--- Find A Workout ---

Ability Level:USS Sr./Jr. National Level
Type:Middle Distance Free
Course:SC Yards
Duration:120 Minutes
Authorchris soniak
Submitted By:chris
Club/Author Info: most the others in the list are not that bad just long and stupid 500s have to be that hardest thing you could do

Set Category Set Description Set Intervals
Warm-up 1000 to 1500 what ever warm up the coach thinks of like 5 200 on 250 240 230 230 220 ??
Drill Set here you could do some drill or kick or something like that likle 1000 to 1500 of it /
Main Set 11* 500 4 600
3 545
2 530
1 520
1 as fast as you can go
Other 2000 to 3000 kick or drill or pull and then go home and collapse


Total = 10000 SC Yards

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