Wellness Wednesday: 5 Tips for Successfully Handling Stress and Frustration In a Difficult Time

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5 Tips for Successfully Handling Stress and Frustration In a Difficult Time

“I’m hanging in there.” That is a typical go-to answer when anyone asks how another is feeling, how they are juggling everything going on, or how they are handling life. That answer can be a front, when the truth is the individual is feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, they do their best to show strength and to keep going.

Balancing life can be tough. There is a lot that goes on each and every day, and in a pandemic, a lot of answers we would like to have are not available. It’s easy to reach that point where you are using everything you have to hold it together. Hence, “I’m hanging in there.” Unleash meltdown.

Honestly, it’s ok to feel stressed and the heavy weight of the world. Maybe you are overwhelmed by work or school, or the delicate balancing act of being a professional and a parent. Deep breaths do not always work. Sometimes, you can’t just walk away. But there are a few ideas to try. Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Here are five tips to help deal with stress.

1. Take a nap. Then take a shower.

First nap, because it helps to completely restart. Whether it is 20 minutes or an hour, let yourself have a fresh beginning. And, to add to that fresh beginning, take a shower. It can make you feel awake and energized.

2. Understand that many around you are probably also struggling.

Belinda Hocking showing the strain of another hard set of training. University of Auburn Aquatic Centre, Alabama USA. Australian Olympic Swimming Team are in their final training staging Camp before heading over to the Rio2016 Olympic Games. July 29 2016. Photo by Delly Carr. Pic credit mandatory for complimentary exclusive editorial usage. Thank You.

Photo Courtesy: Delly Carr / Swimming Australia Ltd.

It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Most likely, many people around you are feeling this too. You are in the midst of a unique time and it can be a lot to handle. It can be hard to keep up with your work, or attempt to get ahead. Know that you aren’t the only one having trouble balancing all of this. Talk to your friends and see what they are feeling and how they are staying afloat.

3. Make a to-do list.

Start by writing down everything that you have to do within a week span, or whatever period you choose. Write down even the smaller, more insignificant things so you don’t forget. In addition, this process helps you to prioritize. Plus, there is nothing more cathartic than crossing things off of a list.

4. Get alone time.

Allow yourself some time to breathe, away from everyone else. Go for a walk or sit in a quiet area. Getting some personal space is another great way to hit the reset button and feel renewed. It is nice to have alone time to process your life and come up with a game plan to move forward.

5. Think about fun things coming up in the future.

Planning fun activities in the future might not be easy at the moment, but it can provide a needed incentive — a reachable end, something to shoot for. Taking the time to put fun things on your schedule (or planned schedule) can help remind you that you can do the things you enjoy!

Remember, this rough patch will pass and you will get through it. Life can be overwhelming when you’re juggling so much and dealing with a trying time. It is okay to have an occasional meltdown. It happens. But, do your best to pick yourself up and move forward with a revived spirit.

All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.

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Alysson Webb
Alysson Webb
1 month ago

Thank you for this insightful article! Handling stress and frustration, especially during challenging times, is a crucial skill for everyone, including athletes. Your tips are practical and can be applied not just in the pool but in everyday life.

Miranda Elmers
Miranda Elmers
26 days ago
Reply to  Alysson Webb

I completely agree! Managing stress and frustration is essential not only for athletes but for everyone facing challenging situations. The practical tips shared in the article are versatile and can help improve mental resilience and overall well-being in various aspects of life.

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