Cody Evans - (Author)


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Moore Dives Head First into New Position at Roger Williams University

By Shelby Iava, Swimming World College Intern Lindsay Moore, a former national champion in one-meter diving, has chosen a new leadership path with the Roger Williams University Hawks. Moore had seven years of diving under her belt before she began her coaching career. She graduated from Springfield ...

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5 Ways to Get Through Preseason

By Shelby Iava, Swimming World College Intern Preseason: one of the most exciting, but terrifying times of the year. Swimming and diving are sports that end up being all-year things. Not even two days after everyone moves back onto campus for another collegiate year, it's time to meet with the team....

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3 Ways to Get Over that One Dive

By Shelby Iava, Swimming World College Intern  There’s always going to be that one dive that you’re terrified of. The one dive you never want to do, but always need to do. For me, no matter what, the reverse category has always made my heart skip just a little bit. It’ll be my seventh year of diving...

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5 Exercises Divers Can Do, But Swimmers Probably Can’t

By Shelby Iava, Swimming World College Intern Divers have to focus on different parts of their body compared to swimmers. Both sports put lots of time and devotion into working their bodyies as much as they can. At Keene State, we have fitness testing each season, and as divers some of the testing i...

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10 Words Divers Use that Make You Say "Huh?”

By Shelby Iava, Swimming World College Intern On the pool deck, you might hear many different terms or just a whole new language. Swimming and diving each come with their own lingo. At times, talking to my swimmer teammates, I can slowly start to see the confusion written all over their faces. Talki...

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Jack Lewis Leaves Springfield Behind, Still Has Diving Ahead

By Shelby Iava, Swimming World College Intern Diving isn’t just a thing of the past for Springfield graduate Jack Lewis. Many athletes move on from their athletic career in their life, but not Lewis. His future plans involve both coaching at the collegiate level and continuing his own diving through...

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3 Misconceptions of Being A Diver

By Shelby Iava, Swimming World College Intern There are always a few misconceptions when it comes to swimmers and divers. Yes, they compete for the same team, but their actions couldn’t be more different. Swimmers focus on the technique of the stroke and the time you chase as you race toward the tou...