--- Find A Workout ---

WorkoutDecember 29, 1997
Ability Level:USS ABC Level
Course:SC Yards
Duration:120 Minutes
Submitted By:BH
Club:Humboldt Swim Club
Club/Author Info:

Located in Northern Ca.

Set Category Set Description Set Intervals
400 reverse IM
200 Im kick
200 choice

Rest 10 seconds inbetween each

20x50 free or fly
1st 50 breathe every 2 strokes
2nd 50 breathe every 3 and so on

@ :50

Main Set


25 fly- 75 choice
25 choice- 25 back
50 choice- 25 breast- 25 choice
75 choice- 25 free
Repeat 3 times

One minute and fifteen seconds

Kick Set

6x100 alternate IM and free

on the one minute and thirty five second interval

Pull Set
6x100 choice/IM

6x 100 alternate choice and IM

2 minutes


8x25 against partner w/ fins

coaches go

Drill Set
20x25 free drill

on the 25 second interval


4x75 ch 50kick 25 swim

@ 1:05


175 choice

Total = 5,550 SC Yards

Swimming World is first and foremost concerned with the health and safety of its readers. If you have not been involved in an ongoing exercise regimen for at least six months, prior to attempting any of the workouts/exercises, check with your physician.