NC State Wins 1st Ever NCAA Relay Title With Close Triumph Against Texas in 400 Free Relay

Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick

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NC State collected its first NCAA relay title with a victory in the men’s 400-yard free relay at the 2016 NCAA Division I Men’s Championships.

Ryan Held (41.82), Simonas Bilis (40.80), Andreas Schiellerup (42.10) and Soeren Dahl (42.09) won the finale in a close battle with a 2:46.81.

Texas’ Brett Ringgold (41.61), Joseph Schooling (41.97), John Murray (42.12) and Jack Conger (41.15) finished second in 2:46.85 in a super close finale.

The .04-second margin of victory is not the closest ever as Texas (2:54.84) beat Auburn (2:54.87) by .03 in 1981.

Florida’s Caeleb Dressel (40.86), Corey Main (42.06), Mark Szaranek (42.37) and Jan Switkowski (41.87) raced their way to third in 2:47.16.

Indiana (2:49.10), Georgia (2:49.84), Alabama (2:49.96) and Auburn (2:50.93) finished fourth through seventh, while California drew a disqualification.

                        === A - Final ===                          
  1 NC State                            2:47.36    2:46.81P 
     1) Held, Ryan SO                 2) r:0.49 Bilis, Simonas SR     
     3) r:0.33 Schiellerup, Anreas JR 4) r:0.25 Dahl, Soeren JR       
    r:+0.66  19.80        41.82 (41.82)
        1:00.90 (19.08)     1:22.62 (40.80)
        1:42.38 (19.76)     2:04.72 (42.10)
        2:24.46 (19.74)     2:46.81 (42.09)
  2 Texas                               2:51.40    2:46.85P 
     1) Ringgold, Brett SO            2) r:0.25 Schooling, Joseph SO  
     3) r:0.19 Murray, John SR        4) r:0.20 Conger, Jack JR       
    r:+0.73  19.71        41.61 (41.61)
        1:01.58 (19.97)     1:23.58 (41.97)
        1:43.44 (19.86)     2:05.70 (42.12)
        2:25.21 (19.51)     2:46.85 (41.15)
  3 Florida                             2:48.70    2:47.16P 
     1) Dressel, Caeleb SO            2) r:0.25 Main, Corey SR        
     3) r:0.30 Szaranek, Mark SO      4) r:0.33 Switkowski, Jan SO    
    r:+0.65  19.35        40.86 (40.86)
        1:00.45 (19.59)     1:22.92 (42.06)
        1:42.90 (19.98)     2:05.29 (42.37)
        2:25.22 (19.93)     2:47.16 (41.87)
  4 Indiana                             2:50.10    2:49.10  
     1) Tavcar, Anze JR               2) r:0.28 Khalafalla, Ali SO    
     3) r:0.23 Lorentz, Sam JR        4) r:0.26 Pieroni, Blake SO     
    r:+0.75  20.18        42.38 (42.38)
        1:02.29 (19.91)     1:24.79 (42.41)
        1:44.82 (20.03)     2:07.62 (42.83)
        2:27.32 (19.70)     2:49.10 (41.48)
  5 Georgia                             2:51.29    2:49.84  
     1) Koski, Matias SR              2) r:0.28 Dale, Taylor JR       
     3) r:0.26 Bentz, Gunnar SO       4) r:0.37 Trice, Michael SR     
    r:+0.68  20.49        42.62 (42.62)
        1:02.42 (19.80)     1:25.42 (42.80)
        1:45.66 (20.24)     2:07.67 (42.25)
        2:27.26 (19.59)     2:49.84 (42.17)
  6 Alabama                             2:51.30    2:49.96  
     1) Bams, Laurent SO              2) r:0.47 Reid, Christopher SO  
     3) r:0.41 Howard, Robert FR      4) r:0.37 Gkolomeev, Kristian JR
    r:+0.67  20.57        42.79 (42.79)
        1:03.12 (20.33)     1:25.35 (42.56)
        1:45.62 (20.27)     2:08.44 (43.09)
        2:27.96 (19.52)     2:49.96 (41.52)
  7 Auburn                              2:51.01    2:50.93  
     1) Mendes, Arthur SR             2) r:0.43 Darmody, Kyle JR      
     3) r:0.04 Molacek, Jacob SO      4) r:0.04 Holoda, Peter SO      
    r:+0.61  20.53        42.82 (42.82)
        1:03.06 (20.24)     1:25.90 (43.08)
        1:45.91 (20.01)     2:08.74 (42.84)
        2:28.36 (19.62)     2:50.93 (42.19)
 -- California                          2:49.67         DQ  
     1) Gutierrez, Long JR            2) r:-0.07 Williams, Trent SR   
     3) r:0.09 Lynch, Justin SO       4) r:0.16 Murphy, Ryan JR       
    r:+0.65  20.38        42.83 (42.83)
        1:03.05 (20.22)     1:25.63 (42.80)
        1:45.51 (19.88)     2:07.88 (42.25)
        2:27.32 (19.44)          DQ (41.56)
                         === B - Final ===                          
  9 Michigan                            2:52.40    2:51.17  
     1) Powers, Paul SO               2) r:0.12 Sanders, Tristan SO   
     3) r:0.03 Brumm, Pete SR         4) r:0.24 Nielsen, Anders SR    
    r:+0.62  20.10        42.67 (42.67)
        1:02.70 (20.03)     1:25.36 (42.69)
        1:45.52 (20.16)     2:08.31 (42.95)
        2:28.28 (19.97)     2:51.17 (42.86)
 10 Stanford                            2:51.93    2:51.54  
     1) Perry, Sam SO                 2) r:0.21 Garnier, Jeff SR      
