ACC Championships: NC State Men Blast American Record in 200 Medley Relay

ACC Championships: NC State Men Blast American Record in 200 Medley Relay
At last season’s NCAA Championships, the North Carolina State men swam the fastest 200 medley relay in history in capturing the national title in a hotly-contested finish. Repeating that result of 1:20.67 at this season’s ACC Championships would surely be a challenge with three of the four swimmers having departed the program while the final remaining swimmer, fifth-year Kacper Stokowski, did not take his usual spot on the backstroke leg.
But the Wolfpack, with a completely new lineup of swimmers, not only won another conference title but broke the American record in the event. Aiden Hayes led off in 20.44, just eight hundredths slower than Stokowski swam last season, and Sam Hoover followed with a 23.51 breaststroke split. The Wolfpack trailed slightly at that point, thanks to splits of 23.09 by Virginia’s Noah Nichols and 23.15 by Virginia Tech’s Carles Coll Marti, but the NC State team could not be stopped on the back end.
On butterfly, Luke Miller split 19.80 to open up a lead of four tenths, and Quintin McCarty came home in 18.11. That allowed NC State to finish in 1:21.86, edging the American record of 1:21.88 that the Cal team of Daniel Carr, Connor Hoppe, Justin Lynch and Ryan Hoffer set in 2018.
The time ranks third in the country this season behind Cal and Arizona State’s times from an epic dual meet between the two schools last month, although we expect more teams to join the mix as they race at their own conference meets. Notably, six teams beat that time at last year’s NCAA Championships, but all of those rosters included at least one non-American swimmer.
However, this NC State record would not last long as the Florida men knocked off the mark with a time of 1:21.66 at the SEC Championships.
Virginia Tech finished second in 1:22.76 with Youssef Ramadan, Coll Marti, William Hayon and Brendan Whitfield while Notre Dame took third in 1:23.34. The Fighting Irish trailed the field after legs by Marcus Gentry, Bernhard Christianson and Cason Wilburn, but Abdelrahman Elaraby blasted an 18.19 closing split to move his team into third place. Notre Dame finished nine hundredths ahead of Florida State, 1:23.34 to 1:23.43.
Event 4 Men 200 Yard Medley Relay ================================================================================== MEET: # 1:21.69 3/25/2022 North Carolina State Universit, NC State-NC K. Stokowski, R. Kusto, N. Korstanje, D. Curtiss CONF: % 1:20.67 3/26/2023 North Carolina State Universit, NC St K, Stokowski, M. Hunter, N. Korstanje, D. Curtiss AMER: $ 1:21.88 3/23/2018 California, California D. Carr, C. Hoppe, J. Lynch, R. Hoffer USOP: & 1:20.67 3/24/2023 NC State, NC State K, Stokowski, M. Hunter, N. Korstanje, D. Curtiss NCAA: ! 1:20.67 3/24/2022 NC State, NC State K, Stokowski, M. Hunter, N. Korstanje, D. Curtiss Pool: * 1:21.85 11/17/2023Arizona State University, ASU-A J Dolan, L Marchand, I Kharun, J Kulow 1:23.71 A 1:24.32 B School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================== 1 NC State 'A' 1:22.87 1:21.86$A 64 1) Hayes, Aiden 2) r:0.19 Hoover, Samuel 3) r:0.24 Miller, Lukas 4) r:0.07 McCarty, Quintin r:+0.75 20.44 43.95 (23.51) 1:03.75 (19.80) 1:21.86 (18.11) 2 VA Tech 'A' 1:23.09 1:22.76 A 56 1) Ramadan, Youssef 2) r:0.00 Coll Marti, Carles 