The Week That Was: Special Sets: The Training of Texas Recruit and Carmel High Standout Berit Berglund

The Week That Was, Sponsored by Suitmate
The Week That Was #1: Special Sets: The Training of Texas Recruit and Carmel High Standout Berit Berglund
Berit Berglund, the top-ranked girls’ high school swimmer in Indiana (19th nationally), swims for Coach Chris Plumb’s Carmel Swim Club—a place of “hard work, support, change and belief.”
What a life! During the last year, Carmel (Ind.) Swim Club’s Berit Berglund has committed to college (Texas), won three more high school state championships, upped her NISCA All-America honors to 12, and represented her country competitively in Germany, Hungary and Hawaii. Read More…
The Week That Was #2: The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Workouts For Swimmers
The correct management of aerobic and anaerobic sets within a swimmer’s training will influence performance. This balance includes sharpening cardiovascular endurance and sprint speed. For instance, sprinters are more anaerobic-oriented. On the other hand, distance swimmers rely on the benefits of aerobic sets. In analyzing these types of workouts, the primary difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the workout’s intensity. Read More…
The Week That Was #3: Withering Potential: A Coach’s Foe and A Swimmer’s Folly

Photo Courtesy: Kara Sekenski
Any swimmer-turned-coach knows the frustration that comes from watching potential wither. It’s torture. Sometimes I wish I could use the machine from the Matrix to inject some of my experiences into my swimmers’ brains so they would know I’m not lying to them. Swimming Hurts… Read More…
The Week That Was #4: USRPT: How This ‘Unconventional’ Training Works

Every athlete trains differently, and no one training regimen is the same for every athlete. This fact is especially true in the world of swimming. Over the course of the swimming’s history, training has evolved through advancements in technology and approach. Over time, different kicks and breathing patterns have been implemented, along with the introductions of advancements such as flip turns. The sport is continuously moving forward. Read More…
The Week That Was #5: The Importance of Test Sets: How They Serve As a Barometer (Examples Included)

In a sport that revolves around times, the implementation of test sets during practice are a great way to gauge where a swimmer is within their season. Test sets are challenging, but highly rewarding. Difficult sets push swimmers to race their teammates, but just as important, test sets allow swimmers to race themselves via their best times. A test set will physically and mentally challenge swimmers to become the best swimmer possible. Read More…