Swim Life


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You Know You're a Swimmer When...12 Quirks That Come With the Sport

You Know You're a Swimmer When...12 Quirks That Come With the Sport By Rachel Helm To most people, swimming is seen as just a sport or having a little splash in the pool. However, to a competitive swimmer, it becomes a lifestyle. Here are 12 quirks of competitive swimming that we all can relate to. ...


The 29 Confessions of a Distance Swimmer

The 29 Confessions of a Distance Swimmer - From the Archives By Chandler Brandes "I didn't choose the distance life. The distance life chose me." Well, not quite. Distance swimmers are all born the same way: we swam the 500 for the first time around age nine or 10 and didn't do too badly, so our coa...

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Lessons Learned From the Injured Swimmer

Lessons Learned From the Injured Swimmer And there I was again, sitting on the side of the pool deck with my college’s athletic trainer, watching my teammates practice. All I wanted to do was get back in the water, but my body had other plans. With every day that passed, it felt like I was falling f...

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3 Key Features of a Successful Coach-Athlete Relationship

3 Key Features of a Successful Coach-Athlete Relationship As swimmers, our coaches are our backbone. They teach us the ways of the water and how to move through it as quickly as we can. They are there to give us high-fives when we have a good race, and they are a shoulder to cry on when we have a ba...

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What is the Hardest Event in Swimming? (VOTE HERE!)

What is the Hardest Event in Swimming (VOTE HERE!) On the deck or on the team van, the question of which is the hardest event in swimming has been debated. Opinions vary on the topic and athletes who contest a specific event have a tendency to pick their own as the No. 1 choice. Does the grinding na...

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6 Ways Swim Parents and Coaches Can Work Together

Six Ways Swim Parents and Coaches Can Work Together In A Beneficial Manner The coach-parent relationship is critical as athletes work toward improving and achieving their goals. In many cases, this relationship is smooth and proves beneficial. Unfortunately, there are times when parents do not give ...

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Golden Goals: Setting New Year's Swimming Resolutions for 2025

Golden Goals: Setting New Year's Swimming Resolutions for 2025 After 12 months of hard work in the pool, 2024 has finally come to a close. Whether it’s been a successful year or not, the end of the year often represents a time to reflect. Research from the University of Oregon suggests that setting ...

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48 Surefire Ways To Tell You're A Swimmer

48 Surefire Ways To Tell You're A Swimmer It takes a special breed of human to do what we do every day. Swimming for as long as we have, it’s fair to say we’ve seen a lot of interesting things in our career. Staring at a black line on the bottom of the pool is fun, right? With goggles and a cap as o...

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5 Difficult Decisions Swimmers Will Be Expected to Make

Decisions, Decisions! By Jennifer Yoo, Swimming World College Intern. Life is full of difficult decisions. There is an inexplicable pressure to make the right one, and each decision determines a different outcome that ultimately leads to even more choices. However, whether the choice was right or wr...

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14 Ways To Tell You Come From a Swimming Family

14 Ways To Tell You Come From a Swimming Family By J.P. Mortenson Due to the sport's all-consuming nature, swimming inevitably becomes a family affair. And once your family becomes a swimming family, the sport will affect your home life in more ways than you could have ever imagined! Here are 15 way...

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An Explanation Of How Tech Suits Benefit Swimmers

An Explanation Of How Tech Suits Benefit Swimmers When it comes time to race, many swimmers, especially those racing in high-level competitions, wear specialized knee-length swimsuits known as tech suits. They're everywhere in the swimming world. But how do tech suits work? And do they actually make...

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The 7 Sins of Swimming

The 7 Sins of Swimming (From the Archive - Originally Published 2017) By Chandler Brandes There is no such thing as a perfect swimmer. As swimmers, we sometimes (although rarely) make mistakes. We may DQ, forget our heat and lane, or even accidentally-on-purpose rip our cap at the exact moment a har...