3) r:0.30 Hayon, William 4) r:0.06 Whitfield, Brendan r:+0.83 20.79 43.94 (23.15) 1:04.17 (20.23) 1:22.76 (18.59) 3 Notre Dame 'A' 1:24.61 1:23.34 A 54 1) Gentry, Marcus 2) r:0.02 Christianson, Bernhard 3) r:0.22 Wilburn, Cason 4) r:0.10 Elaraby, Abdelrahman r:+0.58 20.91 44.96 (24.05) 1:05.15 (20.19) 1:23.34 (18.19) 4 FSU 'A' 1:23.91 1:23.43 A 52 1) Herbet, Mason 2) r:0.30 Baravelli, Tommaso 3) r:0.31 Bork, sam 4) r:0.14 Keblys, Jokubas r:+0.84 20.96 44.43 (23.47) 1:04.75 (20.32) 1:23.43 (18.68) 5 Louisville 'A' 1:24.84 1:23.44 A 50 1) Lowe, Dalton 2) r:0.25 Petrashov, Denis 3) r:0.21 Crush, Charlie 4) r:0.13 Santiso, Matias r:+0.80 20.78 44.01 (23.23) 1:04.42 (20.41) 1:23.44 (19.02) 6 UVA 'A' 1:23.96 1:23.46 A 48 1) Brownstead, Matthew 2) r:0.19 Nichols, Noah 3) r:0.16 Connery, Timothy 4) r:0.19 Lamb, Augustus r:+0.95 20.75 43.84 (23.09) 1:04.62 (20.78) 1:23.46 (18.84) 7 Pitt 'A' 1:25.07 1:24.05 B 46 1) Radziszewski, Krzysztof 2) r:0.19 Chen, Jerry 3) r:0.07 Toledo Sanchez,Dominic 4) r:0.33 Goncharov, Stepan r:+0.80 20.70 44.73 (24.03) 1:05.07 (20.34) 1:24.05 (18.98) 8 UNC 'A' 1:26.72 1:24.59 44 1) Davis, Walker 2) r:0.17 Delmar, Benjamin 3) r:0.26 Poelke, Boyd 4) r:0.18 Dramm, Louis r:+0.97 21.18 45.28 (24.10) 1:05.51 (20.23) 1:24.59 (19.08)
Men’s 800 Freestyle Relay
Swimmers were in the water for more than six minutes for the 800 free relay, but the finish came down to less than four tenths as Louisville defeated NC State for the title. The two teams modeled consistency throughout, with seven out of eight swimmers going 1:32s, with Louisville’s Denis Loktev at 1:33.09. But after Murilo Sartori ran down Wolfpack freshman Daniel Diehl to close out the first leg of the race, the Cardinals never trailed the Wolfpack.
Notre Dame opened up an early lead in this one as Chris Guiliano, a surprise qualifier for last year’s U.S. World Championships team, blasted a mark of 1:31.16 on the leadoff leg, ahead of the top time in the country this season entering the night (Alabama’s Charlie Hawke at 1:31.30). But on the second leg, Louisville’s Guy Brooks took over, and Loktev held the lead before Gustavo Saldo refused to back down with his 1:32.02 closing split. That helped Louisville get to the wall in 6:09.87.
The Wolfpack, with Diehl, Noah Bowers and Jerry Fox setting up Arsenio Bustos for a 1:32.05 anchor split, placed second in 6:10.22. Virginia Tech ended up third in 6:14.54, with Luis Dominguez Calonge, Brendan Whitfield, Mario Molla Yanes and Nicolas Garcia swimming for the Hokies. Notre Dame stayed close after Guiliano’s leadoff heroics but ended up fourth in 6:14.93.
Event 6 Men 800 Yard Freestyle Relay ================================================================================== MEET: # 6:08.22 3/26/2022 North Carolina State Universit, NC State-NC L. Miller, S. Hoover, B. Piszczorowicz, H. Tapp CONF: % 6:05.31 3/23/2018 North Carolina State Universit, NC St Vazaios. Held, Molacek, C. Stewart AMER: $ 6:03.42 3/27/2023 Texas, Texas L. Hobson, C. Corozza, P. Larson, C. Foster USOP: & 6:03.42 3/27/2023 Texas, Texas L. Hobson, C. Corozza, P. Larson, C. Foster NCAA: ! 