Emmett Adams - (Author)


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Why Do We Swim?

Why Do We Swim? By Zach Breeding, Swimming World College Intern. "Why do humans do anything?" is a really big question. Some questions like this have biological answers such as: Why do humans eat? Well, because we need the chemical energy we get from the food in order to survive and continue to func...

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Swimming in Mythology and History

By Zach Breeding, Swimming World College Intern All competitive swimmers can trace their favorite (or least favorite) sports roots back to the early 19th century in Great Britain with the first indoor swimming pool being built in 1828. What was then called the National Swimming Society began holding...

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Lyons Dominate at Illinois Boys High School State

Agon is the proud sponsor of all high school coverage (recruiting, results, state championships, etc.) on SwimmingWorld.com. For more information about Agon, visit their website AgonSwim.com. The Lyons claimed the Illinois Boys high school state championship in a close meet on Saturday. In the 200 M...

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The Olympic Event That Almost Was: The Plunge

By Zach Breeding, Swimming World College Intern. A vast majority of the general public is aware of the four basic strokes in swimming and have a general idea of how each of them are done (which they love to demonstrate when asking swimmers about the sport). Swimmers, in comparison, are painfully awa...

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On Hearts and Swimming: The Jerome Smith Story

By Zach Breeding, Swimming World College Intern The human heart is a funny and miraculous thing. It is the only organ which can be relied on by most people to work without fail, all day every day. Many take this consistency for granted; in fact, about 1% of people in the world do not have this luxur...

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Life Lessons From the Long Black Line

By Zach Breeding, Swimming World College Intern There is no place quite as meditative as the water. Any swimmer can attest to this. When you're swimming alone, in the middle of the set, one can often get lost in their own head and become some sort of athlete philosopher hybrid. Thoughts that come to...

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In Defense of Peeing in the Pool

By Zach Breeding, Swimming World College Intern. In an impromptu survey taken of my team and the recruits we had that weekend as to whether or not they peed in the pool, 21 of them said that they did. The sample size was 21. Albeit this is a rather small sample size to be considered an actual survey...

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Just How Dominant is Katie Ledecky?

By Zach Breeding, Swimming World College Intern.  It's a very rare thing to see an athlete completely dominate a field and revolutionize a sport in one's lifetime. However, this is exactly what we are seeing Katie Ledecky do to the sport of swimming. And while her dominance and technique have been s...