Swimming World Launches New SwimmingWorld.TV

PHOENIX, Arizona, September 10. TODAY, we announce the dawning of a new era of video content and social interaction within Swimming World Magazine with the introduction of the public beta test of our new web site for SwimmingWorld.TV. Our new video initiatives will work in conjunction with the top-flight news reporting that will continue to be found at SwimmingWorldMagazine.com.

The new site not only offers a robust search function, it also is fully integrated into the online social media structure with the ability to share videos and blogs via Digg, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Delicious, StumbleUpon and much more.

The new venture also features a photo gallery option showcasing some of the best work by Swimming World photographers including our Chief Photographer Peter Bick. Additionally, users can interact directly via the forums on the new site and keep updated on content planned for the future via the online calendar. Also, some of the strongest bloggers from around the world will be featured on the site.

"More than 50 years ago Swimming World was born," Swimming World CEO Brent Rutemiller said. "Today's official launch of SwimmingWorld.TV as a separate news source dedicated to multimedia and social-media reporting sets a new benchmark in the evolution of our industry-leading news brand."

Since its inception, SwimmingWorld.TV has provided some of the top video content within the sport of swimming. The venture then took online news reporting of aquatic sports to another level in January 2008 with the debut of The Morning Swim Show. Ever since, our viewers and advertisers have been asking for more; more content, more options, more interaction.

"Our audience wants more video and discussion," Rutemiller said. "Our advertisers want more delivery vehicles. We have blended both, and look forward to watching this site grow."

We invite all of our readers and users to check out the new site at SwimmingWorld.TV. Please feel free to contact us through the new web site with any requests or suggestions for the new undertaking.

Our first big event will be the 2009 American Swimming Coaches Association World Clinic coming to you from Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The Morning Swim Show will be broadcast from the site, while Garrett McCaffrey will be posting some in-depth and exciting interviews and highlight packages from the site. Additionally, banquet footage will be featured as part of the launch of the new SwimmingWorld.TV.

"Jason Marsteller, our managing editor, must be commended in bringing this vision to fruition," Rutemiller said. "We look forward to the leadership of producer Garrett McCaffrey and support of advertising specialist Denton Taylor, our newest team members, to enhance the current work of host Peter Busch and associate producer Jeff Commings."

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