Dryland Tip: Compact Position

Dryland Tip By Swimming World Correspondent G. John Mullen of SwimmingScience.net and CenterofOptimalRestoration.com

*Purpose: *As discussed in the science of performance: Injury prevention part V, the body is like a ship and will endure waves and tsunamis.To endure these waves on must build a strong ship; the compact position helps build a stable ship for the upper body. All of the strengthening exercises should be performed in the “compact” position unless instructed otherwise.

This position is retracting and depressing the shoulder blade. The theory behind this position is to improve this muscle strength in an “over-corrected”* *or shortened position to return the muscles to normal resting length. After the exercise, the muscles that were weak and long should return to normal resting position and utilize normal strength. The compact position also provides a sturdy base for movement. The shoulder blades are like the hull of a ship, and without a strong hull a disaster will ensue even with subtle waves. The compact position provides a solid base to endure large waves.

*Directions: *
*Compact Position Supine:*

*Rules for muscle strength (refer to all phases of the DVD):*

1.Maintain the compact position.

2.Do not let that position change AT ALL during the exercise.

3.Stop if the exercise causes your pain.

4.Stop if you cannot keep the compact position.

*Compact Position* Lie on your back with your knees bent and raise one arm 90 degrees. Then, pinch your shoulder blade down and back towards your midline without lifting your shoulder toward your ear. This position should be stable and secure.

*Swiss Ball Compact Position*

*Swiss Ball Rules:* 1. Starting Position:* *Face down with your knees bent hug the ball.* *Hug the ball face down, with knees bent. Flatten your back as instructed. Tuck your chin (Note, athlete in video does not keep chin tucked; look down).

2. In all of the following exercises, as you bring your arms up you will have a tendency to arch your back. In order to target the correct muscles and not cheat through the thoracic and lumbar spine, only perform the exercises with the back flattened.

Lie on the Swiss ball with your abdominals braced, covering the Swiss ball clasp your hands together at the top of the belt line. Squeeze shoulder blades down and together. Do not let the lower back arch.

These videos only a fraction of the 60 exercises included in of the *COR Swimmer's Shoulder System *set to release in February 15th, 2012. Pre-order your copy now and receive a 25% discount. Go to www.corswimmershoulder.com and enter the discount code 'preorder' today!

Dr. G. John Mullen is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. At USC, he was a clinical research assistant at USC performing research on adolescent diabetes, lung adaptations to swimming, and swimming biomechanics. G. John has been featured in Swimming World Magazine, Swimmer Magazine, and the International Society of Swim Coaches Journal. He is currently the strength and conditioning coach at Santa Clara Swim Club, owner of the Center of Optimal Restoration and creator of Swimming Science.

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