Cross Fit Kipping Pull-Up

Dryland Tip By Swimming World Correspondent G. John Mullen of and

Purpose: A swimming specific speed-strength exercise to improve short axis strokes. Similar to a breast pull-out or butterfly catch, the CrossFit Kipping Pull-up utilizes momentum and undulation to transfer force through the feet, hips, chest and the arms.

Directions: Grab a pull-up bar with adequate leg room. Hold onto the bar with your shoulder blades down and back (retracted position). Initiate momentum by quickly moving your chest forward and backward. Once speed is obtained, perform a strong knee extension snapping your legs forward directly after your move your chest forward. This will drive your hips forward (similar to an undulation) transferring strength through your arms to perform a pull-up. Begin with one at a time and progress to multiple in a row for a set duration (20-30 seconds).

Dr. G. John Mullen is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. At USC, he was a clinical research assistant at USC performing research on adolescent diabetes, lung adaptations to swimming, and swimming biomechanics. G. John has been featured in Swimming World Magazine, Swimmer Magazine, and the International Society of Swim Coaches Journal. He is currently the strength and conditioning coach at Santa Clara Swim Club, owner of the Center of Optimal Restoration and creator of Swimming Science.

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