12 Reasons Swimmers Love Their Sport

By Bri Groves, Swimming World College Intern.
As championship season approaches, take a moment to reflect on what you’re thankful for in the sport. To add to your list, we’ve come up with 12 swimmingful reasons for you to appreciate your time in the pool:
1. We can eat what we want, when we want.
Or at least we have more calories to burn than the average human. Swimmers expend lots of energy in and out of the pool. When we sit down at the table, there’s no doubt that swimmers can consume a lot of food. To calculate your own calorie needs, try this swim calorie calculator.
2. That swimmer body-The product of endless laps in the pool and Netflix on land.

Photo Courtesy: Robert Hanashiro-USA TODAY Sports
Swimming incorporates a wide range of muscles while simultaneously providing a fat-burning cardiovascular routine. The result, well hopefully it’s evident when you look in the mirror. To learn even more about those muscles, read Admiring Swimmer Muscles by Stroke.
3. The pool water is warmer than the winter air.
While other sports bundle up for the winter months, swimmers enjoy the opposite apparel mentality. Natatoriums serve as our year-round tropical oasis.
4. Tapering couldn’t exist without hours of training in the pool.
Everyone loves the rest and speed that accompanies tapering. Where would we be without the endless cycles of rigorous training followed by stretch out sets and very fast swimming?
5. Teammates

Photo Courtesy: USA Swimming
The bond between training partners leads to lifelong friendships and memories. Teammates make the monotonous black line staring, clock wishing, and alarm blaring worth it.
6. Tan-lines (and sunscreen) even in January
Training trip doubles allow swimmers to soak up some extra vitamin d. Those extra yards were difficult but the envious looks from land friends make them worth it.
7. We appreciate time more than the average person.
Swimming makes us value every fraction of a second. So when it comes to time management, it should be no surprise that swimmers excel.
8. Coaches

Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick
They act as mentors, teachers, family, and friends. They’re a four in one package deal; sounds like Black Friday but they’re around every day.
9. Swimming comes with health benefits.

Photo Courtesy: Delly Carr / Swimming Australia Ltd.
Swimming increases blood flow, improves cardiovascular functions, releases endorphins, reduces stress, strengthens neuron synapses, increases mental outlook, and so much more. To learn more, read The Health Benefits of Water-Based Exercise.
10. Travel

Photo Courtesy: Annie Grevers
Competition and training trips lead swimmers out of one pool and into the next. While you’re making the pool transition, admire the scenery change and go appreciate your new surroundings. It’s like a vacation except you just keep swimming.
11. Fans

Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick
Who wouldn’t want a crowd of enthused people watching you sprint back and forth across the pool? Fans provide some noise and excitement to each meet.
12. Equipment

Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick
Swimming wouldn’t be nearly as fun without the endless equipment options. So grab your caps, goggles, fins, paddles, snorkels, and whatever else you need to have a great practice!
All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.