YMCA Swimming Festival to Take Place at Local YMCAs in Place of Cancelled Nationals

Without the YMCA national championship this year, local YMCA coaches and volunteers are putting together a YMCA Swimming Festival.
The national championship was cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic’s convening restrictions and safety considerations for athletes.
The YMCA Swimming Festival is a spring competitive opportunity for YMCA swimmers who have achieved 2020 Short Course YMCA National Championship time standards.
This competition is organized and conducted entirely by local YMCAs and is not sponsored, organized, or conducted by the YMCA of the USA.
Competitions may be held locally or regionally based on existing CDC or state health and safety regulations. Results will be compiled for national rankings and awards through SwimCloud. All competition to be completed by April 11, 2021.
Regional meets will rake place at Greensboro, North Carolina; Oxford, Ohio; Vorhees, New Jersey; York, Pennsylvania and Brown Deer, Wisconsin.
In conjunction with this competitive opportunity, a virtual celebration will be held upon the conclusion of competition and will include special features such as athlete-led devotions, senior recognition and Leader Board announcements.
Rules of eligibility for the YMCA Swimming Festival. More information here.
- Age Up Date: First day of your meet or of the meet you are attending
- Qualification Period: March 1, 2019 through the entry deadline
- Event Limit: Up to four individual events (1000 free is not offered)
- Eligibility:
- YMCA Membership: An athlete must be a YMCA member in good standing who holds an annual, full privilege membership at the YMCA he/she represents for a period of at least 90 days prior to the first day of the meet. An athlete may have only represented that YMCA team in competition for a period of 90 days prior to the first day of the meet, excluding scholastic competition.
*Meets seeking a YMCA championship sanction must follow all sanction rules including requiring YMCA membership and follow all sanction rules including requiring YMCA membership and exclusive representation for at least 90 days prior to the start of the meet.
- Amateur Status: An athlete may not have represented a college, university or other post-high school institution in any competition versus another school and may not have accepted pay or compensation for competing in the YMCA Swimming Festival as a swimmer.