Canada’s William Brothers Banned By FINA For 4 Years

Canadian National Teamer William Brothers has been banned by FINA for four years due to evading a drug test, FINA announced today.
FINA Press Release:
On 26 August 2015, FINA tried to conduct an out-of-competition doping control test on the swimmer, William Brothers (CAN). The circumstances of this unsuccessful attempt constituted a potential violation of the FINA DC Rule 2.3 – evading, refusing or failing to submit to sample collection.
Following further investigation and a hearing in this matter, the FINA Doping Panel decided according to the FINA DC Rule 10.3.1 to impose on the athlete a sanction of four (4) years’ period of ineligibility commencing on 26 August 2015 and ending at the conclusion of 25 August 2019 for his first anti-doping rule violation.
The full decision is available here:
Not only that….his ignorant dad was trying to help him cheat. Lame!
How is this Dave?
Not a good situation for Team Canada!