Jaime Chen - (Author)


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Why Are Swimmers So Nice?

Why Are Swimmers So Nice? By Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern.  While swimmers go about their lives with an intense competitive nature, sportsmanship seems less fickle in our sport than it does among other sports that are more popular. In swimming there are no brawls, tantrums are scarce...

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Long Course Swimming, Forever Supreme

Commentary by Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern. In just a few short months, the long course season begins. As the New Year draws ever closer, so does the end of our beloved short course season. This LCM season, however, is going to be a little bit different than the previous two seasons....

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The 10 Sayings of Swimsmas

By Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern. The weather is getting colder and you’re finishing up the semester. It’s six o’clock on a Saturday morning and Christmas music is being played on the radio at an appropriate time of the year – but unlike the rest of your non-swimming friends who cheri...

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Should World Records be Faster? Episode 2

By Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern. Hello, and welcome back to “Should World Records be Faster?” Last week, we talked about the progression of world records since the mid-nineties and made predictions about what we can expect to see at the 2028 L.A. Olympic Games. This week, however, we...

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Should World Records be Faster? Episode 1

By Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern. As we’ve touched on before, swimming is an evolutionary sport. Constantly improving, changing and growing in popularity, our sport has never seen a breadth of talent quite as wide as the one which it currently witnesses. That being said, some question...

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9 Simple Steps to Help You Wake Up More Easily for Morning Practice

By Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern. The alarm goes off – you ignore it. Your window is open, and you can’t even hear crickets. Your heart has sunk, and in all honesty, you’re very grumpy. Of course, nothing feels better than waking up before the sun rises; nothing feels better than jump...

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Four Reasons Why Swimming is so Popular at the Olympics

By Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern.  Every quadrennial, our beloved aquatic sport earns its eight-day moment in the spotlight. That’s right: every four years, swimming is the most popular sport in the world—if only briefly. While no official rankings have ever been released about which ...

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Missouri Tigers: A Powerhouse in the Making

By Tucker Rivera, Swimming World College Intern. The Beginning of an Era The 2019 NCAA men’s swim season is surrounded by question marks. Following an off-season of immense shakeups in the sport’s most talented conferences, it seems that every team is clamoring to finally conquer the Reese dynasty a...