5 Things to Keep in Mind While Being Recruited

Nikki Cannon , Swimming World Intern
July 1 is rapidly approaching us and we all know what that means….time for the college recruitment experience to kick off! The time leading up to when college coaches can officially contact you is a moment filled of joy and excitement, but one that can be plagued with anxiety and fear as well.
Here are five things to remember as you go through this nerve-wracking, but exciting time…
1. Get a head start .
This is an important tip, especially right now. Don’t sit around idly waiting for your dream school to call you on July 1. Be proactive! There are so many things YOU can do to put your name out there to coaches and programs. Email potential coaches, and show genuine interest in the team. Look into junior days or see if it’s possible to visit the school before an official visit.
Along with these ideas, social media allows us the ability to see what others are all about. So do a little sleuthing! Will team members be at any of the same meets as you this summer? Do they seem to be having a fun time while swimming fast?
2. Use your resources .
Your club coach most likely has coached many swimmers who went on to continue their career at the college level. Their opinions are important because they reflect real experiences! Who does your club coach know? Who do their colleagues know? What about older teammates from your team? Where did they go to school and what was their experience?
Everyone you know can be seen as a wealth of information or a potential contact point. Just as getting a head start can give you an idea of what schools you’re interested in, the multitude of people on your team, in your LSC, etc, can further that knowledge and really help you understand all the options out there for you.
3. Put your best foot, and your true foot, forward.
It’s important to know that throughout this process you are continuously being evaluated by potential schools. This means it’s time to put your best you forward. Smile and be the best you, you can be! First impressions are so important, so making sure to do the little things, like saying thank you and being excited go a long way.
But in saying this, I do NOT mean to be fake! It’s important to be your authentic self. If you are representing a fake or altered self you will not relate as well. The important thing to remember here is that you want to connect with a team and coaching staff, and the easiest way to do that is to be the best version of you!
4. Know your criteria .
There are SO many choices in college swimming! Remember, if you want to swim in college there is a place for you- From Division I to NAIA , and everything in between, there is a gigantic amount of fantastic opportunities awaiting you. Want to be close to home or far away? On a big team with men and women or a smaller team? Where swimming is a huge focus or more for fun?
While having so many options is great, it can also be difficult when deciding where to find what is right for you. So decide upon your criteria. If swimming at the Division I level is your main concern, move from that point. If you want to stay in state, evaluate your options from that perspective. There are not “wrong” choices, just chose a school that meets YOUR guidelines!
5. Relax…You will find the right fit!
I remember while being recruited, someone told me, “When you know….you know.” It felt like I was being given advice on marriage instead of a school. But the truth is, throughout the recruiting process, I knew when a school wasn’t right for me.
However saying no to schools is often just as hard as saying yes. We are afraid to give up an opportunity. Know that the right fit is out there for you! Save yourself the worry and stress (as much as you can) and be excited about finding the school that is perfect for you!
Dont’ go NCAA Division I…..
Ashley Hernandez
Even if you’ve already finaled at the senior nationals, you should remember that the point of college is to learn something useful for the rest of your life and find a college that will help you do that.