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Workoutintense, midseason
Ability Level:USS ABC Level
Course:SC Meters
Duration:120 + Minutes
AuthorPatrick Craine
Submitted By:Patrick Craine
Club:Dartmouth Crusaders Swim Club
Club/Author Info:

Set Category Set Description Set Intervals
Warm-up 8x100's reverse I.M. stretched out, concentrating on turns each 100 on 2:15
Pre-Set 8x25's 2 of each stroke concentrating on starts and finishes each 25 on 1:00
Main Set 5x200's freestyle
10x100's backstroke
15x50's breaststroke
20x25's butterfly
200's on 3:10
100's on 1:45
50's on1:15
25's on :30
Main Set 4x100's choice, race pace, for time, concentrating on all aspects of speed and stroke 100's on 2:30

Kick Set 5x100's choice kick with board 100's on 2:30
Drill Set 8x25's choice concentrating on stroke (coaches explain how stroke should be performed) 25's on :35
Pull Set 5x200's pull with pull buoys and paddles, working to threshhold 200's on 3:30
Warm-Down 4x100's ascending(getting slower)
first one: front crawl 80%
next: backstroke 65%
next: breaststroke 50%
next: double arm back 30%
first on 1:45
2nd on 2:00
3rd on 2:45
4th on 4:00

Total = 6750m SC Meters

Swimming World is first and foremost concerned with the health and safety of its readers. If you have not been involved in an ongoing exercise regimen for at least six months, prior to attempting any of the workouts/exercises, check with your physician.