Who’s Getting In? 12 Swimmers You’ll Meet During Warmup

Who’s Getting In? 12 Types of Swimmers Entering the Pool for Warmup
By Temarie Tomley
Swimmers are sometimes known for their distinct ways of entering the pool. Each person has a favorite way to start off practice. Here are 12 of the most common ways that swimmers love to hit the water.
1. The Classic Diver
They are normal. They come to the pool and get it done, no questions asked and no funny business. They see the practice and they do it. Done.
2. The First In

Photo Courtesy: Taylor Brien
This is the go-getter. This person doesn’t get cold, loves warmup, and can’t wait to do the practice. They love swimming and show it by being the first splash in the pool every day.
3. The Pencil Jumper
The safety first swimmer; they believe that the cold shock shouldn’t hit head first, and should be inflicted upon the body part with the least feeling (the feet) first.
4. The Incher
This person goes in a little at a time – they would rather torture themselves slowly rather than face the shock of hitting the water all in one go. They’re very cautious when it comes to the cold pool and would rather be in a hot tub. They usually end up getting splashed on their way in, so they might as well just jump in.
5. The Belly Flopper

Photo Courtesy: Tyler Clary
The fun swimmer – can’t just get in normally, they’ve got to make a splash. It’s going to be cold either way, so they think they might as well make it fun and add some pain too. Maybe it’ll get their mind off the cold because their neck and stomach will be hurting so much they won’t even think about the cold water.
6. The Pushed
This poor person – they usually hesitate to get in right on the edge of the pool and become an easy target to their teammates. At least they don’t think about it and they get into the pool quickly.
7. The Pusher
The cruel person. They see opportunities and seize them. How can they not push someone in when they’re right there?

Photo Courtesy: Taylor Brien
8. The Run Diver
They need some extra motivation when getting into the pool, so they run full speed to the pool so that there’s no time to reconsider their actions. They are a bull going in the water – there’s no stopping them.
9. The Flag Toucher
They always have to be striving for something, so might as well jump for the flags. Everything is a game to them, including getting into the pool.
10. The Walker
This person can’t fathom getting in until they know one lap is over with, which they walk. Once at the other side of the pool, everything seems easier to them – and it’s harder for the coach to yell at them from across the pool.
11. The Talker

Photo Courtesy: Annie Grevers
This is the person that talks to the coach for five minutes before practice – both good and annoying. They sneakily get out of warm up while also distracting the coach from yelling at other teammates to get in.
12. The Last In
This is the person that just “can’t even” the cold water. They are usually either still asleep or they dread practice so much there’s nothing that will get them into that pool.
Everyone’s been one of these types of swimmers at some point in their swimming careers…which are you?
Ellie Thompson you are #3
I am definitely the Classic Diver.
Me too, in out get it done, bring on the races.
Shaquile Vaotuua man this couldn’t be more true ?
I love swimming… and I have to get in at the stairs… No reflection at all about how I feel about my training, which i take seriously, I just have bad knees
I’m last in..always have been, always will be
I think I have one of each each day
Haha Mitchell Overcash Cooper it’s too much impact on my head to dive in for every practice. The blocks are too high
I’m gonna miss you so much next year Ellie! Friday mornings will never be the same
#1 all the way when it comes to pools. 😉
Belly Flopper
Vidar e 2 og Oda e 4?
Eg har gjort all de, til og med “The Dabster”
Eg e og 6
Oda Borgstrøm du e offeret
Richard Perez, im most def #12 ?
Nicholas Pirie
Renee Hosking
Janek Cloes
Julian Garcia
Cillian Tierney
Ik ben 6&12 jullie 7 ? Stefan Kwant Patrick Graver
Ha ha Julie Claire Dart a bet you have seen all of these!
??? yes Karen Higgison seen all of these and probably been a few myself ??
I love swimming
Meaghan Colleen Stephanie
Usually the talker…. or the pushed because I was talking….
It legit describes every swimmer I’ve ever known in this whole article ?
Adam Jackson, are we #1, #8, #12?
And number 11… 🙂
#3, without a doubt. My kid is a belly flopper though ?
Kayla Gurney they need to add the dancer lol
They forgot the “no thanks I’ll wait” Matt Coward Cillian Colvin
I’m pretty sure I am 9 out of 13 there. 13 being *no thanks I’ll wait*
McKenzie Kelly number two.. Always want do be the first.. En i am just number 11 or 12 hahaha
ahhahahahaah true
Ioannis για πες ποιος είσαι..
5. The Belly Flopper that’s who I am
First in… Just get it done;)
lets not… invest in a journal what happened to keeping thoughts to ourselves??
Aniek Scholten Maureen Aanstoot ik denk dat jullie nummer 12 zijn ?
ik denk dat je gelijk hebt ❤
Desiree Marie Milar or dance before you get in
Javier Yael Ramos Croda eres el 10 y 11 ??
Jajajaja jamás me había identificado tanto con algo ????
Jajaja ya seee??
Luuk Nijland Cheyenne Van de Port Celine Schoenmaker Anoeska Van de Kraats Kevin Eltink Justus Ykema Toon Koudijs Jeroen Dellebeke Ruben Koek Jurre Stammes Storm Willemsen Eviroos van den Ham Lindi Bos Jarno van Lagen hier hebben wij er wel een paar van …. ?
Ik ben 5 en 11
Oh jij doet dat expres…
Maar welke dan he??!??
Nino is 7
For my college morning workouts I was usually still asleep standing at the end of the pool and the coach would push me in. My first memory of the day was hitting the water; didn’t remember getting up, dressing, and walking to the pool. It helped that my roommate was a swimmer also.
YAP SESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m DEFINITELY a pusher…. watch out