Set Category
Set Description
Set Intervals
1000 easy swim
change strokes except fly include drills, some kick totally otptional warm up must be done in 16 minutes
16*50 i.m. descend every four
55 seconds
Kick Set
16*50 kick intensity 80% 1-free-3fly-5-back-7-fly 2-4-6-8-breast twice through
1 minute
Main Set
5*200 breast every 75 change intensity last 50 faster by 3 seconds from the first
85% en3 , big emphasis in the synchronization when change the intensity
Pull Set
20#50 pull small puddles , even fresstyle ,odd breastroke
55 seconds 75%intensity
Main Set
speed set for breastroke 4*25 all out all breastrke plus 50 all out with dive
twice through this set 25 are every 45 seconds 50 i with 100 warm down after
1000 warm doun with fins , change strokes include drills , no fly
Total = 5700 LC Meters