Read more12A Complete Guide to Swimming Concussions08 February 2025By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor (From the Archive) Parents and coaches, pay attention. Concussions do happen in the pool. The below will help guide you through the risks, symptoms, and treatments for concussions. Be head smart in the pool with the complete guide to swimming concuss...
Read more3610 Hidden Benefits of Swimming14 August 202410 Hidden Benefits of Swimming Everyone wants to be an Olympic swimmer. But luckily, you don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to benefit from the sport. People of all ages, from all backgrounds, and with various levels of experience can benefit from swimming. Swimming is one of the few sports you can...
Read more255 Reasons why Masters Swimming Keeps Getting Faster!10 May 2023By Dr. G. John Mullen, DPT, CSCS - President COR - Sports Training and Physical Therapy A few years back, I had the opportunity to compete at Masters Nationals in Santa Clara, CA. I had been training, a blistering 3 hours a week split up into ~3-4 practices. I was ready for a great Masters race, hop...
Read more3115 Weird Swimmer Facts29 October 202215 Weird Swimmer Facts By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor Swimmers are fascinating. Not to be biased or anything, but they are. Swimmers have superhuman-like capabilities. They can make their bodies do weird things. And they have some rather strange rituals. These 15 weird facts about...
Read more5 Tips for Overcoming A Poor Performance17 June 20205 Tips for Overcoming A Poor Performance You trained, you cleared your head, you pushed yourself, and then you fell flat in the pool. Your confidence is shaken and you can’t stop yourself from replaying the swim over and over in your head. Give yourself a break. A bad swim isn’t the end of your ca.....
Read more310 Must Know Tips to Improve Ankle Mobility and Become a Better Swimmer!06 April 2020By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor. A swimmer’s propulsion relies a great deal on ankle mobility and flexibility. Unfortunately, the very same swimmers have limited mobility in their stiff ankles. Strength, mobility, and stability are key to effective form in the pool, so give your an...
Read more2Lat Pulldown for Swimmers: What Should Swimmers Do?20 January 2018By Dr. G. John Mullen, DPT, CSCS - President COR - Sports Training and Physical Therapy. Most swimmers have performed lat pulldown exercises. Many will do the lat pulldown with a wide grip, but is the wide grip the best position? Does it activate the most appropriate mus...
Read moreCOR Exercise of the Week: Clean to Press16 September 2017By Dr. G. John Mullen, DPT, CSCS - President COR - Sports Training and Physical Therapy Many colleges and some high school strength programs utilize the clean, a popular Olympic Lifting technique. The clean is a complex movement requiring proper training and biomechanics. Due to the complexity of th...
Read moreCOR Exercise of the Week: Single Leg Squat Assessment and Exercise11 September 2017By Dr. G. John Mullen, DPT, CSCS - President COR - Sports Training and Physical Therapy One of the most common questions I receive regards dryland training with little or no equipment. Many coaches face the challenge of finding hard exercises without equipment and with limited space. Luckily, the si...
Read moreCOR Exercise of the Week: Scapular Windmill30 June 2017By Dr. G. John Mullen, DPT, CSCS - President COR - Sports Training and Physical Therapy Clearly shoulder injuries are the main injury in swimmers due to the volume of revolutions at the shoulder joint for training. If you’ve been following my articles on various websites, you’re well aware I write a...
Read more169 Exercises For Swimmers You Need to Quit Doing TODAY!08 June 2017By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor. You aren’t the typical gym-goer. You’re a swimmer, and that matters when you go to the gym. If you just want to do a little yoga, take a class with a friend, or try out a new machine, it’s not that easy. Your body has needs, and many popular exercis...
Read more4L-Sit: The Toughest Body Weight Core Exercise You're Not Doing02 May 2017By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor. We have all heard the core is essential for swimming. Some debate the amount of necessary core work for elite swimming performance. Others argue the lack of specificity of traditional core exercises with swimming. No matter your belief, everyone in ...
Read more8Swimmer's Shoulder Off-season Guide13 March 2017By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor. The swimming “off-season” or spring break is around the corner for many in the swimming community. Although, not everyone is having a break (sorry high school swimmers whose swim season has just started), this period is a great opportunity to improv...
Read more12Preventing Swimming Injuries: 5 ESSENTIAL Changes01 March 2017Most sports are re-evaluating the notion of performing year-round. This is particularly true in sports where routines and precise “moves” are not involved. Swimming is unique, as it doesn’t involve a routine, but more dependent on biomechanics and “feel”. Nonetheless, the notion of breaking the idea...
Read more17 Tips for College Diving Recruits16 February 2017By Michael Vaandering, Swimming World Contributor. "OUT!", my coach yelled as I was coming around to the second flip on a front double somersault tuck. I heard him loud and clear but delayed the kick-out just a split second too long. The momentum from the flipping with the late kick-out set me up fo...
Read more152 Missing Parts of Your Swimmers' Shoulder Injury Prevention Program02 November 2016By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor I often discuss shoulder health, in fact many of you are probably sick of me laboring about shoulder injuries and injury prevention. Unfortunately, I feel like I'm not getting my point across, as thousands of swimmers enter our clinic each year with ...
Read more3 Challenging Core Exercises with A Streamlined Spine12 October 2016By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor A common issue from coaches is not being able to find hard core exercises which challenge the body, especially where the body is maintaining a streamline position. Some have heard of the spinal flexion theory, the idea that doing too many spinal flex...
Read more18Why You Shouldn't Shrug Off Swimmer's Shoulder01 October 2016By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor Swimmer's Shoulder is all too common on the pool deck. Many shrug it off (pun intended), saying shoulder pain is normal or it is simply shoulder soreness. Unfortunately, pain is pain, which reduces strength and enjoyment within the sport of swimmi...
Read more3Core Work for the Elite Swimmer: TRX Pike and Shift13 September 2016By Dr. G. John Mullen, DPT, CSCS Keeping the body moving forward during butterfly maintains efficiency and velocity. Many poor swimmers raise their head up too high for a breath, setting the brakes for each gasp of air. The TRX pike and shift, helps teach the swimmer how to connect their core with t...
Read moreLand Exercises to Help Swimmers Transfer Energy More Efficiently06 September 2016By Dr. G. John Mullen, Swimming World Contributor Transferring energy from the lower body, through the core, and into the upper body is essential for elite swimming. Often, swimmers will exhibit energy leaks while swimming, poorly transferring energy and slowing the swimmer. A while back, I posted t...