     3) r:0.32 Duggan, Sean SR        4) r:0.20 DeShon, Spencer JR    
    r:+0.60  20.21        42.67 (42.67)
        1:03.00 (20.33)     1:25.78 (43.11)
        1:46.40 (20.62)     2:08.83 (43.05)
        2:29.07 (20.24)     2:51.54 (42.71)
 11 Wisconsin                           2:52.59    2:51.83  
     1) Clifton, Cannon JR            2) r:0.17 Pinfold, Brett JR     
     3) r:0.25 Stack, Ryan SO         4) r:0.37 Barsanti, Ryan JR     
    r:+0.64  20.22        43.22 (43.22)
        1:03.38 (20.16)     1:25.65 (42.43)
        1:46.15 (20.50)     2:08.94 (43.29)
        2:29.12 (20.18)     2:51.83 (42.89)
 12 Tennessee                           2:52.22    2:51.99  
     1) Decoursey, Kyle FR            2) r:0.29 Aberg Lejdstromstav SR
     3) r:0.23 Coetzee, Ryan SO       4) r:0.30 Lehane, Sean SR       
    r:+0.71  20.79        43.20 (43.20)
        1:03.43 (20.23)     1:26.09 (42.89)
        1:46.22 (20.13)     2:09.20 (43.11)
        2:29.52 (20.32)     2:51.99 (42.79)
 13 Louisville                          2:51.47    2:52.18  
     1) Lindenbauer, Matthias JR      2) r:0.17 Tarasevich, Grigory JR
     3) r:0.17 Boland, David JR       4) r:0.18 Carroll, Trevor JR    
    r:+0.67  20.73        43.25 (43.25)
        1:03.13 (19.88)     1:25.52 (42.27)
        1:46.18 (20.66)     2:09.47 (43.95)
        2:29.54 (20.07)     2:52.18 (42.71)
 14 Missouri                            2:52.52    2:52.26  
     1) Margritier, Matthew SR        2) r:0.14 Schreuders, Mikel FR  
     3) r:0.25 Schwingenschlogbian JR 4) r:0.25 Chadwick, Michael JR  
    r:+0.63  21.10        43.87 (43.87)
        1:04.20 (20.33)     1:27.11 (43.24)
        1:47.50 (20.39)     2:11.03 (43.92)
        2:30.64 (19.61)     2:52.26 (41.23)
 15 USC                                 2:52.79    2:53.73  
     1) Tribuntsov, Ralf SO           2) r:0.21 Mulcare, Pat FR       
     3) r:0.31 Morgan, David JR       4) r:0.29 Malone, Reed JR       
    r:+0.70  20.50        43.18 (43.18)
        1:03.55 (20.37)     1:26.49 (43.31)
        1:47.08 (20.59)     2:10.27 (43.78)
        2:30.80 (20.53)     2:53.73 (43.46)
 -- Arizona                             2:52.64         DQ  
     1) Richmond, Renny JR            2) r:0.09 Dobbs, Chatham FR     
     3) r:0.05 Maudslien, Thane JR    4) r:-0.03 Idensohn, Chad FR    
    r:+0.63  20.73        43.42 (43.42)
        1:03.83 (20.41)     1:25.99 (42.57)
        1:46.43 (20.44)     2:09.20 (43.21)
        2:28.83 (19.63)          DQ (42.62)
   Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 21                      
  1. Texas                           541.5   2. California                        351
  3. Florida                           334   4. NC State                          314
  5. Georgia                         239.5   6. Alabama                           225
  7. Tennessee                         188   8. Missouri                          184
  9. Indiana                         180.5  10. Auburn                            167
 11. Louisville                      164.5  12. Michigan                          158
 13. Southern Cali                     117  14. Stanford                        112.5
 15. Ohio St                            91  16. Arizona                            87
 17. South Carolina                     71  18. Wisconsin                          53
 19. Virginia Tech                    44.5  20. Minnesota                          41
 21. Brigham Young                      40  22. University of Miami                31
 22. Pittsburgh                         31  24. Penn                               26
 25. Texas A&M                          20  26. UNC                                16
 26. Air Force                          16  28. Virginia                           15
 28. Cleveland St                       15  30. Oakland                            13
 31. Hawaii                             12  31. Florida St                         12
 33. George Washington                  11  33. Yale                               11
 35. Univ of Utah                        9  35. Unlv                                9
 37. Georgia Tech                        8  37. Princeton                           8
 39. Duke                                7  40. Lsu                                 6
 40. Iowa                                6  40. Kentucky                            6
 43. Purdue                              5  44. Cornell                             2
 44. Penn State University               2  44. Harvard                             2
 44. Arizona St                          2
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