Dryland Tip: Flutter Jumps

Dryland Tip By Swimming World Correspondent G. John Mullen of SwimmingScience.net and CenterofOptimalRestoration.com

Purpose: Flutter jumps focus on foot speed directly following a squat jump. This is similar to kicks coming off the wall. Rapid foot speed is mandatory to perform multiple kicks, then re-position the feet before landing.

Directions: Stand with your feet shoulder feet apart, then squat down with your hips back and shins vertical. After the squat, explode off the floor then perform rapid flutter kicking. Resistance and 180 degrees of rotation can be added to make it more specific to a rotation following a flip turn. The exercise should be performed for short bursts, approximately 5 jumps.

Dr. G. John Mullen is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. At USC, he was a clinical research assistant at USC performing research on adolescent diabetes, lung adaptations to swimming, and swimming biomechanics. G. John has been featured in Swimming World Magazine, Swimmer Magazine, and the International Society of Swim Coaches Journal. He is currently the strength and conditioning coach at Santa Clara Swim Club, owner of the Center of Optimal Restoration and creator of Swimming Science.

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