Why Do Swimmers Do That? Specific Swimmer Habits Explained

There’s probably been several times where you’ve asked yourself “why are swimmers doing that?” I know that I’ve heard my family and even random people out in restaurants asking questions about the things swimmers do at the pool. So let’s clear some things up!
Why wear goggles under the swim cap?
Every swimmer has a different preference. Some believe that their goggles are less likely to fall off or fill with water if they are beneath the cap. This is a legit concern for swimmers because if the goggles fill with water in a race they will be unable to see, which would put them at a great disadvantage. At the peak level, every hundredth counts. Katie Ledecky is one that likes to wear her goggles under her cap. Some athletes also like to wear their goggles out to the blocks and some don’t. Those who wear their goggles out may be doing that to narrow their focus or because they have prescription goggles (like Aussie Mack Horton).
Why do swimmers splash water on themselves before a race?

Photo Courtesy: Delly Carr (Swimming Australia)
They either squat down to throw water on themselves or they will take a water bottle and pour it on themselves. Announcers have said it’s to keep the suits in place, but it could be any number of reasons. If a swimmer does that then it’s usually part of their pre-race routine and it’s something that gets them ready to race. The water can lock a suit on a swimmer’s body, but it can also be done to jolt a swimmer’s body into race ready condition. It is believed that the shock of the initial dive into the water will then be less of a shock.
What are the red circles sometimes seen on swimmers’ bodies?
These are the result of “cupping.” There have been many articles on this, but cupping is nothing new in the sport. It’s a form of recovery that pulls the skin away from the muscle, encouraging circulation for rapid recuperation.
Why wear the giant coats behind the blocks?

Drexel teammates proudly sport their parkas. Photo Courtesy: Megan Clark
Almost every swimmer who walks out to the blocks is wearing a heavy winter coat and sometimes two layers. They may even wear gloves. This is all to keep the athlete warm and his or her muscles loose and ready to go. The looser a swimmer is, the better they will swim, because they will already be warmed up. Their temperature will then be better as they swim and their range of motion will be greater because they will be looser. Cold muscles are stiff muscles, and stiff muscles are not fast muscles!
Why do athletes slap and hit themselves before a race?
Also part of an athlete’s race routine, it’s something that gets an athlete ready to go. Male swimmers sometimes slap themselves red, especially on their pectorals. Women will also do this or use a closed fist instead. This slapping increases blood flow in the muscles which is helpful to the “warmup” process.
Why do some flyers “look around” in their races?
If done correctly and timed perfectly, a swimmer can incorporate the “look” in their race without losing the rhythm and flow of their butterfly. This quick look is to either side to see where his or her competitors are. Most think it’s unnecessary to look around in fly, but some swimmers, such as Chad Le Clos, couldn’t help but look at Michael Phelps all the time.