Prone Alterate Arm and Leg

Purpose: Controlling range of motion at the hip is essential for all athletes. In swimming, the knee is maximally stressed during breaststroke and if an athlete has poor glute activation, then the knee will forgo more knee stress. This specific exercises forces core activation, a flat low back and hip extension.

Directions: Lie on your stomach, then tighten your abdominals. Tuck your pelvis under, bringing your ribs and pelvis together to make your low back flat. Have your arms over your head, then push your right arm, left leg, and forehead into the floor or mat. Lift the opposite arm and leg. DO NOT LET YOUR BACK ARCH. YOU MUST ACTIVELY TIGHTEN THE ABDOMINALS WHEN YOU LIFT YOUR LIMBS. The athlete should feel this exercise in the glute and muscles in between the shoulder blade.

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