4 Reasons Why Swimming in College is the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make

4 Reasons Why Swimming in College is the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make
By Andy Ross
To swim or not to swim? That is a question asked by many high school students. Envisioning a life of swimming for another four years can be intimidating. But as a former student-athlete myself, I can assure you that choosing to swim in college is the best decision you will ever make and here is why.
1. Instant Fraternity

Photo Courtesy: Calvin Athletics
When you join a college swim team, you are immediately surrounded by 50+ brothers and sisters, who all share a common goal of being the best athletes they can be. You don’t have to join an extracurricular activity or ask the guy next to you in class what he thinks of the professor to make new friends. You already have your social group and it makes the first semester that much easier because you don’t feel as lost. If you ask nine out of 10 college swimming alums what the best part of their experience was, they will say “your teammates.” The memories you make with those people on long bus trips, training trips, close dual meet wins, and social nights will last a lifetime.
2. Elite Physical Fitness
If you’re a swimmer in college (or swimmer in general), take a second right now and look at yourself in the mirror. It’s always been said that swimmers have the best bodies. We are not huge like linebackers, we are the perfect fit between ripped and skinny. We are toned and healthy. Yes, swimming nine to 10 practices per week on top of three to four gym sessions sounds overwhelming and hellish. But when you look at the positive effects that swimming has on your body, you tend to forget the amount of work it took to get that image. The only problem is maintaining that image, but for now, we’ll take what we have.
3. Discipline

Photo Courtesy: Dan Worden
Again, the whole ‘going to practice everyday and having to do homework, make dinner and get to bed at a reasonable time’ is hard and overwhelming. But, it is teaching us hard work every single day. Since it’s routine, we don’t even notice it most of the time. Professors like athletes because they are always keeping an eye on grades and know how to meet deadlines, because they are usually on tight schedules. Whereas normal students don’t have places to be and things to do, so homework is not always their top priority. This is by no means a slam on regular students, but when it is 2 p.m. and you’re done with class and have nothing to do, homework is not your top priority.
I find it harder to be productive when on a looser schedule. More importantly though, employers like former athletes with higher GPAs because it shows that they know how to work hard and meet deadlines. Deadlines are everywhere in the real world and everyone needs to meet them. Being on a college team teaches you proper goal setting and if athletes can show dedication and perseverance toward an athletic goal, then he or she can most likely bring that same intensity to the workplace in the future.
4. How to Work With People
Not everyone is going to get along with each other. That is just a way of life. There is always that one guy or girl that you are not going to get along with and that is completely normal. But how you cooperate with that person is a real test of character. Swimming helps with that. Being on a team helps you be able to work with other people. Not everyone is going to agree with you and you have to find that happy-medium with teammates to best get along.
All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.
Caleb Black Cal Parker Cassandra Workman Brock H. Bates
Erdem Haki
McClaren Rodriguez
Ethan Klepzig Stanley Lee
Sierra Stewart
No Janet Wolff- Stewart
I worked for the Men’s crew coach at La Salle University but I was on the Crew Team.
Definitely do some sport on college.
Go Dukes!!! 🙂
Brighton Smith
loved swimming in college….best people, best memories! best parties
Well said and so true!! I completely agree!
I met my husband on my college team…changed my life☺️
Yes! I wouldn’t have met Megan or Mary Pat without the team. Or Kate Parsons. 🙂
Life long friends!!! Water is life
Amy Schilling Burns Wouldn’t you agree? 🙂
Yes, definitely !
Stefanie Scherwitzel Emmabeth Jensen
I read this yesterday… So. So. Excited!! ?
Ahhhhhh!! Goooo Joshy!! What a little ripper!
Austen Schrepel
Amanda Li
Kate Murphy
swimming in college made the best memories EVER! trips…parties…bodies…..determination, body hurting after working so damn hard, muscles!!!
And it is something you can do for life
Casey Wrabley ??
Mia Bailey
Tommy Schneider
The picture of the swimmer doing is homework looks like Alex. Grandma
Rachel Henry
Marcia Cleveland Meaghan Kwarcinski Why, of course!
Vincent Chaglasyan