Advice for the High School Swimmer Considering College

Advice for the High School Swimmer Considering College
By Maddie Strasen
Senior year of high school is one of the most stressful years for swimmers. Some decide to throw in the towel after their final high school year and call it a career—a very respectable decision. Many find that it’s time to lead a “normal” life outside the sport, to focus on their education or work. On the other hand, some decide to look into an athletic career in college. Whether you’ve made that call, decided on a school or have no idea what the future holds, the unknown can be overwhelming. To the high school swimmer who’s stressed out, here’s a little advice from someone who was in your shoes not too long ago.
Swimming in college can be scary. It’s a big decision. Whether it’s for one year or four, the decision shapes your education, friendships, and seemingly every aspect of your life. You’re ready for a change but you’re not sure what might come with that change. Your performance in the pool may have gone up and down throughout the years, and your love for the sport might depend on the day. There’s pressure from club, high school and college coaches—maybe even from parents. And there’s pressure from within.

Photo Courtesy: Cathleen Pruden
When to Commit
I committed to swim in college 11 months before I would leave for school. One of my teammates committed to swim in college three months before she would leave. There is no shame in committing early if you know a school is right for you. However, there’s no rule that states you have to choose a school by a certain time. If you want or need the time to think your decision through, weigh your options, and figure out the best financial situation, that’s OK, too.
Despite the pressures, there’s no better feeling than your hometown supporting you in your decision to continue the sport. The pride you’ll radiate will make you excited for your next adventure with the knowledge that you’ve made the right choice.
Higher Intensity
Knowing what you’re in for is important. The hard work doesn’t stop once you’ve made the decision. With lifting, doubles, dryland, a “for the team” outlook and an “all in” attitude, college swimming steps up in intensity from virtually every aspect you have already experienced. There’s no way to be entirely prepared for the transition, but be aware of what the transition entails. You’ll probably get homesick and you might want to call your coaches at home for advice sometimes. That’s completely normal. Remember that your new teammates and coaches will be there for you, too.

Photo Courtesy: Brian Jenkins-UVM Athletics
A Big Transition
You might not have the freshman season you desire. Everyone reacts differently to new training or college in general. You’ll sometimes dread morning practice or lifting. You’ll get tired of your teammates (and you’ll spend A LOT of time with them). You’ll fail while you see others succeeding. You’ll have to get back up even when it feels physically impossible. You’ll be supportive of your teammates, even if they’re your competition. You’ll contemplate your decisions. You’ll fall in and out of love with the sport.
You have to remember why you’re there. You came with a purpose. Treasure your moments of success and reflect on your instances of failure. Evaluate your performances. It’s OK to question your training or judge your attitude or even analyze your choice of school. It’s all a part of a process you’ve never experienced before. Keep your expectations high and your priorities in check.
A Satisfying Experience
All this information might sound scary, and it’s not meant to overwhelm. Swimming in college is a whole new ball game in many different ways, though. Although new and difficult, it can be the most gratifying experience you’ve ever had. You’ll train the events you love to swim. You’ll contribute to a supportive and team-based environment. You’ll receive endless support from your team and coaches. You’ll meet people from all around the country, and possibly the world. You’ll see new places, learn more about others and find new aspects of yourself. You’ll make the best friends you’ve ever had.

Photo Courtesy: Taylor Brien
Many Emotions
It sounds cliché, but it truly will be a roller coaster of emotions—ups and downs are inevitable. Some people pick the wrong school the first time, some people decide they’ve become tired of the life of an athlete. Every person should follow their heart and do what makes them happy. As long as you come in with the attitude that you’re going to work hard, train hard, and make the most of every minute. You’ll never know unless you try.
At the beginning of the year, my great friend and teammate gave me a list of pieces of advice—the one that stuck out most to me states “Enjoy this experience, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” which rings incredibly true.
Embrace the sport you love and become a part of something bigger than yourself. You might find yourself exactly where you belong.
All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.
Brian Coombe wish we could get Maverick Coombe dedicated to swimming!! He is so awesome??????
You know he does take after me
Brian Coombe not swimming u suck!! I’m the swimmer I just spent hours today in the water!!????
Amy Romanauskas Coombe I wish I could have been in the water with you all day!
Well written article!
Another Great article Maddie Strasen!!
Thank you!!:)
Tessa Shorten
Helena Blumenau
Don’t do it
“Yeah don’t”
Well said brotha!
Lynn Taber Grever good read.
It is a great read. Thanks
Connie Jackson
Kaitlyn Miller
Maddy Casswell
Terrin Boehmer
I would like to have Maddie Strasen on my show to discuss her recent article – would DM me with contact info?
Great advice!!
Seth Angel
Luis Luebs Jack Simon Veronica Oscar Jorge Cardenas Jardon
Jaime Ubilla Carro
Neil Wible
Here’s some advice. You ought to be going to college to get an education. If you have a pretty good idea what you want to study in college, great. Look at schools that offer the types of academic programs. Hopefully all those schools have swim teams and hopefully you are good enough to swim on it. You might even decide to go to one school instead of another because one has a swim team and the other doesn’t. But, you should not start your college search by looking at the swim team.
If you can swim in college, I highly recommend it because it’s a great thing to compete for your school, some of your teammates will be friends for life and minor sport athletes tend to do better in school because of their sports.
Jaden Harris
My advice is pick a college where if you were injured and couldn’t swim…would you still like it there!
Swimming in college is not for the seasonal swimmer. I got a DM on FB asking what I recommend for a HS swimmer interested in college swimming. I recommended to join a year round sanctioned club team. There are more events on a club team than HS.
Good article
Olivia Perfili
Sophie Schubert