6:03.42 3/27/2023 Texas, Texas L. Hobson, C. Corozza, P. Larson, C. Foster Pool: * 6:07.25 3/24/2021 University of Texas, TEX-S D Kibler, A Katz, C Foster, J Sannem 6:16.02 A 6:18.94 B School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================== 1 Louisville 'A' 6:18.18 6:09.87 A 64 1) Sartori, Murilo 2) r:0.14 Brooks, Guy 3) r:0.29 Loktev, Denis 4) r:0.36 Saldo, Gustavo r:+0.71 21.31 44.38 (44.38) 1:08.08 (1:08.08) 1:32.35 (1:32.35) 1:53.04 (20.69) 2:16.58 (44.23) 2:40.83 (1:08.48) 3:04.76 (1:32.41) 3:25.22 (20.46) 3:48.43 (43.67) 4:13.01 (1:08.25) 4:37.85 (1:33.09) 4:58.66 (20.81) 5:21.96 (44.11) 5:45.60 (1:07.75) 6:09.87 (1:32.02) 2 NC State 'A' 6:18.98 6:10.22 A 56 1) Diehl, Daniel 2) r:0.12 Bowers, Noah 3) r:0.15 Fox, Jerry 4) r:0.28 Bustos, Arsenio r:+0.68 21.21 44.05 (44.05) 1:07.89 (1:07.89) 1:32.93 (1:32.93) 1:53.73 (20.80) 2:17.13 (44.20) 2:41.16 (1:08.23) 3:05.49 (1:32.56) 3:25.90 (20.41) 3:49.15 (43.66) 4:13.27 (1:07.78) 4:38.17 (1:32.68) 4:58.51 (20.34) 5:21.70 (43.53) 5:45.85 (1:07.68) 6:10.22 (1:32.05) 3 VA Tech 'A' 6:18.13 6:14.54 A 54 1) Dominguez Calonge, Luis 2) r:0.25 Whitfield, Brendan 3) r:0.18 Molla Yanes, Mario 4) r:0.07 Garcia, Nicolas r:+0.67 21.62 44.66 (44.66) 1:08.55 (1:08.55) 1:32.45 (1:32.45) 1:53.17 (20.72) 2:16.78 (44.33) 2:40.95 (1:08.50) 3:05.31 (1:32.86) 3:26.20 (20.89) 3:49.61 (44.30) 4:14.40 (1:09.09) 4:39.34 (1:34.03) 5:01.13 (21.79) 5:25.13 (45.79) 5:49.94 (1:10.60) 6:14.54 (1:35.20) 4 Notre Dame 'A' 6:21.37 6:14.93 A 52 1) Guiliano, Christopher 2) r:0.00 Edge, James 3) r:0.28 Filion, Tanner 4) r:0.25 Janton, Tommy r:+0.62 21.06 44.11 (44.11) 1:07.51 (1:07.51) 1:31.16 (1:31.16) 1:52.35 (21.19) 2:16.15 (44.99) 2:40.48 (1:09.32) 3:05.85 (1:34.69) 3:26.57 (20.72) 3:50.39 (44.54) 4:15.25 (1:09.40) 4:40.79 (1:34.94) 5:01.74 (20.95) 5:25.33 (44.54) 5:50.11 (1:09.32) 6:14.93 (1:34.14) 5 FSU 'A' 6:25.57 6:17.96 B 50 1) Quirie, David 2) r:0.41 Kurtdere, Utku 3) r:0.23 Varjasi, Peter 4) r:0.33 Yanchev, Yordan r:+0.68 21.90 45.77 (45.77) 1:10.39 (1:10.39) 1:35.18 (1:35.18) 1:56.78 (21.60) 2:20.84 (45.66) 2:45.41 (1:10.23) 3:10.28 (1:35.10) 3:31.35 (21.07) 3:54.99 (44.71) 4:19.23 (1:08.95) 4:43.64 (1:33.36) 5:05.17 (21.53) 5:28.96 (45.32) 5:53.27 (1:09.63) 6:17.96 (1:34.32) 6 UNC 'A' 6:30.27 6:18.16 B 48 1) Hussey, Patrick 2) r:0.37 Dramm, Louis 3) r:0.25 Van Deusen, Matthew 4) r:0.33 Lunak, Sebastian r:+0.66 21.81 45.24 (45.24) 1:09.12 (1:09.12) 1:33.06 (1:33.06) 1:54.56 (21.50) 2:18.49 (45.43) 2:42.73 (1:09.67) 3:07.35 (1:34.29) 3:28.91 (21.56) 3:53.28 (45.93) 4:18.19 (1:10.84) 4:43.29 (1:35.94) 5:05.06 (21.77) 5:29.09 (45.80) 5:53.54 (1:10.25) 6:18.16 (1:34.87) 7 GT 'A' 6:25.22 6:18.50 B 46 1) Unlu, Baturalp 2) r:0.02 Saka, Berke 3) r:0.38 Balduccini, Ricky 4) r:0.19 Sega, Vitor r:+0.67 21.05 44.53 (44.53) 1:08.82 (1:08.82) 1:33.58 (1:33.58) 1:54.57 (20.99) 2:18.38 (44.80) 2:43.04 (1:09.46) 3:08.55 (1:34.97) 3:29.34 (20.79) 3:53.09 (44.54) 4:17.47 (1:08.92) 4:42.83 (1:34.28) 5:04.10 (21.27) 5:28.26 (45.43) 5:53.31 (1:10.48) 6:18.50 (1:35.67) 8 Pitt 'A' 6:24.43 6:19.92 44 1) Goraj, Marcin 2) r:0.10 Frimis, Guy 3) r:0.13 Matteazzi, Massmiliano 4) r:-0.01 Toledo SanchezDominic r:+0.65 21.49 44.75 (44.75) 1:08.83 (1:08.83) 1:33.86 (1:33.86) 1:55.14 (21.28) 2:19.09 (45.23) 2:43.45 (1:09.59) 3:08.76 (1:34.90) 3:29.75 (20.99) 3:53.70 (44.94) 4:18.60 (1:09.84) 4:44.23 (1:35.47) 5:05.23 (21.00) 5:29.30 (45.07) 5:54.60 (1:10.37) 6:19.92 (1:35.69)
Men’s 1-Meter Diving
Miami’s Brodie Scapens scored the win in the first men’s diving event of the competition, recording a tally of 395.00 points to edge out Pitt’s Dylan Reed (387.60). Third wend to Georgia Tech’s Max Fowler (376.55).