Dryland Tip: Anti-Rotational With Partner

Purpose: The ability to differentiate the upper body, core, and respiratory muscles is essential for elite swimming. Moreover, learning proper core muscle timing is essential for a healthy spine and is mandatory for adequate preventative and rehabilitative spinal health. For swimming success, it is also theorized swimmers need superior anti-rotational strength in long axis strokes to maintain a superior bodyline (streamline). Elite swimmers also need strong inspiratory muscles to prevent fatigue. This exercise encompasses all these facets.

Directions: Have the athlete lie on their back with their shoulder and abdominal muscles in the compact position. Then, have the athlete squeeze a small ball between their legs and grasp their arms above their shoulders. Next, apply a lateral force pushing the legs and pulling the arms, attempting, but not rotating their body. The athlete will resist this rotational torque and focus on not letting their arm, legs, or belly button move, or shift. Make sure the person applying the force eases on, then off the force as shear torque on the spine is most damaging.

Perform for up to 30 seconds per side for a total of 2 minutes.

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