propaganda reasons.

Its like a certain someone saying to his country that they must not mention a certain war going on otherwise they will be punished.
That is compulsion of thought and speech, it breaches all human rights and it is not democratic.

Nor is telling people they must believe a lie that a man can become a woman on the basis of magical words and a tiny reduction in testosterone that does not reduce the 10%-14% gap between the elite males over the elite females.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rhian

Thank you! All of this talk about respecting preferred pronouns yet women and men have “cis” imposed upon us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Frank
2 years ago

I’m proud to see many commenters here appreciating the nuance between the biological unfairness of a trans women competing against women, versus giving trans women the respect and tolerance they deserve as human beings. Trans women should not be allowed to compete with women, but I look forward to the alternatives that would allow trans women to compete in a fair environment in the sports they love.

David Scott Griffith
David Scott Griffith
2 years ago

Great letter, great talking points; my daughter will be entering her college swimming career next year at a college yet to be chosen. I only hope that she is given a fair chance to succeed against the wonderful dedicated female swimmers she has been competing against since she was 5 years old.

2 years ago

I think it is unfair for Lia to compete with other women athletes. She is not qualified to compete until after three years of transitioning. Women born with high testosterone levels were barred from the Olympics. Two-time Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya of South Africa couldn’t compete because of her natural high testosterone levels. The university care more about status than doing the right thing.

Henderson Michael
Henderson Michael
2 years ago

all the feminist started this PC culture….. now you are still stuck behind a DICK!

Bill Anderson
Bill Anderson
2 years ago

There is a very simple solution to this. Three races, biological men, biological women, and an open race for all comers. Boom everyone is accommodated and no one is disadvantaged.

2 years ago

The only way to drive the point home is for the other swimmers to stop lining up at the events she is racing.
Let her race the clock all by herself.
It won’t take long for them to cave.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

Well said John!!!

2 years ago

If you chemically castrate yourself or have yourself physically castrated you’re still a man taking estrogen does not make you a woman your muscles and your strength you steal that of a man they used to call it a eunuch he can call himself Miss Mrs madam she he still a dude it’s not fair to women to have to compete against him

Dale White
Dale White
2 years ago

I wish everyone would stop referring to Lia Thomas as “Her” that’s a dude swimming against women. What next? Are they going to let him swim in the special Olympics??? The NCAA is a disgrace.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dale White

It is bizarre to witness people defy blatant reality and just go right along with absolute absurdity. Too many people are too stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dale White

I’ve read somewhere that is *exactly* where he wants to compete next – in the Olympics against women. Won’t be the first time though that has happened. Hubbard did it for weight lifting. Didn’t win but there again didn’t seem to really put his best effort into it. There have been others in the Olympics too.

Dave Noble
Dave Noble
2 years ago

At this point one solution would be to have a 3rd set of records for LGBTQ people therefore women could win transgenders could win and records will be kept separately

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Noble

LGB are happily competing in their own sex categories.

Leave them out of it.

This ideology is trojan horsing on the back of LGB (which are *sexualities* not identities).

2 years ago
Reply to  Rhian

Yes! Thank you!

2 years ago

The young ladies on campus rallied to support equal rights for the gay community. Guess it bit them in the rear. Well get woke go broke. No sympathy here, you reap what you sow. The moral of the story, even gay/Trans gender men screw women. It is in our DNA. Pun intended.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

I had a seizure trying to read this

2 years ago
Reply to  John

No no no. LGB like Het are *sexualities* not *identities*.

Gender Ideology is purely about denying ones *sex* as biology has created one, and saying on can “choose” to be whatever “gender” one wants to be.

Very different concept. The former is founded in biology. The latter is founded in fantasy.

Majority of those who call themselves “trans” are heterosexual males who are solely attracted to Females. They demand to be viewed as “lesbians” which is insulting to Women who are solely attracted to other women. They demand that lesbians have them (males pretending to be women) in their dating pool because they are “women”. Its coercive and insulting.

Gender Ideology trojan horses onto the back of LGB rights. LGB *never* attempted to impose themselves into spaces that weren’t theirs. They also did not coerce heterosexuals to have them in their dating pool.

This rhetoric will not help to stop gender ideology.

Theresa W
Theresa W
2 years ago

I find this to be a travesty. “Lia”. Should surrender the first place spot the HE took from the rightly female winner

2 years ago

You can dress a dog up and call it a lion. As long as you don’t get mad for me calling you out that all it’ll ever truly be is a dog we won’t have any problems. Lia Thomas is a man, was born a man, and no amount of surgery or hormone therapy will ever change that chromosome from an X to a Y. So will remain a man no matter how much he mutilates his body. Let him compete with men. There’s no need for a Trans category because he already qualifies for an existing one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Why does it matter to you? Please share your slippery slope argument that will eliminate individual freedom?

Allison Gober
Allison Gober
2 years ago

Perfectly said, and I pray that they listen!!! Allowing Lia Thomas to swim in the Women’s NCAA Championships should have never happened; but it did, and it’s time that the NCAA acknowledge the mistake and fix this for all future female college athletes!

2 years ago

Does he not have any shame’re a man for gods sakes..

2 years ago
Reply to  Chichi

No. That is the problem. Insanity and absurdity is being celebrated, moving toward mandated.

Homer Sipsome
Homer Sipsome
2 years ago

When does a man quailfy as a woman? 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 months, after some ‘awakening’? How can one discern rightful intent? As women secured equality in college sports funding, it resulted in cancellation of men’s sports programs. One could make case that this pursuit opened the door for destruction of women’s sports….that pusuit of equity rather than merit, means any new ‘least common denominator’ can demand ‘rights’. Goats next.

2 years ago

Lea Thomas needs to be kicked off the team.Shes not a woman. She’s a guy. Of course she/ he is stronger cause she/ he is a guy!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gretchen

He. Stop referring to males as ‘she’. They aren’t and never will be. It’s impossible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gretchen

He is welcome to compete in the men’s category as he used to do. No rule to prevent him doing so.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gretchen

So much hate and disrespectful of individual choice. I love seeing the real republican values shining through the thin, porcelain veneer.

Bruce Quenon
Bruce Quenon
2 years ago

They have no business what so ever in women’s sports period! What is the world coming too? It’s setting women’s sports back 100 years. Stop it now!!!!

Daing Pusit
Daing Pusit
2 years ago

This is just the beginning of the end. If authorities does not make any action to correct this oppressive mistake as early as today, just wait when you see all biological men from 1st to nth competing in the womens category. You may say Lia is just 1. Just wait when real men take advantage of this option to succeed financially. Just wait when this rule is exploited by countries who have less chances of success in any competition. Make this right today not tomorrow or it might be too late. Biological women of authority and influence stand up for your rights and for your daughters.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daing Pusit

The solution begins with not referring to women as ‘biological women’. We are women, period. No qualifiers. Stop using the language of the absurd.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daing Pusit

He is a *real* man. He’s not a *fake* man. He’s still male, still a man but has *chosen* to take advantage of a rule change that was solely for the benefit of men and not for women.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daing Pusit

Lol you act like the fabric of society will come down and people actually care about women’s high school sports to change their entire life, go to years of doctors appointments, psych appointments, take expensive drugs, get surgeries, get the kind of hate you right wingers are dishing out just to win a high school sport. You know how crazy you sound?

Last edited 2 years ago by Cody
Dan Tanielu
Dan Tanielu
2 years ago

He should never been allowed to compete against women

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